Wednesday, March 1, 2017

President Trump's First Address before Congress

1. Based on the excerpts from the speech identify a passage that outlines a policy initiative. 
2. Based on the excerpts from the speech identify a passage that outlines his views on politics>?
3. Consider the class theme: Can Good Politics make for Good Government?  Is this speech an example of that theme?

4. Does the Democratic response do an effective job of holding the President accountable to his campaign promises?


  1. 1. President Trump's enormous military budget is his response to the threats of foreign terror and how he plans on defeating groups such as ISIS as he had mentioned in his campaign. The money will be put to better military equipment so our armed forces can more easily combat these terrorist groups.
    2. President Trump takes a stand on the immigration when he announced that he will be increasing the vetting process from countries deemed to be a potential threat as well as the announcement he made about the construction of a wall on the southern border. Although, Trump mentioned these things in his campaign he has affirmed that he is sticking to his anti-immigration plan in his Presidency.
    3. I believe that good politics can make for good government in this scenario should President Trump keep the promises he made. If he keeps the promises made by him and his party, he can truly change our country for the better. However, Trump will need money for all of these promises and if he still wishes to lower federal taxes it will be difficult to fund these projects.
    4. I believe the Democratic response does a good job of holding the President accountable for his campaign promises. They question his promises and their legitimacy as well as the method they are being carried out in. They also point out Trump's tendency to attack anyone who talks bad about him and which is a bad quality for a leader. Overall the Democrats fairly question Trump's ideas without being overly offensive or cruel.

    1. I agree with you on #3. If he can approach his goals in a moral way while maintaining a low level of taxes, then he can make the country better. He needs to be careful with how much he ramps up spending though because he may wind up having to increase the national debt at this rate or to cut vital programs that Americans depend upon. I feel that he won't actually be able to fulfill these promises effectively, but if he somehow manages to pull it off, then he can make some progress for our country.

    2. 1.) In the speech trump says that he will have an increased military budget in order to improve and strengthen our military and he also stated that he will build a wall along the southern border and these are both plans to decrease the risk of a terrorist attack.

      2.) Trump says the phrase "Drain the Swamp f government corruption" and he plans to end corruption with a 5 year ban on lobbying executive branch officials. Ending corruption was one of Trump's goals/promises and this shows that he is going to make a strong attempt in order to fulfill all of them.

      3.) I agree with your #3 response because if he does manage to complete his laundry list of plans and goals without harming the economy then he will make good government as president of the United States.

      4.) I believe that the democratic response did a good job at holding the president responsible because it made suggestions on how to be a good leader and they also showed how they disagreed with some of trump's ideas in a respectful manner while holding him accountable for his actions and promises.

  2. 1.One initiative that President Trump discussed in his is that he was going to rebuild infrastructure. In order to achieve this goal he will ask congress to approve a budget of 1 Trillion dollars for infrastructure.
    2.During the speech we hear President Trump say that he will "Drain the swap" and end corruption in the government. He has put a 5 year ban lobbying by executive branch officials. This action shows that Trump is staying true to his campaign promises in rooting out corruption.
    3. I believe that this is an example of this theme. I feel that as Trump continues to work with a united government he and his administration will be able to pass beneficial policies for the country.I also feel that so far Trump has stayed true towards his campaign promises making for good government and politics.
    4. I believe that the Democratic response does not really focus on Trumps campaign promises but instead talks about hes character. Having said that I would agree with the democratic response and that Trump does go after the people that disagree with him almost as if it is personal. I feel that as Trumps presidency goes on his tendency to lash out will eventually decrease.

    1. I agree with on number 3. I also believe that his ideas may better our country. However, finding the money to support these plans may be difficult and I am interested to see how he will generate this money. Should he solve this problem he can make our country better.

  3. In his speech President Trump outlined many of his policies one of which regarding infrastructure. In his speech President Trump said "To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking congress to approve a 1 trillion dollar investment in infrastructure of the United States financed through public and private capital creating millions of new jobs." In that one excerpt, President Trump outlined his policy of rebuilding our nation's infrastructure and creating millions of new jobs in America. In his speech, President Trump also makes it abundantly clear that he wants to drain Washington of political correctness. In his speech, Trump states that:"we have begun to drain the swamp of political correctness by imposing five year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials."This makes it really clear that President Trump wants to drain Washington of political corruption by banning lobbyists from Washington. I do believe that President Trump's speech is an example of good politics makes for good government. I believe this because Trump outlined his political beliefs such as removing corruption through lobbying from politics which translates into his policies that he hopes to implement in America. Finally, the Democratic response did an effective job of holding the president accountable to his campaign promises. I believe this because the democrats stated that they would make sure that Trump doesn't break up families through his policies on immigration.

  4. 1. A passage from President Trump's speech that outlines his policy initiative is when he discussed his plans to eliminate the drug cartel's influence on Americans. He not only discusses the many reasons why this must occur, but he also highlights how he plans to get this done. He is having the Departments of Homeland Security, Justice, and State, as well as the Director of National Intelligence, work together to eliminate this criminal activity. He also discusses his plans to help those who have been negatively impacted by the cartel. Trump effectively outlined his policy initiative in regards to the drug cartel.

    2. A passage that outlines one of Trump's political views is when President Trump discusses his plans on securing the southern border of the United States to stop illegal immigration. He not only mentions why the extra protection is necessary, but also highlights how this extra security will be carried out. The main plan, which Trump has stuck with throughout his political campaign, is to build a "great, great wall along our southern border." Trump clearly dictates his political view that illegal immigration must be stopped.

    3. Trump's speech is a very good example of good politics making for good government. Trump has maintained strong political views throughout his campaign into his presidency. As a result, he has various strong plans that he wishes to carry out. For example, he plans to rebuild the military, increase education funding, and use one trillion dollars to improve infrastructure. While these are examples of good politics making for good government, Trump will need to figure out how he will fund these projects, while keeping his promise not to raise federal taxes.

