Friday, December 9, 2016






  1. Being a memeber of the Foreign Affairs and Foreign Reations Committees allows him to examine bills that relate to the relations between the United States and other nations. This includes border disputes, declarations of war, nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, and international organizations such as the United Nations. Furthermore, being a member of this committee allows him to have a greater voice on international economic policies such as creating foreign loans, forming commodity agreements, and protecting American business interests abroad. -Nicholas Gucciardo

  2. The House Committee on Appropriations is responsible for allocating funds. By setting specific expenditures of money by the government of the United States, the committee is considered one of the most powerful ones and its members are seen as influential. Much of the funding for defense, social programs, and even the cost of operating the government itself must first be endorsed by the committee. Controlling the funding for issues promoted by agencies, the committee members hold the essential component for regulation of federal spending. Subcommittees must submit their budgets yearly to continue to receive funds. Some of the committees that are answerable to the House Appropriations Committee include those devoted to defense, agriculture, and homeland security. Having this appropriations power also means having more influence on others because their decision affects everything that requires funding or money to be allocated. They have the power to essentially limit spending on individual projects and raise that limit too. The amount of money allocated also determines the importance and the success of the project at hand. If more money is funded towards one social program and not another, the program with more funding will have the needed finances to exist and be successful. - Michelle Fong

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is responsible for security legislation and for the oversight of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Its subcommittees include Border and Maritime Security, Counterterrorism and Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies, Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications, Oversight and Management Efficiency, and Transportation Security. Being a member of the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs expands a senator’s influence by allowing him or her access to legislation pertaining to the safety of U.S. citizens. Security and counterterrorism efforts are especially important in current events when Americans on the whole are becoming increasingly fearful of ISIS and other terrorist organizations. Terrorism is a hot-button issue and, thus, the senators that are members of this committee have the potential to prevent incidents or aid in the direct aftermath of attacks, which would greatly increase their influence. Additionally, the subcommittee of Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications, in addition to protecting the nation from terrorism, provides disaster relief in the wake of a variety of circumstances. If a terrorist attack or other disaster affects the state from which a senator on this committee is from, s/he can be influential in helping gain relief resources for that state. Finally, all of these factors can expand a senator’s power because, if that senator is re-elected just twice, s/he would be a senator over the course of four presidential tenures. The name recognition value of that fact would earn that senator a great deal of influence.

  5. The House Committee on Agriculture focuses on a wide variety of things pertaining to agriculture in America like conservation, food transparency, innovations in agriculture, markets, and finance. The influence of the congressmen on this committee are expanded because they are able to advocate for the farmers, ranchers, rural communities, and consumers from the district that they represent. For example, Mike Conaway represents Texas' 11th Congressional District in congress. By being on the House Committee of Agriculture he is able to ensure that programs under the committee’s jurisdiction are defensible and financially responsible.

  6. The Senate Committee on the nations budget allows those in the to monitor government spending. This allows senators to review grants that may be given out tot he states through the federal government. The main goal of this committee is to balance the budget which means choosing where and were not to spend. Since each senator is in office for 6 year, each senator can potentially have a big impact as to where funding is going whether it be to education, small businesses, or public infrastructure. This committee ensures no wasteful spending by the government.

  7. The Rules and Administration Committee is the most influential committee in Congress. It is headed by the Speaker of the House, who is second in line for the presidency. Making friends with the Speaker can give any congressmen tremendous influence on law making. Congressmen on this committee also have the power to decide how long bills can be debated on as well as when they will be debated on. This gives people on this committee a lot of influence on bills. If 3% of bills become laws, then that congressmen had a lot of say in legislation during that term.

  8. (Brendan Reilly)
    The Judiciary Committee of the Senate possesses numerous responsibilities in the U.S. justice system, most importantly the oversight of the Department of Justice and its agencies, such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Department of Homeland Security. Also, this committee is responsible for the nomination of powerful positions in the Justice Department, Office of National Drug Control Policy, the United States Parole Commission and more, as well as the apportionment of representatives. Being a member of this committee would certainly expand the influence of a Senator, as this committee plays a major role in who is placed in power in various positions in the U.S. justice system. Also, the fact that this committee is responsible for the apportionment of Representatives entails that they play a major role in who is elected to Congress.

