Monday, October 17, 2016

Answer the following question:

Who would you vote for?  Give a positive reason why this person is good for the office NOT why the other person is bad.


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  2. I would vote for Donald Trump for I believe he is a businessman, and that's what this country needs to thrive like we once did. I like his ideals on creating jobs, cracking down on illegal immigration, and building up our military to show the world we won't mess around.

  3. I would vote for Donald Trump because I believe that he would limit government waste because of his business background. As well, I believe that he would be an excellent negotiator in foreign affairs and with Congress with legislation. Furthermore, I believe he would protect life.

  4. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I know she would ensure equal pay for women in the workforce. Clinton would also advocate for other womens' rights such as pro-choice. As a woman on the brink of adulthood putting someone in office who will stand behind me and my rights is extremely important to me.

  5. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe that her plans for our economy are sound and she provides voter with her plan of action and explains how it will help the U.S. She is publicly strong answering any questions thrown her way with ease.

  6. I would vote for Donald Trump because I believe that his economic plans will strengthen our economy. Also Trump is for the veterans which I support.

  7. I would vote for Donald Trump, because he is economically inclined, as well as the fact that he is the "change" candidate in the election. He would be able to bring new jobs, and stop illegal immigration from other countries, bringing back some of the jobs that were lost to these illegal immigrants.

  8. I would vote for Donald Trump because I believe that our country needs a change. Donald Trump is not a politician, but he is surrounding himself with experienced politicians that can help him. He is an experienced businessman and I believe he can help the economy using that experience. He is also for the veterans which I very much agree with.

  9. I would vote for Donald Trump because I like his economic stance and I believe America needs to be more forceful with foreign policies and Trump would be very good at helping with that.

  10. I would vote for Donald Trump. This is because I trust that due to Trump's many years of experience in owning businesses and real estate that he would offer a realistic and efficient economic plan that would benefit our economy and create more jobs.

  11. I would vote for Donald Trump because I believe that our country is ready for a change. I also believe that Trump's years of business experience could go a long way in improving America's economy. I also agree with Trump's immigration policies and the fact that he wants to secure our borders.

  12. I would vote for Donald Trump simply because I believe his economic policies are more solid and realistic as well as his support of a tougher, more organized vetting process for refugees and immigrants in a time of global terrorism and war.

  13. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because she has worked her entire life to help families and children and is more than qualified to be president.

  14. I would Vote for Mr. Trump, for over a year he has defied the odds and proved everyone wrong. I respect his dedication and drive to achieve a goal even when all odds were against him. I believe the country needs this type of dedication in the oval office at this time.

  15. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because not only does she have the proper experience that would allow for American trust in their leader, but she also has a head on her shoulders and knows what to say and when. Her beliefs for the nation are realistic, and she understands how the government and economy works so that she would be able to efficiently act upon her ideals and help the nation as a whole.

  16. I would vote for Donald Trump because I agree with his economic plans and his plans to strengthen foreign policy. America needs a change in leadership and I believe that Trump can provide that.

  17. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because she's an experienced politician and i believe that her economic plans are great and will improve our community. I also agree with her border control ideas and her views on abortion rights

  18. I would vote for Donald Trump because his experience as a successful businessman and economic policies will benefit the US more. Trump will cut unnecessary regulations, lower taxes, and once again unleash the America’s entrepreneurial dream. Also, he is different. He's not a politician, and so was never on the "inside".

  19. I would vote for Donald Trump because he can greatly benefit the economy. Trump is a successful businessman and knows how to create jobs and bolster the economy. His policies regarding trade and taxes would greatly benefit businesses and allow for more corporate competition. I also believe his toughness on illegal immigration would be a major improvement to the current situation.

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  21. I would vote for Donald Trump because I believe he has the best foreign policy in terms of illegal immigration and military spending in defending other countries. He wants us to not spend as much money defending other countries and instead focus more on building up our own military.

  22. I would vote for Donald Trump because I believe Trump, as a very knowledgeable businessman and with a wealthy background, can stimulate the economy and create more jobs, lowering the unemployment rate which in my opinion, is one of the most important obligations a president bears. He also has a practical view from the people's perspective like cutting taxes, which will actually make an impact on people's lives.

  23. I would vote for Donald Trump becuase i believe his economic plans will help and benefit this country and reduce the trillions of dollars in debt. Also his strict policy's on immigration show he will not tolerate anything illegal

  24. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe that she would defend ideals of pro-choice, equal pay for women, gun regulation, and fair immigration laws to make citizenship more possible and keep families together. Clinton is also very qualified with a lot of political experience.