    4. The Democratic response does a decent job at holding President Trump accountable for his campaign promises. While it does question his plans on carrying out his policy, it focuses more on how he should behave as the President. Instead of holding him accountable for promises, the response appears to hold him accountable for how he acts as a leader. They suggest that he behaves in a way that strengthens and unifies not only the United States, but also its relationships with other countries. The Democratic response effectively criticizes President Trump's excessively aggressive behavior, while remaining very respectful to him.

    1. I agree, Trump does have very strong views that are consistent. I liked how he kept repeating that both the Democrats and the Republicans have to put their grudges aside and work together to create a better America. When he said this it made me believe though he has strong views, he is going to be willing to listen to the other side. If he were to listen to the other sides view then id hope the Democrats could do the same. In turn much more fair legislation could be passed if both sides are listening to each other and improving policy based of both sides best qualities.

  5. Jacqueline Rathjen
    1.One initiative President Trump hopes to undertake is to utilize a portion of the $54 B increase in the military budget to not only update and rebuild the crumbling infrastructure of the US armed forces but to aid veterans and their families with day to day expenses and healthcare as well. To achieve this goal, the President hopes to cut away at some of the budgets at various other federal agencies.
    2.During the speech, President Trump highlighted on his wishes to combat crime and support law enforcement.This statement is backed by his recent actions of tasking three Department of Justice task forces to fight drug cartels, seek to lower crime rates and investigate attacks carried out against cops.
    3.Yes.This speech shows that good politics can make for good government and vice versa, as the presidents tempered and logical approach, as well as softening of his usually fiery rhetoric made himself seem to be acting in a more presidential manner and to begin to help mend the wounds between President Trump and his current opposition.
    4.While I do believe that the Democratic response had every obligation and right to question President Trump's questionable campaign promises and deliverances, personally, I saw most of the responses as being more overtly critical of his personal character in the past rather than honing in on President Trump's plans/policies for the future. However, their gripes towards his personal conduct is not entirely unwarranted due to his recent dealings with most forms of media that show to be critical of him.

  6. A major political initiative that Trump is taking on during his presidency is major tax cuts. Trump believes that by cutting a major amount of financing to the EPA, that he can reestablish a firm military program for the U.S., by moving the money to military funding. Trump believes in a strong military for strong national military while also promoting domestic products from the U.S. In a sense, President Trump believes by lowering corporate taxes on companies built within America, he can create more jobs and influx of labor within the United States. Good politics can make for good government. By using politics to appease the people of your nation, you can also create a firmer more established government for the people. This speech was an example of that theme because President Trump changed his appearance to the American people, by calming himself down and seeming more presidential. With Democrats constantly critiszing the actions of President Trump I believe that they will in fact help him stick to his motives.

  7. 1. Trump touched upon a variety of problems he plans on solving during his presidency. To stop government corruption he imposed a 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials. He ordered the department of homeland security among other government departments to dismantle criminal cartels that have spread across the nation to stop the drug problem in the U.S. and plans on increasing treatment to those addicted to drugs. To protect our country against radical islamic terrorism he also plans on expanding the military budget.

    2. President Trump appeals to the opposition by specifically mentioning plans to pass legislation that will aid minority groups. He also highlights the increase of violence in our country and how we must work with-and not against-law enforcement to do so.

    3. Good politics can make for good government and in this case, some of President Trump's ideas are aimed at things both parties respect the importance of: protecting our country against terrorism and reducing violence in our country. These politics can be seen in government with the passage of legislation.

    4.The Democratic response does an effective job at holding President Trump to his campaign promises as Steve Beshear lists accountablility as a basic American value. He respects what President Trump is going after, like immigration reform, but respectfully questions the manner in which illegal immigrants will be handled because he is against separating families. He respectfully disagrees with Trump, and points out that that does not make him an enemy. The Democratic response reasonably expresses their opinion of President Trump's ideas without slamming him or being disrespectful.

    1. I agree with your statement Trump is aiming his ideas at both parties. It is important for the President to appease both sides of the government. These type of politics will make for good government if he continues to follow this theme.

    2. I agree that the democratic response reasonably expresses their opinion of Trump's ideas without being disrespectful. I think his respectfulness helped him be more effective in expressing his beliefs.

    3. Based of Trump's speech, I disagree in that the response video made by Steve Beshear, in holding Trump accountable for his campaign promises. The video seems to point out Trump's character of being aggressive and one-sided rather than pointing out the inconsistencies of the promises Trump had made during his campaign. One of the issues he addressed during his campaign was the fact that American citizens would be able to get the best health care and be able to choose their plans when it is the job of their employer to choose that the health care plan. Steve Beshear fails to point out these inconsistencies in which makes his response to seem more of an attack on Trump then to point out his campaign promises.

    4. I agree with how Trump is creating good politics by uniting the government. This is helpful for prosperity of the future government. As long as Trump keeps up this new style of speaking he can maintain a united government with good politics, but if he goes back to the Trump we have seen during his campaign, we could see a very divided government.

  8. 1. During President Trump's speech, he addresses many topics for policy initiative. These include topics of infrastructure, military, education, and healthcare. He states that he would start the construction of a wall between the border of The United States and Mexico. By doing this he follows through with his promise to make a border, along with the many jobs that can be created in the making and designing of this wall (not saying the wall is a positive or negative). Also discussing the plan for an increased military budget in order to improve our military, as well as to defend against terrorist acts on The United States. President Trump also mentions of the idea to repeal Obama Care, but seems to vaguely state on how to replace it. Also he addresses the education system in The United States, stating that he supports the equal treatment of education to all races, mentioning, Latinos and African Americans.
    2. Based of speech that is delivered, President Trump shows his politic views by using language that tries to address both parties. Meaning that he tried to unify the country with topics that included the mentioning of the military and the fallen navy seal. Also stating topics on education and working with the police. By using these topics that everyone wouldn't dare to disagree with shows the idea of good politics. But President Trump also stands stand on some policies, including immigration and infrastructure. Additionally Trump states the idea of "Draining the Swam", meaning he is trying to end internal corruption within the government with a five year ban on lobbying.
    3. The theme of "Can Good Politics make for Good Government?" can be clearly seen here. With the use of common motifs of uniting the country shows that Trump is trying to create good politics in creating statements that cannot be refuted stating "We may be a country divided on policies, we are a country that stands united in condemning evil in its many ugly forms.". This is also seen again when Trump addresses the fallen Navy Seal and his wife, showing that he supports the military and it's families. This shows how Trump uses good politics particularly in this speech.
    4. On the video containing the response to Trump's speech, by the Former Kentucky Governor does a poor job at holding Trump accountable to his campaign promises. The video is more about the values the former governor holds for the position of the presidential position. Steve Beshear more or less states the idea of a democracy, not clearly addressing the the inconsistencies in the promises Trump has made during his campaign.