  9. The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works has legislative responsibility for the development of the Nation's interstate highway system, flood control and navigation projects. On a more environmental scale, the committee is in charge of creating new laws to achieve air and water pollution control, rural and community economic development, and relief from national disasters. They also have jurisdiction over endangered species, fish and wildlife refugees and programs, and the regulation of nonmilitary nuclear power. The influence of the senators on this committee are very widespread because they represent the land that this country was built on and how to keep it safe for American citizens. Senators have much longer terms than congressmen do, which allows them to make a huge impact on this committee. Members of this committee could make a big difference in this country while also helping the people, animals, and habitats that exist in it.

  10. The Senate Committee on Intelligence has responsibility to oversee and make continuing studies of the intelligence activities and programs of the United States. Also, this committee submits to the Senate appropriate proposals for legislation and report to the Senate when it concerns intelligence activities and programs. The committee also writes an annual intelligence authorization bill that authorizes funding levels for intelligence activities. Furthermore, the committee also often considers stand-alone legislation such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. This all expands the Senators power because if they are in this committee they overlook all things pertaining to intelligence. These senators directly authorize funding levels for intelligence activities and as a result people will speak directly to them and try and persuade them to get more money. Lastly, these Senators conduct reviews of covert action programs and intelligence operations which is a huge responsibility to have

  11. The House of Representative's Small Business Committee can give a congressman influence in congress because they must talk to small businesses all around to understand the needs and wants of the people. In congress, the members can push to have bills passed that would benefit the masses. By helping small businesses, congressmen become more influential with those groups and have a larger chance of being re-elected. These members have more influence over business topics in congress and being re-elected allows them to continue working in congress.

  12. The House of Representative's Small Business Committee can give a congressman influence in congress because they must talk to small businesses all around to understand the needs and wants of the people. In congress, the members can push to have bills passed that would benefit the masses. By helping small businesses, congressmen become more influential with those groups and have a larger chance of being re-elected. These members have more influence over business topics in congress and being re-elected allows them to continue working in congress.

  13. The House committee on Agriculture regulates the activity of all farmers and ranchers, encompassing food quality, distribution and transportation. The purpose of this committee is to put congressmen who are experts in agriculture in charge of any laws regarding agriculture. For example, a representative from New York will know little and care less about farming and ranching whereas a representative from Kansas will be more qualified to judge laws regarding agriculture. This gives southerns states and therefore Republicans an edge on these laws because they are the more agricultural region, although agriculture is not a prominent issue and very few if any will complain that the Republicans have too much power over agriculture. This group with their combined expertise on the topic should produced speedy and effective laws, as it was designed to do.

  14. Committees are specific areas of interest to Congressmen and Senators. These small groups allow for developing expertise in different areas, as well as increased efficiency on these individual topics. The Committee of Veteran’s affairs expands a senator's influence on all things relating to veterans. This includes rehabilitation, medical care, education, health care and more. Being a member of this committee often times fulfils a personal goal in government, especially if you are a veteran yourself. It increases their say in government in ensuring protections for the men and women who risk their lives to protect our country. Being in this committee also grants access to inside information and resources in order to find problems, address them and help to push for laws to help fix these problems.

  15. The United States Senate Committee of Small Business gives senators large influence in states that have high percentages of small business as well as with the senators themselves. Over 95% of all businesses in The United States is classified as a small business and this means that a senator on this committee has immense power over 95% of business in The United States. In 1976 this committee was granted the power to all legislation over small business. This gives the senators a lot of influence over other senators and states.

  16. The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary oversees the administration of justice within federal courts, administrative agencies, and federal law enforcement entities. It also deals with the impeachment of federal officials. Being on this committee can expand a congressman’s influence because they can decide whether or not an official stays in power. The committee also has to deal with justice when concerning new ideas of intellectual property, cloning, and the internet, which are new issues that dominate much of American and global life. Lastly, they deal with immigration policy and non-border enforcement, a new topic that has gained nationwide attention. With influence over this, congressmen on this committee will have the power to decide who enters the country and what policies can and cannot be enforced.