  25. I would vote for Donald Trump would I be able to vote in this election. I would vote for him not because of how he is unchained and speaks and acts like a commoner but because of what he believes. His economic policy is solid because if we do not cut taxes for businesses they will continue to leave. On a more personal note I have experience with China and their "Dumping" of good into our country trying to push American companies out of business. My father own a tire retreading business and Chinese low quality and low price tires nearly pushed my father out of business. I am voting for Trump because what he was behind, the tax on Chinese truck tires. I believe he will help our country especially if he surrounds himself with the right people. That is why I would vote for Donald Trump.

  26. I'm honestly so happy that I wasn't born in time to be eligible to vote in the election, but if I was I'm pretty sure I would vote for Donald Trump because i like his economic plan and immigration laws and looking at his business he is a person who can get things done and I think that he would actually be able to get the country to a relatively good spot.

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  28. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because she possesses temperament, political experience, and fair and progressive policies regarding women's rights and the Second Amendment. Also, I believe she would be both an imposing figure in foreign affairs as well as a cooperative diplomat

  29. If I were to vote in this upcoming election, I would vote for Hillary Clinton because she advocates for issues that are most relevant to me. I also believe that her extensive political experience gives her the ability to work well under pressure and act rationally when making important decisions.

  30. If I could vote in this election, I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I am more in line with the issues she advocates for. Additionally, Secretary Clinton has a vast spectrum of government experience, which is why I believe she will be effective on both domestic and foreign affairs. As shown in the debates, her calm and confident demeanor in the face of adversity is exactly what we need in a commander in chief.

  31. I would vote for Donald Trump if I had the ability to. His ideas for new policies on immigration and extensive experience in economic affairs strongly appeal to me as a young American soon entering the working world.

  32. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I firmly believe she is the better fit for President. She wants to strengthen the middle class and continue to grow the economy. Also, she is highly qualified for the job, and I trust that she will reflect and think before making decisions instead of acting on impulse. Clinton actively speaks out against discrimination and will be a voice for all, no matter the race, gender, sexuality or religion.

  33. I would vote for Hillary Clinton in this election due to the fact that she holds a high level of political experience. I am in support of her proposed policies on reproductive rights, healthcare, and education, as well as her opposition to trickle-down economics.

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  35. I would vote for Hillary Clinton. Clinton is by far the most well qualified candidate, achieveing success as a Secretary of State, a senator and a First Lady. Clinton is strong on foreign policy, as well as economically practical, paving a way to grow the middle class and decrease the ever-expanding income gap. Clinton supports the intake of Syrian refugees, a humanitarian necessity, preserve the vastly successful Affordbale Health Care Act, and would appoint a liberal justice to the Supreme Court.

  36. I would vote for Donald Trump because of his economic plan. I really believe that he can keep jobs in America by keeping the big corporations here. Making tarrifs higher To me is a great idea and he will truely make America great again

  37. I would vote for Donald Trump because his devotion, and dedication has gained my respect. Also,I believe that his vast experience as a businessman, can be beneficial to the US and its economic policies. Mr. Trump would be a great negotiator as well, when it comes to making new deals with others.

  38. I would vote for Donald Trump because I believe that he has more of an understanding of the economy that anyone and can really help bring jobs back to America and strengthen the economy. I also believe he will have a better ability to fight terrorism, which is an ever growing problem.

  39. I would vote for Donald Trump because even though I disagree with his views on abortion, I think his economic plan and his vetting system will be extremely beneficial to the country as a whole. I also believe he will surround himself with the right people to effectively run the United States.

  40. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe in her policies for education and the economy. As a student about to head into college, I would like a president that would aid the public in the amount of college tuition each family has to pay. Also I believe her ability to keep a cool head is a very important presidential trait to have.

  41. I would vote for Hillary Clinton. She has the political experience needed to be president. I agree with her support of equal rights in regards to race, religion, gender, sexuality and ethnicity.

  42. If I could vote in the upcoming election I would vote for Donald Trump based on his plans for the economy and foreign policy. Trump's plan to renegotiate NAFTA will ensure that more jobs stay in America, which I think will be successful. Trump's plan to cut taxes will benefit corporations which will then create more jobs for Americans and help the economy. Trump also mentioned repealing Obamacare in the debate tonight, which I think needs to be done because this system has proved to be unnecessarily expensive and ineffective.

  43. I would vote for Donald Trump because I agree with many of his ideas of foreign policy. Mr. Trump wants other nations to take responsibility for themselves. He also wants to have stronger regulations on refugees. This only makes logical sense in the fact that we must not sacrifice the safety of our citizens on a gamble wether refugees are truly refugees or not.