    1. I agree with your statement that some of President Trump's statements can not be refuted by the opposition, especially when he says the country is united against condemning evil. Uniting the country is something that appeals to the opposition and can make for good government.

    2. I agree with The fact that Trump is creating good politics. I also feel that since Trump has a united government he will be able to keep up the idea of good politics leading to a better government for the people.

  9. 1.One of the excerpts from the speech outlined Trump's plan for improving education. Trump identified this issue as being "the civil rights issue of our time." Trump stated that there would be more money available for educating struggling students with special education.

    2.Trump would like to focus on fighting terrorism and managing immigration better. Thus, he brought up his recurring point of building a wall on the Southern border between the US and Mexico. He also wants to pass a program called VOICE for victims of immigration violence. To combat terrorism, he wants to institute more vetting procedures as well as expand the military and upgrade its equipment.

    3. Good politics make for good government. Politics explains how to govern the People using a theory or a policy, and government is the institution that exists in a nation. If a nation is ruled with good policies and practices, there are less disruptions and corruption within the government. Thus, a government is stable and works efficiently. The following speech is an example of this theme. Trump would like to make for good politics by instituting various popular policies that members of Congress can agree on (even those that do not like his ideas). With these policies in place, the government would run smoother and more efficiently and would not be divided.

    4.The Democratic response given by former Kentucky governor Steven Beshear definitely did an effective job of holding the President accountable to his campaign promises. Beshear focused on asking the President the future plans for Obama Care and how Americans will afford health insurance. He explained that so many people in his state had benefited from Obama Care as they really needed it. During his speech, Trump only stated that his administration would get rid of Obama Care and have a "smooth transition" to a new and effective system "that works." However, he never answered the begging question of how he was going to do this. Beshear asks him this and in a very respectful manner. In the beginning of his speech, he states that he is a Democrat and Republican and American. He establishes himself that he is not biased or influenced by partisan conflict. He would like to know the President's plan for the issue of Healthcare. Beshear spoke clearly and concisely, and did not blame or condemn President Trump for the problem of Healthcare.

    1. I agree with #1. Trump's addressing of overarching issues that affect the entire country was very important to the success of this speech. A the Head of State he needed to serve as an example for the people and a symbol of the nation and illustrate change that needs to be made. This also appealed to people who did not support him.

    2. I agree with your first point. I think it was absolutely critical that President Trump confront the topic of education, a key issue because it prepares the next generation of leaders and innovators, in his first address to Congress considering the controversy surrounding Betsey DeVos's confirmation as the Secretary of Education. He had to demonstrate that any potential problem has been managed and that a capable and devoted individual has been selected and is prepared to help him achieve this crucial policy initiative.

    3. I agree with your third point, although it may make him unpopular it is important that Trump combats corruption in the government. This is especially true, because he promised in his campaign that he would. Putting a 5 year ban on lobbyists is a good start to counteract this problem.

  10. 1. One policy initiative Trump plans on undertaking is his $54 billion dollar budget that will spent on upgrading military and many other projects. He plans on adding a department in homeland security called V.O.I.C.E. and he plans to build up our defense technology. These upgrades will help us in our efforts to slow/stop illegal immigration and to fight Radical Islamic Terrorist groups.
    2. As Trump likes to call it, "Drain the Swamp", he plans on setting a 5 year ban on lobbying to end corruption of government for executive branch officials. In his campaign, Trump advocated for end to corruption in government, and I believe that this is his way of implementing the campaign promise.
    3. Yes. This speech is an example of how good policies make for good government because this speech gave Trump a route to explain how he will carry out some of his campaign promises. It also gave Trump an opportunity to act like our president for the first time. With an administration like his, he has a chance to implement many of his policies that can benefit both parties that fall under the catergory of: national security, illegal immigration, and crumbling infrastructure.
    4. The democratic response did a great job in pointing out how Trump has been accountable for his campaign promises. But this being a democratic response, Steve Beshear exemplifies how he dislikes how some of Trumps policies will be carried out. For example, splitting families up to fight immigration, in Steve's opinion, isn't a good way of doing things.

    1. I agree that the Democrats did a good job pointing out that Trump should be help accountable for his campaign promises. He pointed out that there are some holes in Trump's ideas that need to be figured out before any action is taken.

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  12. 1. One initiative President Trump took was on VOICE. A new office that he had the Department of Homeland security create to serve American victims. VOICE stands for Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement. These will provide a safe face for victims of harsh cruelty of terrorism and other related circumstances.
    2. One excerpt form that speech that truly emphasizes his beliefs on politics was his statement on foreign policy. He said that America's foreign allies must keep up with their financial obligations, he followed by saying the money is flowing in! It shows that he does not have a problem with letting an ally go if they are going to hurt America financially by not paying their dues.
    3. This speech is a very good example of the theme that good politics make for good government. His entire speech focused on explaining how he is going to implement plans that he has been speaking about since his campaign. It is good politics for a President to follow through with his campaign policies. Hopefully this leads President Trump to a strong presidency.
    4. I think that the Democratic response from Governor Steve Beshear did an effective job of holding Trump accountable to his campaign promises. As I said in the last question, Trump at least seems to be making good on his word. Of course Governor Beshear does not love all of the President's policies, but respects him for keeping his promises.