  17. The United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is responsible for security legislation and for the oversight of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The department of homeland security has many subcommittees some if which include Border and Maritime Security, Counter-terrorism and Intelligence, Cyber-security, Infrastructure Protection, and Security Technologies, Emergency Preparedness, Response, and Communications, Oversight and Management Efficiency, and Transportation Security. Being a member of the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs expands a senator’s influence by allowing him/her the ability to determine how to keep U.S. citizens safe. Security, against terrorism for example, efforts are becoming more and more important in current day events to Americans because of the constant threat that is ISIS and other terrorist organizations. Members of this committee have the potential to prevent incidents or aid in the direct aftermath of attacks, which would greatly increase their influence. This influence is what makes people remember the senator's names which allows them to eventually be re-elected.

  18. The United States House of Representatives Veterans Affairs Committee is held responsible for monitoring agencies, reviewing current legislation and recommending any new bills/amendments that may be beneficial to the United States military veterans. Their ability to grant life insurance, pensions, medical care and home loans accentuates the fact that they are very helpful and beneficial towards our veterans. The fact that they are the second largest of the fourteen cabinets enhances their credibility and influence. This committee runs nationwide programs of health care assistance as well as the veterans cemeteries. Being a member of the Veterans Committee bolsters a congressman's influence because it allows them to partake in the decisions regarding the nation's veterans as well as being able to grant them certain privileges such as life insurance and the ability to receive vocational training. They are also held responsible for aiding and monitoring unemployed veterans, homeless veterans, and ones without health insurance.

  19. The committee on Armed Services of the United States Senate has an abundance of responsibilities such as oversight of the Department of the Defense, the U.S. military, and the materials needed for the common defense. They also have the power to make decisions for aeronautical and space activities associated with the development of military operations. Members of this committee, including Republican Senator John McCain who is the chairman of the committee, are in charge of legislation that affects the Department of Defense and all of its subordinate units including, but not limited to, the army, the Navy, the Air force, etc. They approve budgets in these units in which billions of dollars are spent every year. Due to this, their influence is expanded because they are responsible for setting policies that affects the lives of millions and ensuring the defense of our country.

  20. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs jurisdiction over matters related to the Department of Homeland Security and other homeland security concerns, as well as the functioning of the government itself, including the National Archives, the Census, the federal civil service,and the United States Postal Service. Since this committee is the chief oversight committee in the U.S. Senate, members of this committee have a lot of influence. Being a member of this committee can increase the influence of a senator since it allows members to respond to critical issues or catastrophes in the nation. For example members of this committee were responsible for responding to Hurricane Katrina, and for addressing the increase of homegrown terrorism in the country.

  21. The United States Senate Committee on Armed Services is one of the largest and most influential committees in the Senate. The Committee on Armed Services, headed by Chairman, John McCain, has jurisdiction over the Department of Defense, which includes all branches of the U.S. military, military research and development, the Selective Service System, and any other functions related to national security. With the U.S. defense budget being one of the largest sectors of spending of the government, the Armed Service committee has the ability to regulate the massive amount of money dedicated to the nations defense. In recent years, the U.S is under constant threat of terrorism and foreign conflicts. Many policies are being passed related to defense which has had great influence from this committee.

  22. Congress creates special or select committees to deal with particular issues that are beyond the jurisdiction of standing committees. Committees are abundant because more things get done in smaller groups. Large groups of people with various opinions are less likely to achieve change. A congressman can have great influence on a particular topic that they feel strongly about if they join a committee. For example, a congressman who is part of the Veterans' Affairs Committee will be able to focus on a specific problem that interests them, instead of many topics that are not of much interest to them. Since this is a small group made up of people who share many of the same goals, more things can get done. In the Veterans' Affair Committee Congressmen aim to oversee agencies, review legislation, and review new bills concerning veteran affairs. Many benefits are provided to veterans such as pensions, life insurance and education. Being a member of any committee expands the influence of a single senator's voice.

  23. The US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is the Senate's primary oversight committee. It has jurisdiction over government operations and more specifically the Department of Homeland Security. Some responsibilities include the Archives of the US, Congressional organization, federal Civil Service and the organization and management of US nuclear export policy. Senators who are on this committee expand their influence over national security. These senators are able to directly affect the safety of US citizens through legislation. Terrorist attacks are a bigger issue in today's world, so Senators who have the ability to react in a crisis gain influence and attention. Senators also gain influence over security in their own state. If there was a terrorist attack in one of the Committee member's states, the Senator can make sure his/her state will get the help they need.

