Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Second Presidential Debate 

Town Hall moderated by 
Anderson Cooper

Image result for Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Debate

Watch the debate on Sunday October 9th at 9:00 - 10:30
Offer your reactions and comments on the debate as it occurs.

Remember the Rules
1. Respect each others opinion.
2. Don't take their comments at face value
3. No off topic comments
4. No inappropriate Language / or inappropriate comments.


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  2. I like your tie today, bach (JP)

  3. Howdy testing testing 1 2 3

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  6. Add me on snapchat @ryankaufman1

  7. Gary Johnson 2K16!

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  9. what´s good yall

  10. like for a truth is

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  13. OK Guys 45 minutes until debate time. All comments above are considered tests to make sure your device works anything below will be graded.

  14. Addressing Mr. Kenneth Sung's heritage in a compassionate manner could be a positive move for Mr. Trump to seem more sensitive.

  15. It surprises me that already, the tension between the two candidates is tangible, as seen by the awkward nodding towards one another, lack of a handshake and generally distant body language.

    1. I agree completely. This should be an interesting debate with so much tension from the get go.

  16. Hillary starts off by asking her if she's a teacher...getting more on a personal level.

  17. I think it was smart of Clinton to turn the question towards her, asking if she is a teacher

  18. The lack of a handshake to initiate the second debate could foreshadow hostility.

  19. I'm surprised she talked about the educators' and students' reactions first. -Nicholas Gucciardo

  20. Dumb question here, but shouldn the moderators reiterate the question to Mr.Trump before starting his time?

  21. This first question is personal and asks how the candidates feel they influence today's youth. Both candidates avoided the question and instead discussed how they will better the country for our children.

  22. The first question mentioned that many students and young people watch the debate, intelligent answers from both candidates. More statistics from Trump while Hillary said that they would respect one another.

  23. Is Donald Trump okay? His breathing pattern is rather concerning.

  24. Trump seems a lot less animated, almost looks defeated

  25. Its frustrating when Trump says "I will do things" I really hope bot candidates are more specific on their policies this debate

  26. Hillary Clinton had the much better answer for the first question because Donald Trump didn't even come close to answering the question.

  27. I agree that Trump doesn't seem passionate or enthusiastic in his answers

  28. Secretary Clinton is doing a good job of directly answering the question and staying on topic.

  29. Mr. Trump's first statement demonstrated his agreement with Mrs. Clinton, but goes on to use the word "I" while Mrs. Clinton used the word "we," which shows an attempt to solidify the country.

  30. Trump was asked a very difficult question and adds information instead of answering the question directly

  31. Does any one else agree that Trump is dodging the question? I believe he did not answer her question while Hillary took a more direct route to answer her question.

    1. I definitely agree with you on this point Kevin

  32. Trump is already insulting the moderator and attempting to move to another topic (Isis and immigration), instead of facing the question of his comments. Further, he is only saying that he is embarrassed by his comments, not that they are necessarily wrong.

    1. This is Ryan Catapano, in case I appear as unknown

  33. I feel as though Trump is dodging the question, which is very concerning considering the severity of the issues brought up by that tape.

    1. I agree, he goes on to address other topics instead.

  34. While the tape and the allegations against Mr.Trump are extremely troubling, I am interested to see whether the moderators will bring up such troubling allegations against Mrs.Clinton?

  35. Clinton answered her questioned very well and she expanded upon it well bringing up other key topics.

  36. Mr. Trump is evasive of the question about his sexist comment and attempts to redirect the conversation to a topic he wants to discuss.

  37. Trump is trying to focus on the issues rather than defend himself which I believe was the best way for him to react to the tape that came out. Hillary is focusing on directly attacking Trump's character, which Trump has yet to do in a debate.

  38. In my opinion Hillary had the better answer for the first question because she actually answered the question unlike Donald Trump

  39. Even though Trump apologizes for his "locker room talk," he still tries to push off the blame and turns the attention to ISIS, away from himself.

    1. I agree, ISIS is not relative to the question

  40. Not only that, but I found it interesting that Mrs.Clinton did not refer to Mr.Trump with a honorific prefix( Mr,Mrs,etc...) but instead simply as 'Donald Trump', could foreshadow an incoming hostility as the night goes on.

  41. I was irritated by Trump interrupting and asking if he was allowed to respond to Mrs Clinton. I think he needs to show respect and his comment does not do that

  42. I'm curious as to whether or not allegations will be made regarding Hillary's past like this. I understand the tape is a significant topic but it has no correlation to Hillary or her campaign...

  43. Clinton seems far more concerned with appealing to a broad and diverse America in everything she has said so far.

  44. I like how Hillary Clinton mentions the Republicans and indenpendents who feel that Trump is unfit for the Oval Office. She subtlely illustrates the divide within the Republican Party.

  45. Trump's already bantering with the moderator, complaining about Hillary being to answer to more.

  46. You can't just dismiss what he said as locker room banter and the way he treats and talks about women is disgraceful. Hillary is doing a great job of painting a picture of who Trump is for everyone and states how he has acted toward several groups of people.