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  14. A policy initiative that President Trump spoke about was asking Congress to approve legislation that produces a 1 trillion dollar investment in infrastructure that will be financed by public and private capital creating millions of jobs. This is a policy initiative because it is an action that will benefit millions of people, regardless of their political party, by providing more jobs and better roads and infrastructure.

    2) President Trump expressed his views on politics when he said he will repeal and replace
    Obamacare. This is an action that will be supported by the president’s party and opposed by the Democrats.

    3) President Trump’s speech is an example of the idea that good politics can make for good government. The political views and policy initiatives outlined in his speech will allow the united government to take action effectively, having a positive impact on the country. Specifically, President Trump said he will ban lobbying for five years which will also allow for good government and politics, making it more fair.

    4) The Democratic response does a somewhat effective job of holding the president accountable to his campaign promises. It does support President Trump’s plan to solve immigration issues, but it questions how he will go about doing it. The rest of the video focuses more on President Trump’s character and criticizes him by stating the qualities a real leader should have, which digresses from focusing on his campaign promises.

  15. 1. One policy initiative that Trump has outlined in his speech is how he will get rid of government corruption, by implementing a five year ban on lobbying from executive branch officials.

    2. One excerpt from the speech that identifies Trump's views on politics, was when he stated how there must be more protection and security on southern borders. This shows how Trump feels that safety and protection is a great priority in his agenda.

    3. President Trump's speech reflects the idea that good politics can make for good government. If Trump keeps all of his promises, and protects his own interests, as well as America's, the U.S. government will be positively impacted and changed for the greater good. With this, Trump will be able to pass new and improved legislation, and even satisfy a majority of the American people.

    4. The democratic response to Trump does hold him accountable to his own promises, however I believe that they concentrated too much on Trump's attitude and character. They do not realize that Trump's character will never change, and that is the type of person he is. And, if Trump is able to keep his word on his promises, and stay true to the American people, then he will be a great leader despite his character.

    1. I agree with number 1. Since "draining the swamp" was one of his major campaign promises it is essential he handles this situation effectively. The plan that he has put out 5 year ban lobbying by executive branch officials is a good example of a way to approach this campaign promise.

    2. 1) Trump also outlined how the construction of a great wall will begin on the southern border, illustrating his power as the president again.

      3) Trump claiming how violence must end on specific groups of people such as Jewish people, represents good politics making for good government. With less hate crime in America, the government will be more likely to run smoothly, without uprisings.

  16. During Trumps speech he talked about how he is going to shift more funding to the Military from other sectors. He is doing this because of threats to American people such as ISIS and other terror groups. Now that Trump is in office he would like to unite Americans and is tired of Democrats and Republicans being split on politics. I believe that good politics can make for good government. If trump keeps all the promises that he made this is an example of this. The democratic response to Trump is effective because they are not the only people holding the president accountable to his promises made during the campaign

  17. 1) The one brief allusion President Trump had towards foreign policy involved a proposal to impose sanctions on groups and individuals that support Iran's ballistic missile program and a call to strengthen relations with Israel. The Iran sanctions reflect the idea that President Trump wants to shift foreign policy to oppose Iranian influence and power in the Middle East seeing that they allegedly partook in a ballistic missile test that the Trump administration opposes and they have supported the rebel group Houthis in Yemen. Furthermore, he has shifted the focus of the Israel- Palestine conflict towards just supporting Israel, rather than attempting to negotiate a peaceful resolution between the two states. This may come in the form of supporting the Israel military or even possibly sending troops in to help Israel in the conflict, but at the moment Trump has failed to specify his exact approach to this policy.
    2) Donald Trump focused a few key points towards rallying his base in his favor and discussed a number of policy initiatives and topics with an attempt to appeal to members who have not been reacting to him as positively. He appealed to his base of anti-establishment Americans and veterans by making various comments that they would find appealing, such as referring to how he's "draining the swamp" by making executive officials stay out of lobbying for a number of years after their service and by complimenting our veterans and soldiers various times. In regards to those not in his base, however, his comments seemed slightly less genuine and more like a subtle attempt at a political play for appeal. In the election, Trump polled far worse with the Latino and African-American community as opposed to with white Americans, so he tried to appeal to that base by claiming that education bills allowing school choice were geared towards improving their communities specifically. Granted, these attempts often seemed awkward an ineffective seeing that the policies he discussed were often just to benefit the general population, nothing specifically for the African-American or Latino community.

    1. 3) Although Trump's speech appeared massively more presidential compared to his earlier speeches, which I applaud him for, he still has far too much emphasis on politicking to base groups rather than explaining policy in-depth with America. In regards to health care, many walked away still unsure of it's direction and whether or not the infighting Republicans will be able to unify behind a plan to replace Obamacare by next year. Furthermore, Trump didn't do enough to explain where new military funding is going and where that funding is coming from. Ultimately, I feel as if Trump's attempts to appeal to certain groups still distracted him from the in-depth policy discussion America needs.
      4) Steve Beshear did a nice job of holding the President to the promises he made to Americans throughout the campaign, while also pointing him in the right direction on certain flaws of his early administration. Beshear made sure to address Trump's recklessness in attacking the media, which really doesn't accomplish anything and threatens our free press and the right of Americans to know about the news in Washington. He also effectively created cross tension between Trump's anti-establishment base by calling out how the Trump administration's self-centered approach is what ultimately causes the Washington gridlock and corruption that anti-establishment Americans dislike. Finally, by calling Trump back to our most basic values of embracing the oppressed and afraid, such as immigrants and refugees, he called Americans to realize that Trump's approach, while it may be effective (or may not be, only time will tell), may not be moral, and that's something we should not allow. One thing that may work against the democrats, however, is the fact that Steve Beshear is no longer as involved in politics seeing that he's no longer governor, potentially leading many to think that the democrats still lack the leadership to follow through with their hopes to obstruct Trump.