  24. The United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations holds an incredibly influential and important role. It is responsible for drafting foreign policy related legislation and leading foreign policy related debate. A position on the committee can certainly be a stepping stone to a presidential cabinet position such as Secretary of State or the United States Representative at the United Nations. If a senator receives a place on the committee, they receive both international and national notoriety and attention. It can elevate a Senators prowess in the Senate when pertaining to foreign policy and if the nation finds itself in a state of relative peace and stability, the Senator can point to it a success of his work on the committee which would help with any re-election campaigns.

  25. The Senate Committee of Homeland Security expands a senators influence by showing he or she is committed to keeping America Safe. With the rising threats from ISIS and other terrorist groups around the world, Americans want to stay safe. So being on this committee would help them get reelected to the senate for another term thus expanding their power due to the fact of them being in the senate for longer.

  26. The United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security is one of the most important committees in the Senate. It has authority over matters related to the Homeland Security. Being a member of this committee gives this senator a role in keeping United States citizens safe. A growing threat in recent years has been terrorism, this committee has a say in what in what goes on to prevent and what happens after an attack. This committee has had more pull in recent years after ISIS attacks. A senator in this committee will have more influence as these issues become more prominent to the United States.

  27. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee has jurisdiction over all modes of transportation: aviation, maritime and waterborne transportation, highways, bridges, mass transit, and railroads. The Committee also has jurisdiction over other aspects of our national infrastructure, such as clean water and waste water management, the transport of resources by pipeline, flood damage reduction, the management of federally owned real estate and public buildings, the development of economically depressed rural and urban areas, disaster preparedness and response, and hazardous materials transportation. The Committee’s broad oversight portfolio includes many federal agencies, including the Department of Transportation, the U.S. Coast Guard, Amtrak, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the General Services Administration, the Army Corps of Engineers, and others. When combined, these areas of jurisdiction provide a comprehensive view of how communities across the United States are connected to one another, how infrastructure affects the growth and flow of commerce at home and abroad, and how an effective government can improve the lives of its citizens. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, with 59 Members, is one of the largest committee in Congress.

  28. Being a member of the Senate Committee of Commerce, Science, and Transportation helps to extend the influence of senators. The members are allowed jurisdiction over all interstate common carriers, reaching all civil aviation and interstate pipelines, and jurisdiction over transportation issues surrounding non-military aeronautical and space policy. The committee is broken down into six sub-committees, each covering more specific areas under commerce, science, and transportation. This allows senators to branch out control within their areas, extending their influence to multiple diverse groups. By having jurisdiction over commerce, senators are able to make themselves known within trade, and by having jurisdiction over science and transportation, they can be better known for helping the states' public works and research projects.

  29. One of the most popular committees in 2016 is the committee on Homeland Security. This committee has major pull and vastly increases a senators power because it gives them much authority over the matters relating to their committee. For example, the senators in this committee have a lot of influence over decisions made regarding terrorist threats from groups such as Isis.

  30. Being a member of the would greatly expand a Congressman's influence. The responsibility of this committee deals with managing funds and spending of the government. With this power alone, it makes this committee one of the most powerful committees because of the fact that all government actions require money to function. This committee has an oversight of a large scope of government affairs, such as defense, and is able to both grant funding and deny funding, essentially determining the effectiveness of the particular government program/action. Much of the government is unable to function without the approval of this committee, making Congressmen that are a part of it very influential.

    1. Being a member of the House Appropriations Committee*

  31. Being a member of the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology of the U.S House of Representatives expands a Congressman's influence extensively. This committee has jurisdiction over non-defense federal scientific research and development, specifically federal agencies such as NASA, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and the National Science Foundation etc. Consequently, a person serving on this committee holds the future of the country's scientific advancements in their hands. Civil aviation research, environmental, marine, and astronautical research and exploration, and even the National Weather service all fall under this committee's jurisdiction. By serving on this committee, congressmen review and study on a continuing basis laws, programs, and government activities relating to non-military research and development. This allows for influence in specific fields, for example, the research and commercial application of energy. Sub-committees that oversee matters of science education, the development of technology, and astronautical and environmental research are of great importance. The control over where funds go and which projects may proceed allows congressmen to expand their influence over the country's fields of science and technology.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Being a member of the United States Senate committee on energy and natural resources, a senator has influence in these major areas: energy resources and development, including regulation, conservation, strategic petroleum reserves and appliance standards; nuclear energy; Indian affairs; public lands and their renewable resources; surface mining, Federal coal, oil, and gas, other mineral leasing; territories and insular possessions; and water resources. Being a member of this committee a senator expands his or her influence because the decisions made within this committee affect the entire nation as well as the world as a whole. There is nobody who would not be effected by widespread environmental and resource problems therefore these senators could maybe influence or manipulate peoples views. Also senators obtain their position much longer than congressman giving them the ability to make long lasting powerful connections within the senate. -John Probst