  44. If I had the ability to vote, I would vote for Donald Trump solely due to his economic plans. At this point in time, our country is in turmoil as far as the economy and I strongly believe Trump knows how to correct the issues we are dealing with. I look forward to him creating more jobs, fueling the economy in a great way and hopefully making America great again!

  45. If I were able to vote for one of the two candidates who participated in the three presidential debates, I would vote for Mr. Trump. First, I predict that, as the Republican candidate, he will appoint an older, and therefore more experienced, judge to fill the late Justice Scalia's place in the Supreme Court. Additionally, an older judge means that he or she will leave the Supreme Court sooner, and I believe that more turnover in the Supreme Court will the court look at the issues with a fresh perspective. Second, the United States currently has a debt of about $19.4 trillion dollars and I believe that Mr. Trump, as an able and savvy businessman, is the best person available to rectify any portion of this national debt. I agree with his 'small government' oriented policy and I think that reducing government spending is the best way forward. Additionally, I think that diversifying the US economy is a smart intention. Third, as someone preparing to enter the workforce, I agree with Mr. Trump's aim to bring jobs back to America in a bifurcated perspective. First, increasing jobs in America will strengthen the economy and, two, taking back jobs previously outsourced to China and Mexico in particular will fortify pride in the American identity for both those who voted for Mr. Trump and for those who did not vote for Mr. Trump. Fourth, I believe that America's political scene needs to adapt to a changing world and that the best candidate available to lead America in this pursuit is Mr. Trump.

  46. I would vote for Donald Trump because I feel America needs a change from your typical politicians,and a business man may be the perfect fit for what we need. We need someone who can fix our nations suffering economy, and I believe Trumps plans on Immigration, and on job creation. He would run the country like the successful business owner he is.

  47. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe that she was assiduous in addressing all her ideas to her best ability. She centers her focus on what she believes is best for the individuals as well as what will benefit the overall population in the long run. Her ability to keep her composure bolsters her presidential persona. Her solid foreign policy helps to build upon her own campaign. In addition to this secretary Clinton and I have similar views on issues such as abortion, gay marriage, and taxes. Her extensive political background works to accentuate how she is most suitable to be president.

  48. If I could vote, I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I believe she is most qualified for the job with her 30+ years experience in politics. Also, I think she will help the economy, especially the middle class as well as raising minimum wage.

  49. Personally, I would vote for Hillary Clinton because as a woman I support her plans to help close the pay gap between men and women and protect women’s reproductive rights. Also, she would shatter the glass ceiling and show that a woman can be president of the United States.

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  51. I would vote for Donald Trump, because I believe bringing someone from outside of politics could be a positive change. He has a lot of experience in the business world. With this, he could create jobs and help boost the economy.

  52. I will do my best to stay brief and to the point here, although it tends to be difficult for me: Hillary Clinton is the most qualified candidate for the presidency and would therefore gain my vote on Election Day. Hillary Clinton presents an understanding of the fact that globalization and diversity are practically unstoppable forces given the state of our world. Her finesse in foreign policy, her temperament, her experience and her perspective will by far help shape an America that can confidently look to the future and be an effective actor on the world stage. Furthermore, her plans to support the economy and people of this nation through raising the minimum wage, maintaining vital entitlements, enforcing trade deal regulations, and making the upper class pay their fair share will bolster our economy and make us more competitive by empowering every American with what they need to succeed. I could continue listing accomplishments, beneficial policies, and arguments in her favor for hours on end, which I would willingly do. This is a brighter future for a better America; this is the story of Hillary Clinton.

  53. If I was able to vote, I would elect Donald Trump. I strongly reflect his polices on immigration and feel this is one of the countries greatest concerns looking into the future. This topic is going to become ever more so controversial with ISIS in existence and the troubles in the middle east spilling into the western hemisphere. Allowing all of these immigrants into our country with no in depth background checks is a plan for failure and can only hurt our country. This combined with his experience to build an empire and international trade plans would give him my vote in the election.

  54. Personally, if given the ability to vote, I would pick Donald Trump because although, he is not the best at articulating his plans it is evident he is passionate about "Making America Great Again". Despite being under qualified and an unfamiliar with politics I believe that Donald Trump will do all that is in his power to boost the economy and keep Americans safe in terms of lowering crime and preventing terrorism.

  55. If I was able to vote in the upcoming election, I would vote for Hillary Clinton. She has political experience, having been a senator and the Secretary of State. Despite the controversies surrounding her, such as the email scandal, I believe she will lead a stable and progressive government, keeping many of the policies Obama has put in place.

  56. I would vote Clinton because she had years of political experience and I think her economic plan would help the middle class. She also will work towards equal pay for women which is very important to me as a woman who in four years will be graduating college.