    2. I agree in #3 that Trump leaves Americans with uncertainty in the areas of healthcare and military funding. He needs to focus more on exactly how to implement policies and provide more details.

  18. I was surprised at how well this speech went compared to his last two, it seemed much more positive, appropriate, and presidential. The policy initiative that stood out to me was the five year ban on executive branch lobbying in an attempt to reduce government corruption. One of the instances when President Trump’s views on policy showed is when he stated he believes there should be an increase in security on the southern borders. This shows how national security is a great priority of his. He even went as far as bringing in a father whose son was killed by an illegal immigrant in a sanctuary city to further prove his point. I believe this this speech reflects good politics can make for good government because he spoke numerous times about unity. At one point he said that the parties need to put aside the grudges and work to protect the united states which should be a share goal by both parties. With Trumps rage starting to cool, it is possible that both parties can work together and accomplish a lot for the American people when the Democrats and Republicans are level headed. I do not believe the democratic video did very much. I am all for holding a president accountable for his actions but I felt they spent a little too much time focusing on Trump’s attitude. As if we all haven't learned the past two years, he has an outlandish attitude as long as he is sticking to the agenda and getting things done for the american people, the attitude will not be very important. This is a man in is seventies that has utilized this attitude to become one of the most successful businessmen in the world and now the president. He is never going to change very thing that brought him all the success. Its best to move on and strictly worry about the agenda and policy.

  19. 1. President Trump outlines policy initiative by acknowledging and promising to unite to fix common issues. He speaks about black history month, coming together to end crime and violence and how he is going to end government corruption. All of these are unifying topics that affect everyone, especially his opposition. “Work with, not against”

    2. As the head of his party, Trump continues to push his policy which is what his supporters want. He speaks about the importance of national defense and how he will build a, “big white wall” and how he will make programs such as “V.O.I.C.E.”. He also talks about the “money that will be pouring in” which is directly related to his campaign promises about jobs and the economy. He proved that he is the head of party and those who supported him should continue to do so.

    3. This speech was very positive and had a lot of promising statements in it. In a few places, such as when he talks about banning lobbying, this is showing good politics making for good government. This is overall making for a more fair government the process of ending corruption. This is just one example, however overall there is not much other evidence that politics can make for good government. It is too soon to tell, but from this speech, it is questionable.

    4. The Democratic questioning did a fair job at trying to hold him to his campaign promises.They also talked about how he plans to do these, as many of them are either very hard, or very costly. They however focused mostly on his character and behavior as the president. While this is very important, being that he is the model for the country, they should have focused on policy more.

  20. 1.One initiative that President Trump discussed in his is that he wants to rebuild America's infrastructure. He plans to ask congress to approve a budget of 1 Trillion dollars to improve infrastructure. Trump believes this will improve America's "third world country" infrastructure, in his own words.

    2.During the speech we hear President Trump say that he plans to "Drain the swap" to end corruption in the government. He has put a 5 year ban lobbying by executive branch officials. This action shows that Trump is staying true to his campaign promises in rooting out corruption. Like we discussed in class this can be used in his re-election campaign, if he says "we have begun the process to drain the swamp" it will help his chances of getting re-elected.

    3. This speech was very positive and had a lot of promising statements in it. In a few places, such as when he talks about how he plans to ban lobbying, it shows good politics making for good government. This is overall help begin the process of ending corruption in government. This is just one example, there is not much other evidence that politics can make for good government however like we have discussed in class before this is a difficult process, especially if you want to try and please everyone. It is too soon to tell, but from this speech, I believe that he will find a good balance.

    4. The Democratic questioning did a fair job at trying to hold him to his campaign promises.They talked about how he plans to uphold his campaign promises, as many of them are either exceedingly difficult to achieve, or exceptionally expensive. They however focused mostly on his character and his behavior rather than his politics. While I understand that who he is important, but we should judge him for how he implements his politics. Hopefully we can try and bring the two parties together to have an effective term or two terms.

    1. I agree with your point made in the second question that what he is doing with clearing out corruption can be a good point used for his reelection. I also agree how it shows he is following through with his campaign promises he made.

    2. I agree with your claim on how Trump wanting to ban lobbying represents good politics making for good government. The specific goal that Trump has reflects his own politics, and if carried out properly, his plans can benefit the government as a whole.

    3. I agree with your point in the first question as to how President Trump is following through with his plans to increase infrastructure from his campaign. If the budget was to be passed, people would be put to work, and we would have the added benefit of renewed infrastructure.

    4. I agree with your point on how Trump is trying to root out corruption. His plan to "Drain the swamp" shows how he is following through with his campaign promises. Getting rid of this corruption would help ensure his reelection.

    5. I agree with your response to question 4, as Mr. Beshear focused more on President Trump's character rather than his policies. Had he tied the American values he presented, Trump's character, and Trump's promises together, it would have been a much more effective response

  21. 1) One policy President Trump talks about is his initiative to improve American infrastructure. He has vowed to give one trillion dollars in an effort to improve America's "third world infrastructure."
    2) Trump plans to build a "great, great wall" along the southern border of the US. This is an example of his view on politics because he believes there are too many illegal immigrants and there should be a wall to secure the US border with Mexico.
    3) Although I believe the Speech was very well delivered and well written, I do not believe that the theme of "Good politics makes good government" was exemplified in this speech. President Trump did say many good things in his speech that will lift American spirits, but what he says does not necessarily mean that it will be executed and put into law. What he said was good politics in that he got people to like and approve his speech. He did not put any law or plan into action in his speech, which is why I think his speech did not exemplify the theme.
    4)I believe the Democrats did an effective job in holding the President accountable for his campaign promises. He did that by explaining the fact even the President needs to be held accountable for the reckless things he says. Although that is how he gained popularity, some things he said were over the top, and Americans need to realize that everyone needs to be accountable for their actions.