  34. The influence of a Congressman who is a member of the committee on small businesses is very great. Being able to be a part of a committee that deals almost directly with the people of the United States can either be detrimental or amazing to the reelection of that Congressman. The committee oversees the Small Business Administration as well as programs administered by the Small Business Association. Alongside this oversight the committee of small business provides assistance to and protects small businesses ran by the American people. The committee can almost be seen as a mediator between the Government and the people as per their participation in aiding small businesses acquire government contracts.
    Christopher Toma

  35. The committee on Armed Services has great influence in the nation as a whole. Being that they are on the very committee that determines how those defending us will be doing so and how much they will be getting for it allows for a great sense of influence in the general public. Military research and development is a very important aspect of the committee, and it shows how dedicated those on it are to the nation. Also the treatment of members of the military are a big aspect as benefits for serving military members are important since they don't exactly know what they are coming back to after being away for possibly years at a time. So helping in benefitting those protecting our country would allow for any given individual on the committee to show how passionate they are for the nation. Any given Senator on the committee could use their influence in it to help their reelection campaign because the fact that they seem to be trying their best to help American soldiers would most likely compel many voters to lean in their direction when the election comes around.

  36. The committee on energy and natural resources has a lot of influence in the country. The comittee deals directly with many American communities and families. They make policies on things like Air and water quality as well as energy policy, waste disposal, Resources such as oil and even foreign affairs. Senators and congressmen have a lot of influence throughout the entire country and much of the world. This committee has a lot of influence on the future of resource use throughout the world, especially in America.

  37. The United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is the chief oversight committee of the Senate. The Committee is responsible for the oversight of the department of homeland security and the function of the government. There are three subcommittees relating to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. They include INvestigations, Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management, and Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management. Being a member of the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs gives senators influence by allowing them to decide on how to keep Americans safe. With terrorism a major part of our lives as Americans, a member of this committee has a very serious claim as to the importance they play in the senate.

  38. The Rules Committee in the House of Representatives is very powerful committee. They decide under what rules bills are allowed to make it to the floor. They also have a say in whether amendments can be added onto bills when they are being debated. Additionally, they can also determine the conditions under which the bill is debated such as the amount of time it is allowed on the floor. Being a member of the Rules Committee can expand a congressman's influence because the only way to go around a block that the Rules committee made is to have a discharge petition which is quite rare. Also, being one of the people in control of which bills makes it to the floor makes it so that others want to try to make sure they're allies with you so their ideas can be heard. The speaker of the house is the leader of this committee and will make sure those on the committee support his/her decisions.

  39. (Ryan McMahon)

    The Senate Finance Committee’s jurisdiction is extremely powerful and is respected by many. Unlike other organizations, the Finance Committee is defined by subject matter – not by agency or Department. As a result, they have a vast spectrum of responsibilities and has sole or shared jurisdiction over the activities agencies lending to their power. The U.S. Senate Committee on Finance concerns itself mainly with matters relating to taxation and other revenue measures generally, but also in in charge of other sectors. These include the deposit of public money, general revenue sharing, national social security, health programs under the Social Security Act and tariffs and import quotas. Moreover, the committee has control of both Medicare and Medicaid. The chairman in charge of this organization, Orrin Hatch, has benefited greatly as a result of his contributions. He has been able to build up respect throughout his years and even had the opportunity to run for president. In 2000, he ultimately failed the bid for the Republican presidential nomination however, losing to George W. Bush.