  57. I would vote for Donald Trump, because at the end of the day he is a businessman, not a politician. Right now our country really needs to get back a strong base economy especially after the 2008 recession. I think that the nation could really benefit from having a president who does not have a previous political agenda.

  58. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because I know she would work to fix inequalities in the work place for women. Her extensive political background would help her successfully help the middle class and families.

  59. i would vote for Donald Trump because i agree with his ideas on immigration. i believe that he is correct on how we need to deport illegal immigrants that have been flooding our country for years. i think it is good that we can have a business man as our president rather than a politician

  60. I would vote for Donald Trump because of his policies on trade and immigration. He has an extensive background in business and will be able to help the country prosper with his economic policies. Also, with his immigration policies he will help to protect the country by limiting the amount of refugees the United States accepts.

  61. I would vote for Donald Trump. Although he comes across as uneducated and vulgar at times, he has a fantastic team behind him in the form of his family and I agree with his policies. He wants to aid America in the fight to stop getting taken advantage of by foreign nations when it comes to trade. He believes that America can be fixed in all other aspects as well and is confident in himself and that he can do so.

  62. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because of the fact that she has political experience that is needed for the position and I support her push for closing the wage gap and equality regardless of sex, sexual orientation, etc., as well as her support of abortion rights for women.

  63. I would vote for Hillary Clinton because of her views on LGBT equality and will to improve health care. Clinton wants to promote human rights of LGBT individuals in America and around the world. She wants to protect and support LGBT youth and transgender rights. Clinton does not want to throw out the Affordable Care Act but to improve upon it so it is more available to more citizens

  64. I would vote for Hillary Clinton in the upcoming election as I believe that her economic policy is the most realistic. I strongly agree with her beliefs on trade and plan to decrease the income-gap. Further, as a student entering college, I would like to have a president who could help me with the payments to college.

  65. I would vote Hillary Clinton because she has more of a political experience. I also feel her economic policy is better.

  66. If I was old enough to vote, I would vote for Hillary Clinton. Clinton is very well qualified. She graduated from Yale Law School, co-founded Arkansas Advocates for children and families, served eight years as a first lady, served as a U.S senator from New York, and served as the Secretary of State. I would also vote for her because I believe in her views. She is pro-choice, supports gun control, and wants to fix Citizens United. I also agree with her views on immigration and healthcare. If Hillary was to be elected as President, Bill Clinton would play a large role in advising her. Although I do think Bill Clinton may be sick, I still believe that he will be very effective in the White House. Hillary Clinton is also a very strong advocate for woman´s rights, childcare, equal pay, and paid leave for women.

  67. I would vote for Donald Trump because of the change he is offering as a President. He is a political outsider and he would be different than the other candidates in the past.

  68. I would elect Hillary Clinton if I were able to vote because I agree with her strategy to improving Healthcare. We should build onto the system that is already in place instead of completely demolishing it. Also she has experience in the political arena and would also be the first woman president in America; therefore I would elect her for these reasons.

  69. Unfortunately, the presidential election did not turn out as I had hoped. Since I had been especially concerned about free trade, my support had gone to Hillary Clinton and Gary Johnson. However, Donald Trump has won the presidency, which spells trouble for free trade. It is highly likely that the Trans-Pacific Partnership will dissipate and the North American Free Trade Agreement will be in jeopardy if Trump does not get the deal he wants. Even more troubling is that countries on the Pacific Rim may look to China for a trade deal if they do not get one with the United States. This may mean that China gains not only an economic advantage over the United States, but also, quite possibly, a diplomatic one as well.

  70. After the results of the election I was pretty shocked that Donald Trump was able to win the presidency after the election he ran. I felt that Clinton would prove to be the more experienced and qualified candidate and be able to work off of Obamas health care plan and continued economic growth once in office. After the results of the election I can now see that the American people wanted change in Washington and a more closed off isolated nation.

  71. If I was able to vote I would have voted for Hillary Clinton. Her years of experience in public service make her the more qualified candidate. I also feel that her economic policies will help increase our economic growth. I strongly disagree with Donald Trump on a variety of his policies, most notably his stance on climate change. I do not think that someone who thinks that climate change is a myth is fit for the presidency.

    Evan Molyneaux

  72. If I was able to vote I would have voted for Hillary Clinton. Her years of experience in public service make her the more qualified candidate. I also feel that her economic policies will help increase our economic growth. I strongly disagree with Donald Trump on a variety of his policies, most notably his stance on climate change. I do not think that someone who thinks that climate change is a myth is fit for the presidency.

    Evan Molyneaux