    1. I agree on #3, for a speech in front of Congress, a key component and a gateway into getting things done in America, I would've liked to see Trump either, like you said, put laws and plans into place or go more in depth with his plans so that the American people and our Congress knows exactly whats going to happen.

    2. I can understand how you feel in your third statement. I was expecting Trump to reveal plans of how he would implement his policies and work with Congress. However, he showed a willingness to bring good politics into Congress when he mentioned that he would like to unite a divided nation. Even though all his plans might not be executed, he demonstrated in his speech that he would like to bring the public's attention together on these issues.

  22. 1. Trump wants to rebuild infrastructure. To do this, he plans to ask Congress to approve legislation that produces a one trillion dollar investment in United States infrastructure and will create more jobs.
    2. Trump wants to build a “great wall” on the Southern border of the United States. This shows that he is staying true to his campaign promises and his views on illegal immigration in that it must be destroyed.
    3. I don’t believe that the theme of “good politics makes good government” was present in Trump’s speech. Although drastically more optimistic than his prior speeches, viewers were still left with vague answers to policy implementation. For example, the direction of healthcare and replacement of Obamacare is still in question and it’s not clear how all of Trump’s plans will be executed.
    4. The Democratic response did an effective job of holding the President accountable to his campaign promises. He discusses Trump’s plan for immigration and points out families should not be broken up to reform immigration laws. They also hold him accountable for his way in carrying out promises which have included going against people who disagree with him which is denying democracy. He speaks in a respectful manner which helps get his point across in a better way.

    1. I agree with you in the fact that the theme of "good politics makes for good government" was present. I also agree that the President should take the time to elaborate more on specific policies that the American people are eager to hear about.

    2. I agree with your third point in that Trump left citizens with unanswered questions and vague answers about healthcare. I agree that it is not clear of how Trump's plans will be executed. I also agree with your fourth point in that the his respectful manner helped him be for effective in getting his opinion across.

  23. 1. During President Trump’s Address to Congress, he advanced his policy initiative to “drain the swamp” and end corruption in Washington, which had been one of his major campaign promises. He affirmed his intentions to do so by stating he has imposed a five year ban on lobbying by Executive branch officials.
    2. One of his views on politics has been to repeal and replace The Affordable Care Act, a considerably important initiative for the Republican Party. Trump started by discrediting Obamacare for not keeping promises regarding being allowed to keep your doctor and previous health care plan. He then goes on to add that he will introduce a new health care plan which will ensure that people with pre-existing conditions have access to health care, and that we will have a stable transition for Americans currently enrolled in Obamacare.
    3. President Trump’s speech is an example of how good politics make for good government. During Trump’s, mostly optimistic, speech, he outlined his intentions to end corruption in Washington by setting a five year ban on lobbying by executive officials. He also offered a friendly invitation to both Democrats and Republicans, to work together on certain political issues.
    4. The Democratic response was more aimed towards the President's demeanor and character, rather than specific policies or campaign promises. Although the Kentucky Governor avoided addressing most of his campaign promises specifically, I feel for the few times he did speak about the President's policies, he did an effective job with holding him accountable for his policies. He mentioned the President’s policies towards immigration, and responds by stating that American morals obligate us to help people from other countries who are in need of aid. ~Matt St. Jeanos

  24. 1.) Trump identified many policy initiatives in his speech. He spoke about healthcare when he explained that he plans on repealing “Obama Care”. He explains that he wants to fix the problems within the system, without leaving Americans without proper healthcare. President Trump also spoke about infrastructure when he mentioned building a wall along the Mexican border. He also spoke about the military as he explained that he wants to increase the military budget.

    2.) All throughout Trump’s campaign, he spoke about “building a wall” along the Mexican border. He further supports this idea as he explains that soon construction will begin and the wall will be built. He wants to prioritize the security and protection along the Southern borders and prevent illegal immigration.

    3.) Trump’s speech left an optimistic impression on many citizens of the United States. Trump made many promises, many of the same ones that he made during his campaigning, and showed that there will be many improvements to the country. But, although these statements are uplifting, I do not believe that many of the promises can be kept. Of course, I hope that Trump can fix the many problems in our country, but there are still many unanswered questions. There were many vague statements in his speech and therefore I do not think that this speech exemplified that “good politics can make for good government”.

    4.) I do believe that this democratic response did a good job of holding the president accountable to his campaign promises. The former governor spoke about how some leaders focus more on themselves and not the entire United States. He focused on the idea of respecting each other. There are ways to protect our country and improve our system without taking rights away from people. He is respectful in the way he disagrees with Trump. He makes it known that just because people have different beliefs, they are not enemies.

    1. I agree with your answer to number 3. He left his viewers with an optimistic impression, but most of his goals and promises most likely won't be kept. There are also a ton of unanswered questions.

  25. 1. Based on the excerpts from the speech, Trump made it clear that he wants to rebuild infrastructure. To do this he said that he will have to work with Congress to get them to approve legislation that would create more jobs and produce an investment in United States infrastructure.

    2. Based on the excerpts from the speech, President Trump said that he wants to "drain the swamp" and put an end to corruption in the government. So far, he has banned lobbying by executive branch officials for 5 years. By doing this, Trump is staying true to his campaign promises.

    3. President Trump’s showed that good politics can make for good government in his speech to Congress. The goals outlined in his speech will have a positive impact on the country if they end up being reached. The only problem was that the speech was a bit vague in how his goals will be reached. For example, healthcare and the replacement of Obamacare is still up in the air.

    4. The Democratic questioning did a really good job at trying to hold Trump to promises and goals created in his campaign. But, they focused mainly on his character and his behavior, not his politics. When they did discuss his politics, they looked into Trump's plans and how they are going to be fulfilled. Most of them are either very difficult to accomplish or extremely expensive.

    1. I agree with your point in #3 in that President Trump's speech had an overall positive tone to it, as well as how he failed to truly reveal to Congress and the public as to how he will go about his many ideas and plans for our country.