  47. I wonder why the moderators would not fully allow Mr. Trump to respond to Clinton's attack on his character, and instead decided to return to the issue of the tape.

  48. @Nick I totally agree with you on that one.

  49. I do not like his repetition of the term "locker room talk" as if that makes up for the vulgar comments

  50. It's easy to be on the offensive when the questions are geared towards attacking the opposition

  51. An apology does not mean that the action needs to be forgiven

  52. Trump definitely is more calm this round, and does apologize to the things aimed at him instead of raising his voice and fighting.

  53. Again, Trump cuts off the moderator when she's in the middle of relaying the question being asked. In my opinion, his attitude and disrespect will not earn him any likability.

  54. ¨Locker room talk¨? I've never heard a teenager say something close to those words let alone a 60 year old man. Also keeps bringing up Bill Clinton and not accepting he was wrong.

  55. I think trump actually responded maturely to the accusations finally taking responsibility for his action and a very intelligent move turning the conversation to the Bill Clinton Scandal

  56. Donald Trump brings up Bill Clinton's actions to attack Hillary while he didn't bring it up in the previous debate.

  57. Secretary Clinton looks flustered after Mr. Trumps remarks about her husband. I hope this night doesn't go negative within the first 15 min.

    1. definitely I don't think Clinton was expecting a comment like that at all

  58. I feel as thought this debate needs to be focused more on key issues and not on either of the candidates scandals.

    1. I agree completely.

    2. I also agree. I feel like this whole campaign is revolving around rumors and scandals rather than issues that the country is facing. This makes it seem almost like a race of who is less of a liar, rather than who is more trustworthy and dependable.

  59. Trump does a good job by apologizing for his words and then reprimanding the Clintons for their actions. Hillary also attacked Trump for not focusing on issues, which is unfair as the questions directed to him thus far have focused on the tape rather than issues.

  60. the moderator is doing a great job moderating

  61. Mr. Trump's statement "It's just words, folks. It's just words" demonstrates that he does not want to be held accountable for his words. "It's locker room talk" does not excuse the comment.

    1. I definitely agree with this statement. This comment by Trump can't be excused for the reasons he stated.

  62. Mrs.Clinton took advantage of the first argument pinning Mr.Trump on the defense questioning his character. I also believe his hostility towards the moderators will not pay off as the debate continues and forces the two against him.

  63. I think that at the end of the day both candidates have their scandals and the focus of this town hall really needs to shift more towards policy. I'm not saying that these things are unimportant, for in fact they are very important, but at the end of the day both have scandals and Americans really deserve to hear about the policies that will dictate their future rather than the scandals that hold us all in the past.

    1. I completely agree with you, this seems like the entire night is going to be about scandals. Two debates will be wasted and so many undecided voters are still going to be left undecided

    2. I agree. Hopefully, the debate will soon switch from glorified gossip to actual discussion on policy. It's scary to think that either of these two candidates will be the leader of the free world.

  64. I think it was really smart of Mrs. Clinton to ask the questions that many Americans are thinking, and pointing out some of the reasons why he would be unfit to be president.

  65. @John I actually think Trump taking responsibility for his words is more professional than dismissing it just like Hillary did with the emails in the first debate

  66. I liked trump's mic drop. A majority of this debate is probably just gonna be a back and forth between the candidates. It's actually like a rap battle. I'd prefer to hear about what the candidates will do for our future rather than what happened in the past.

  67. While the tape could be detrimental for Trump's reputation, we have to keep in mind that everyone has some fault one way or another. Clinton has done her fair share in the past as well.

    While I disagree with the the direction of the questions, I do appreciate Hillary's presidential composure in comparison to that of Trump

  68. In terms of mannerisms, Hillary is sitting respectively watching and, when speaking sounds more orderly. On the other hand, Trump appears congested and tired, sniffling often into the microphone. These mannerisms reflect poorly on his ability to carry the heavy burden that the position of commander in chief carries with it. This is purely based on tonight, not taking Hillary's previous sickness into account.

  69. Interesting how Trump brings up the super-delegates keeping Sanders from possibly winning the Democratic primary. Also, Trump is bringing up a lot of Hillary's scandals. He is going negative, unlike the first debate.

  70. Instead of talking about why Hillary is a bad candidate Trump should talk more about why he is a good candidate.

  71. hilary and trump are going to get very hostile now

  72. God this debate has already become so personal, it´s crazy

  73. I agree that Hillary is maintaining better composure, proving her ability to remain calm in tough situations

  74. Donald Trump is also trying to describe the divide in the Democratic Party by mentioning Bernie Sanders.

  75. Both of them are attacking each other using each other's past scandals rather than focusing on the issues being asked about

  76. Hillary goes on defensive, talking over moderator.

  77. Hillary Clinton is still doing a great job attacking Donald Trump. I feel that this debate is focused too much on personal issues about each other and not on the issues. Also did Donald Trump just say he is going to prosecute Hillary Clinton. He is getting under her skin and making her frustrated.