  40. The House Standing committee on Foreign Affairs is in charge of discretion and investigating bills that have to do with other countries interacting with the United States. The most influential members of the House are chosen for this committee throughout all of history due to it's vast importance of the United States in relation to other countries in the world. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen is the current chairman of this committee. She believes that America’s role in the world should be one that isolates U.S. enemies while empowering and strengthening U.S. allies. Her views and the views of all House Representatives who are on this committee are extremely important because they are deciding factors and voting members on these topics. Throughout history in matters of war, treaties, pacts, and alliances, this committee has been an important player in discussing and making stands in these matters.

  41. The Appropriation's Committee in the Senate peaked my interest as it is one of the most powerful committees, since it has 30 members. It has control over any legislation involving the delegation of money. Therefore, being a member of this committee would increase senators' influence because they can ensure that their states receive funds for various projects. It is also a very well-respected committee so it is extremely difficult to unseat any of its members.

  42. The Oversight and Government Reform Committee which is the main investigative committee in the U.S. House of Representatives and is responsible for investigations into allegations of federal waste, fraud, and abuse. This committee also piqued my interest because the chairman is always selected from the majority party and the ranking member is the most senior member of the minority party. The majority party ensures it has a majority on every committee. I value this because seniority and experience is noticed and taken into account instead of constantly passing the puck to each other on a whim. Also this committee serves to attempt to 'police the police' by investigating the federal governments actions and proposed policies. A congressman partaking in such a firmly established and instrumental committee could serve to greatly expand their influence.

  43. The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations has been an instrumental part of the development and influence of United States foreign policy since its creation in 1816. This standing committee is in charge of the negotiation of treaties and all other foreign relations-based legislation. Additionally, it holds jurisdiction over all diplomatic nominations, making it an essential part of the U.S. government during both times of war and peace. Senators on this committee gain access to a wide variety of resources that can help incumbents win re-election. Moreover, members of this committee become experts in international relations, making it an ideal prerequisite for future Secretaries of State.

  44. Of all the committees, the Appropriation's Committee is one of the most influential committees in both the Senate and Congress, as it is the committee that regulates federal government expenditures. This committee sets aside money for federal government programs, agencies, departments, and project, and therefore influences the budget. The Appropriation's Committee is also very bipartisan in both the House of Representatives and Senate, as members work together for a common purpose of ensuring that legislation will have money set aside for each member's district. Thus, both Democrats' and Republicans' opinions are equally represented and respected. The broadness and influence on the federal budget are what make this one of the most powerful committees, as money can be set aside for specific programs, allowing both the federal and state governments to be in constant contact with one another, while insuring that the federal government maintains its superiority to state governments.

  45. Being a Senator on the budget committee greatly increases a senators influence. A member of this committee has the ability to create a budget resolution that is sent to congress. This committee is also responsible for enforcing budget laws and watching government spending.The committee can also hold hearings on the economy and monitors the performance of government agencies. A senator on this committee would hold lots of influence because they will be able to set where the US sends its financial resources and how much it sends.

  46. Evan Molyneaux
    The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs main tasks are to control the Department of Homeland Security and other government matters such as the Census and the United States Postal Service. Being a member of this committee will expand a senator's power by allowing him/her to influence legislature on some of our country's most pressing topics such as terrorism. One unique aspect of this committee that can heavily add to a senator's power is that the chairman of this committee is the only chairman out of all of the committees that can issue a subpoena without having a committee vote.

  47. The United States Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship is in charge of supporting and regulating the work of non corporation businesses. They have responded to issues such as paperwork reduction, decrease in taxes for small businesses, preventing inflation, and steel plant shutdowns. This committee truly understands the importance of small businesses to U.S. citizens and the economy. A member of this committee may be recognized as having more information on the topic of small businesses, have a greater say on bills that affect the economy, and have more influence over tax disputes.

  48. The House Energy and Natural Resources Committee deals with matters concerning energy production, and the use of public lands and natural resources as well as exploiting the energy sources present in the United States. Matters concerning pipelines within the United States, offshore drilling and drilling within Alaska are debated by the committee. With the growing concern and push to become energy independent, it would be advantageous to be a member of this committee. It would also expand the power of its members as their decisions effect our entire country as a whole and individuals working in specific resource industries. The overlapping interests include foreign relations and Homeland Security as many natural resources are imported from other countries. Furthermore, it would benefit the United States financially to produce and export resources. A member's sphere of influence would be greatly expanded from work on this committee because so many other congressmen and senators, industry members, governors of states where natural resources are located, and the president are greatly interested in the committee's work.