    2. I agree with you on that the speech was a bit vague, even though it was long, I think President Trump could have gone more into depth into the healthcare plan, since this is an important issue to the nation.

    3. I agree with points 1, 2 and 4, but I don't think that this speech was an example of how good politics can make for good government. I agree that his speech was vague, but I think without any support his ideas can't be an example of good politics leading to good government.

  26. 1) In President Trump's most recent speech, he addressed both houses of Congress and both parties together for the first time in his term. In his speech, both his political ideologies and plans as the head of the executive branch were addressed to Congress as well as the American people. An example of Trump's policy initiative in his speech includes his description of the relations with Middle-Eastern nations and the ultimate goal of eradicating the Islamic extremist group, ISIS. Trump's plan to fight ISIS is a prime example of his power as Commander-in-Chief and role in protecting national interests as head of the executive branch.
    2) As opposed to an example of Trump's speech which outlined a policy initiative, his views on politics were certainly displayed throughout, specifically regarding his views on immigration. First, he mentioned the construction of the "Great Wall" on the southern border of the United States with Mexico, which we have all heard much about since the beginning of his presidential campaign. After, he then delved more specifically into the issue, when he proclaimed his displeasure with the idea of allowing immigrants into the United States from nations where proper vetting cannot take place, essentially reinforcing his recent executive order to ban entry of non-American citizens from several Middle-Eastern nations. Clearly, Trump's political beliefs are heavily driven by a desire for tight immigration restrictions.
    3) It is fair to say that good politics does make for good government, but President Trump's speech was not a great example of this concept. Unlike his speech at the Republican National Convention,Trump's speech emanated positivity and professionalism; however, even though Trump stated many great points and plans for the country that align with his political beliefs, he failed to explain to the houses of Congress and American people just how he would implement these political policies. To be fair, he was more precise in that he gave specific dollar amounts in how he plans to allocate his budget in fields such as the military, but that money means nothing if it is utilized to its full capability. Therefore, Trump's speech exemplified "good," positive politics but did not show specifically how the government would function with him as President.
    4) The response to Trump's speech by former Kentucky Governor and Democrat Steve Beshear was effective, as it held Trump to his campaign promises while simultaneously poking at the errors he has made through his brief tenure as President. First, Beshear agrees with Trump in that it is necessary to protect the United States, but unnecessary to do so in a matter that challenges the very beliefs with which our nation was built upon. Trump's immigration plans threaten to break apart families and ruin the livelihood of thousands of Americans, and Beshear's highlight of this point is effective in challenging one of Trump's "hugest" campaign promises. His quote of former Republican president Ronald Reagan to challenge the present Republican president's plans for his term was a clever technique and certainly strengthened his overall message.

    1. I agree. With the exception of maybe infrastructure, this was not good poltics making for good government. Infrastructure will likely create enemies amongst his own party as well due to the steep costs

    2. I disagree with your response to question four, where although he briefly discussed the wall, he focused primarily on Trump's character. Also, with regards to separating families, the illegal immigrant in question has broken a law, and can be compared to saying someone should not go to jail for stealing, for it would break the family apart.

  27. 1) Donald Trump mentioned how he wants congress to pass a bill for 1 trillion dollars to improve infrastructure across America. He believes that this will create more jobs and help to lower unemployment/

    2) One action that Trump said in his speech was repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Obamacare is something that numerous republicans do not like and that they want to get rid of and replace.

    3)I believe that good politics can lead to good government if the person follows through on their politics. President Trump believes that if his plans work, the country will be in a much better place and work more like a business. However it can go both ways if the politics run contrary to public opinion such as the travel ban.

    4)I believe the questions that related to Donald Trumps plans and policy's were well thought out asked but the questions about his character were not necessary. While his character and persona may not be well liked and received, that is not as important as his policies and plans since he is the president. The democratic questions could certainly have been better but they got the main point across of how hard it will be to achieve these goals.

    1. I agree with how Trump will want the country to work more like a business as that is what he is used to and familiar with. I don't agree with you and feel that the democrats did fairly question his character has given him a questionable reputation.

    2. I agree with #4. The dems should have focused less on his temperament and more on the facts, as trump was not is normal, chaotic self this speech.

    3. I agree with #3. Good politics can lead to good government but President Trump needs to follow public opinion and what is best for America, not best for him. He did a good job of illustrating this in how he plans to follow through on his campaign promises.

  28. 1. Trump addressed both houses of Congress in his speech, and one policy initiative he mentioned is increased military spending. One of Trump's campaign promises was to try and defeat ISIS, so a bigger military budget shows an effort to get new military equipment in order to fight terrorists.

    2. During his campaign Trump promised to "drain the swamp", or root out corruption in the government, and in his speech President Trump mentioned this. This shows that Trump views the government as corrupt which is consistent with why people voted for him, since he's not the typical "politician" America is used to seeing run for President.

    3. Good politics can make for government because good politics will get the public and Congress to agree on certain policy changes. This will then lead to an easier time in getting legislation for this policy passed, which is good government. This speech saw Trump mentioning many of his campaign promises, which shows he is dedicated to doing what he set out to do which will make for good politics which leads to good government.

    4. The democratic response focused more on pointing out Trump's character, than focusing on his campaign promises. People may not agree with how Trump acts and his character, but for a speech like this the democratic response should have focused more on the goals Trump said he would achieve.

    1. I agree with the consistency of Trump's view of the government that you pointed out, especially since his background is so different from the average politician. I also agree with your point that for a speech like this, the democratic response shouldn't have focused so much on criticizing Trump's character but rather it should have, more importantly, focused on his plans and goals discussed in the speech.

    2. I agree with your answer to #4 because he really did focus a lot on Trump's character rather than his campaign promises. He should have talked more about his policies and goals instead of talking about the values a president should have and how they should or should not act.