  78. It's really interesting to watch Trump and Mrs. Clinton slowly lose their cools. While they started out the debate relatively calm and respectful, but as the debate goes on they have gotten more heated and disrespectful

  79. It almost feels like the roles are reversed, Trump acting professional, and Hillary erratically responding with more emotion than professionalism

  80. I think both the audience and candidates need to respect the moderators more

    1. I also think the moderators could also try doing a bit of a better job moderating.

  81. "Because you would be in jail" enough said.

  82. Both candidates are maintaining a calm composure while both are being very hostile. Unfortunately, this is a result of the debate being focused on scandals over issues.

  83. The audience is a lot more vocal during this debate, interesting because they are mainly composed of undecided voters

    1. Good point! I didn't even think of this.

  84. The moderators are not doing a good job with controlling the debate in my opinion. I feel like the moderators are almost egging on the negativity with their questions.

  85. I feel like both Trump and Clinton are not directly answering most of the questions, or even if they do they go on irrelevant tangents.

    1. They spend more time going after each other than answering questions

  86. I think it is noble of Hillary Clinton to apologize for what she had done when it comes to the emails rather than getting defensive about it.

  87. Clinton saying she takes classified information clearly while previously claiming to the FBI she didn't know C stood for classified

  88. the two candidates should cover more about politics and less about scandals

  89. When is the real debate going to start? So far the candidates have only been bashing each other for their scandels and controversies. They are both slowly losing their composure and it is becoming more like a comedy show than a presidential debate.

    1. Clinton has given up defending herself

    2. I totally agree. The audience's questions are not being addressed. The debate has become an argument back and forth between Trump and Hillary about their scandals, which has become repetitive.

  90. I agree with Liz in that they aren't directly answering questions.

  91. The debate had deteriorated into a sort of argument coming out of the elementary school lunchroom. When Trump says something, Clinton immediately shoots back that it is false, but of course, Trump cannot contain his composure and barks back at her.

  92. Mrs.Clinton's demeanor comes off as slightly arrogant and dismissive when addressing the email scandal.Merely calling it a 'mistake.'

  93. The candidates appear to be very accusatory instead of focusing on their own policies

  94. The audience hasn't been able to participate as much as I would have liked to see so far

  95. Although Mr.Trump has made some claims that are a bit vulgar for a presidential debate Mrs. Clinton has chosen not to take the high road and fights back which may hurt her campaign. I do not agree with the way Mr.Trump has gone about the debate, but I believe Mrs.Clinton should have remained calmer and responded with less attitude.

  96. Sounds like two children arguing

  97. the moderators need to do a better job at controlling the debate.

  98. Did Trump just call out Congress

  99. Despite their being two moderators this time around, they seem to be doing an incredibly poor job of reining the candidates in.

    1. I agree. Both candidates are being extremely combative tonight, talking over each other and the moderators.

  100. A Half hour in and we finally have a decent question

  101. Trump needs to stop fighting with moderators and spend more time answering the questions asked

  102. Both candidates need to respect the moderators more, and be more professional towards one another.

    1. i agree completely

    2. I expected Cooper to have better control over them

  103. I don't find it fair that the moderators keep cutting off Trump but let Hillary speak.

  104. Donald Trump really should not be picking fights with the moderator, especially when they're trying to shift the focus of the debate to an important issue such as health care policy. The candidates should be encouraging policy talk, not condemning it in favor of more scandal talk.

    1. Note: Although I was referring to Trump's attack on the moderator, this applies to both candidates. Just to clarify, I was not attempting to attack Donald Trump.

  105. This discussion about Mrs. Clinton's deleted emails has brought out the worst in both candidates. It is the first time Mrs. Clinton has spoken over a moderator, which shows that she is becoming annoyed and upset, which does not look "presidential." Additionally, Mr. Trump's comment about how Mrs. Clinton would be in jail if he was in charge of the law in America neither helped him nor hurt her. It does nothing to gain Mr. Trump formerly undecided voters because it does not look "presidential."

  106. Trump is teeing of on Hillary over her emails. It is going to be interesting to see if they come up again later. People not being able to trust her is his strongest argument.

  107. This question is very important for Trump as he needs to demonstrate more plans, instead of vague descriptions or dodging what he would do. It will be interesting to see how he responds, and to see if he can avoid simply challenging Hillary's quality.

    1. I agree Ryan, this is an important question for Trump.

  108. I would be very interested to see a question about how and if the candidates would regulate the prices of live-saving and necessary drugs and similar items such as EpiPen while they're on the discussion of health care.

  109. Trump does really well when it comes to talking about economics.

  110. What policy will Trump impose instead of Obamacare I would like to hear that rather than Trump bashing the current system

  111. I honestly can't tell if he's trying to keep his composure for the public or if he's just that discouraged

  112. Hillary wants to fix the Affordable Care Act and lays out steps planned to fix it. Trump explains thoroughly why it should be repealed and replaced. Both candidates appeared very prepared for this issue.

  113. In my opinion, these two people are trying to run for president, but they're both acting way too immature for trying to persuade us to give them our vote.

  114. I agree with Chris, he should give actual plans.