  49. Being a part of the veteran's affair greatly expands a congressman's influence. A member of this committee has the ability to bring up the veteran's affairs at congressional hearings. It also allows for the monitoring of the department of veteran's affairs to make sure that it's being run properly. This in turn makes the congressman or congresswoman popular with the veteran's affairs and in turn makes the congressman or congresswoman more influential in congressional affairs.

  50. The United States Committee for Veterans' Affairs addresses various bills in regards to veterans' health care, disability compensation, GI bill education, job training, home loan guarantees, life insurance policies and cemeteries. This committee works closely with the department of Veterans' Affairs (or the VA) to help veterans on the home-front. Being on this committee allows a congressman or congresswoman to support expansions or improvements in veterans' benefits, allowing them to accrue more votes from veterans in their district. Furthermore, being on this committee provides the congressman or congresswoman an opportunity to associate themselves with a patriotic, nonpartisan issue that will benefit them during campaigns.- Chris Hadsall

  51. Being a part of the Senate Committee of Health, Education, Labor and Pensions would be very advantageous because every American needs at least three of those four things. If a Congressman has a strong influence in these departments it would give them popularity among voters who benefit from this legislation. Pensions are very important to anyone who has a job and wants to retire. These topics are debated daily; common core, job security, creating more jobs, health insurance, health care, public welfare, etc. Being a member of this committee would really get a Senator´s name out there, helping to get them re-elected.

  52. The senate committee of Homeland Security and Governmental affairs is responsible for being the chief oversight committee of the United States senate. Its involved with a few matters including the National Archives, the census, and the federal civil service. Being a member of the committee of Homeland Security and Governmental affairs expands a senators influence by giving them a higher priority over their thoughts and ideas on our safety as a nation. It committee chair is the only chair that can get a writ ordering someone to attend a court without a committee vote. Being a part of this committee will allow for more ideas to have higher priority to be accepted pertaining to ideas such as terrorism and other forms of threats.

  53. The Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee in the Senate is responsible for the oversight of issues such as interstate commerce, maritime commerce, transportation security,aviation, consumer issues, product safety, and insurance. Being a member of this committee would increase a senator or congressman's influence, as one would have power over some of the country's most powerful industries. He or she would have influence over the nation's economy, as the committee handles issues such as interstate and maritime commerce, consumer issues, etc, as well as assist said member's name to be recognized for working on economic issues that directly affect and interest people.

  54. Being part of the U.S. House of Representative´s committee of transportation and infrastructure can give a congressman immense influence over voters. Since congressman are required to re-run for office every two years, they need to be able to win the same votes and then some during every voting season. When a congressman´s name or campaign ad continuously shows up on public buses or on the sides of buildings, people begin to recognize his name and associate the name with the positive and negative attributes of the transportation and infrastructure in their area. If the congressman invests a lot in having high quality transportation and updating infrastructure, then he will win many votes in his favor since so many people obviously utilize these things every day.

  55. Being a part and/or chairman of the United States Senate Committee of Armed Services gives a senator immense power. This is because this committee is empowered with the legislative part of the nation's military. Which includes various other military related issues and departments. For example, it includes the Department of Defense, nuclear energy, military research and development, and the benefits of people serving the military. This gives power the the senators of this committee to reach out to public and receive their views on how the military should be carry out in the legislative prospective. It allow reaches out to families and citizens that been in the military or that support the military because the committee determines the benefits of this group of people. Also current members of this committee have military experience which also appeals to the people in which increases their power in the senate. - Michael Lam

  56. The homeland security committee is a standing committee of the Unoted States House of Representatives. The role of this committee is to ammend or approve bills that are related to homeland security. Being a member of this committee expands a senator's influence because they have the power to ammend bills, hold hearings, conduct investigations, and they also have authorization and policy over the department of homeland security.

  57. I think that being part of the Senate Committee of Homeland Security is interesting in today's current situation, because we have more threats to our country than ever before. In the committee, members will participate in shaping the defense for our country, deciding what development plans are right for our military. Being part of this committee means that you have a direct say as to where our safety plans will lead, and how we will combat the pending ISIS threat. I find this to be interesting that a small group can have so much of a say in the defense of our country.

  58. I believe that the committee of Homeland Security is a very important committee in today's america. Because of the constant terrorist threats that american's fear from terrorists groups such as ISIS and other groups. I think it's important for the American Government to ensure the people of america that they are safe and that stopping terrorism is a top priority of there's. This committee is a way to voice how to fight terrorism and other threats in American society

  59. I found the Environment and Public Works Committee of the Senate Committees to be interesting since it applies to today's issue of Global Warming, need of Nature Preserves, and the creation of parks and recreations. If a senator is a member of this committee then goes for reelection when his term ends, the people in his state will see the work he has done to preserve the environment and help the public and will see this as a good thing about him due to the lack of nature in today's urbanized lifestyle.

  60. As a high school student and a minimum wage worker, I find that the House Committee on Education and Workforce is significant to our country today. This committee has provided services such as No Child Left Behind, our special education programs, higher education programs, etc. Education in our country is a very important part of our success and opens many doors for children and adults. We are relying on our younger generations because they are the future of America and education is a significant aspect in order for our country to progress. The Committee on Labor provides pensions and retirement for our workers, access to health care for workers and their families, workers' compensation, etc. A lot of the security and protection we look for in our work field is enforced by the Committee on Labor and without this group of people, workers would have no benefits, rights or entitlements.

  61. I believe that the committee of Homeland security plays a key role in America today. This committee also has a very important responsibility of protecting America from outside and internal threats. These threats are only growing, especially with the constant problems from terrorist organizations. Homeland security represents the strength of the United States, and how united we can all be to combat against threats.

  62. I believe the committee of homeland security is one of the most influencial and important committees in today's world. We are facing larger terrorist threats each day, from al qaeda to now Isis. Even though homeland security was only created after the attacks on the world trade center, it is playing a large role in shaping how we deal with foreign threats in the 21st century. To be a part of such a committee gives a senator or congressman a large influence over foreign affairs and policies. It also proves that those on the homeland security committee care about the protection of the American people from uncertain threats, such as Isis and refugees which have been discussed multiple times, especially with the presidential candidates.

  63. The House of Appropiations Committee is one of the most important ones because they handle the government's actions with money. If you are a member of this committee then you have a lot of influence of all the other comittees because your decisions affect everyone including the citizens. It is difficult to remove a member because they are well respected by all others

  64. The Comittee on Sciende, Space, and Technology is a unique committee in Congress. It was created in response to the "Space Race." Its original purpose was explore outer space and make scientific and astronautical developments. NASA is under this committee. The committee had an important role in the Apollo mission and landing the first man on the moon. After the attacks on September 11th, 2001, the committee began to focus on making sure the government knew about the technology of the United States and other countries to be prepared for any type of terrorist attack. The committee has a broad influence on technology, security, and space exploration.

  65. The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, in my opinion is the most important. Roads and buildings have been the backbone of our economy for so long. At one point our main focus was to repair, replace, and advance various roads and buildings. Building up America has been an ongoing goal, and the citizens of United States have always understood that a cohesive transportation system can tie these distant communities together and make a more unified America. This Committee has jurisdiction over all aviation, marine, and waterborne vehicles. This Committee is one of the largest in Congress and has 6 Subcommittees.

  66. The House Committee on Homeland Security is important, because it oversees and handles legislation related to security. This would allow a senator or congressmen to have a lot of jurisdiction regarding foreign policy, because security from outside threats is becoming a huge issue. Terrorist attacks are happening very frequently and there is also the issue of whether or not we should allow refugees into the country. Because security has been talked about by the media so much, being on this committee could give a senator or congressmen a lot of influence.

  67. The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs is one of the most important committees there is. First, it is the chief oversight committee of the Senate and has responsibilities related to the Department of Homeland Security and the functioning of the government itself, including the National Archives. With such large responsibilities, any senator on this committee would see an expansion in their influence, holding responsibility in not only defending the nation, but making sure it works.

  68. The budget committee is a committee that both the house and the senate take part in. Being a part of this committee allows members to be directly involved in the funds of the United States. Direct spending, revenue, and the debt are major topics of concern for such a committee as they are held responsible for managing such affairs. This allows members to allocate specific finances towards what they believe what may be best for the nation as well as their own careers based on their positions on certain topics.