  29. 1. President Trump has a plan to ask congress for legislation to spend 1 trillion dollars on infrastructure. This will create jobs and he will use use the public and private sector during the rebuild.
    2. President Trump mentions the “construction of a great great wall along our southern border”. This relates to his policy on immigration.
    3. This speech does show that good politics can make for good government. Trump’s speech shows that he has some policies that both parties would want along with the fact that he has plans to keep his promises he made during the primaries. Also during his speech he wants to implement a five year ban on lobbyist which is especially good for everyone.
    4. I believe that the democratic response does do a good job at holding Trump responsible. During their response they respectively say what they believe is wrong with his policy. I agree with them when they referred to his campaign policy and character as they are very defining factors in a president.

    1. I disagree with your opinion on 4. I feel that the response was more geared toward his character than on the issues he discussed

  30. 1. President Trump recognizes the importance of maintaining an honest and efficient office to achieve his goals as well as to earn the public's trust. By imposing a 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials, President Trump can follow through with his promise to "drain the swamp of government corruption" and cleanse the branch of government he administers. This way, he is able to isolate himself from any rumors of corruption.
    2. While addressing the relationship between America and the current allies, President Trump also seizes this opportunity to credit and applaud the heroes of our nations. Then he dives into the heart of the matter regarding the financial dues of these allies and President Trump acknowledges the "strong and frank" conversations that had pushed for this outcome. By ending off on a cheerful, yet clever note, he was able to win the audience's laughter and support as well.
    3. This theme can be seen in this speech because unlike President Trump's other speeches, this one successfully conveyed his desire to work with Congress by repeating respectful phrases such as "calling on this Congress" or "asking the Congress." His proposed policies were also evidence of good politics because he was carrying out his promised goals which were reiterated since the election. Focusing his stance on immigration and Obama care, he strategically proposed his upcoming plans to build a wall like he promised and laid out the groundwork for asking Congress to "repeal and replace" Obamacare.
    4. The Democratic response did an effective job of criticizing the way President Trump had approached the issues stated by his campaign, however they did not do an effective job of holding him accountable to his campaign promises. Neglecting any specific promises that President Trump had made, the speaker only reprimanded Trump's way of questioning the credibility and loyalty of the government rather than trusting and improving each aspect of the government. This solely focused on Trump's presentation of government's flaws, which the Democratic response argued had divided the country rather than strengthened it, however, this response did not discuss the progress of President's campaign promises.

  31. A policy initiative that was mentioned by Donald Trump during his speech to both houses was an increase in Military spending to combat ISIS and other militant groups in the Middle East. This increase in Military spending will be very useful in obtaining the new equipment needed to re solidify our position as the supreme Military power.

    An example of politics discussed by Donald Trump in his speech was putting an end to corruption in government. This is shown through his "drain the swamp" quote and this shows that he is trying to appeal to both parties.

    Yes good politics can make for good government because it can lead to a representative reaching across the aisle in order to gain votes but also to make our country better even if it is on accident.

    I believe that the democratic response to the speech was not very effective of holding trump to his campaign promises. It seemed more like an attack on his character than an attempt to show where they disagreed with his proposed plans. I did however watch a CNN special on the speech and surprisingly they were very positive about him and his plans

    1. I agree with you on number 3 because even though it's not intentional good politics leading to good government can lead to more cooperation in the federal government

  32. 1. On policy initiative Trump focused on was infrastructure spending. This $1 trillion plan is one that could garnish bipartisan support, however, the main roadblock in enacting such an audacious plan is how will we pay for it. Fiscally conservative republicans are likely to have their reservations about such a plan. This policy initiative is certainly needed and unilaterally supportable, but with his plans to cut taxes and other bold spending promises, it seems like a difficult bill to get passed.

    2. Trump highlights a surge in crime as a a major problem plaguing the nation, a problem he previously blamed on the democrats in Illinois and Chicago specifically along with the president (as opposed to guns and other contributing factors). His further and repeated focus on crime, supported by true but misleading statistics, exemplify his political stance by failing to mention guns, referencing illegal immigrants roles in crime and pointing to the liberal city of Chicago.

    3. Good politics can absolutely make for good government, but I don't believe that's evident here. While this speech was arguably the least-divisive he has ever given, I'm not sure it was sound politically. He continued to scapegoat immigrants and Latinos (which does not buy him any allies among the democrats) and still stood by his plan to bar immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries. These contentious claims are bad politics, as they are divisive and incredibly partisan. Yet, Trump still pushed for them. The only example of good politics making for good government I could see is infrastructure, but it may only increase polarization amongst his own party if they struggle finding a way to pay for it.

    4. I think the democratic response was good, but tailored to a more classic trump speech. I think they didn't expect trump to be as "presidential" as he appeared. Bashear mostly addressed accountability and Trumps tulmotuous last month as opposed to precise reference to trumps speech. Bashear, an older former governor who was replaced by a republican as governor of a red state was an odd choice for the dems as opposed to one of the many rising stars in the party. Yet, it was poignant and certainly got the message across that the number of this divisive and un-American rhetoric is unacceptable.

    1. 1. While I agree with you that the infrastructure project is somewhat expensive, fiscal conservatives can get on board with this if other costs are cut substantially. For example, these infrastructure projects will generate jobs. With more people at work, there will be less necessity for welfare programs such as food stamps as their income will feed them. If Trump is willing to cut those types of costs, fiscal conservatives could get on board.

      2. It is known that Chicago has strict gun laws like any other urban area. However, that does not stop people in gangs as they are more concerned about the rules of the gang than the laws of land. Regardless of how strict gun laws become, the people that law enforcement are trying to stop are the same people who will ignore these rules. Therefore, mentioning guns as a source of the crimes will do nothing as stricter gun laws are not the solution.

      3.With good politics and good government, Trump’s proposal for school choice will help minorities gain an education in a better school. This will help them in their attempt to escape the vicious cycle of poverty that has plagued their communities. For women, Trump has announced that he has been working with Justin Trudeau in making working women a priority on their agendas. Both minorities and women tend to vote Democratic and some of Trump’s work should have Democrats working with Trump. This would lead to good politics that creates government action.

      4. No one expected President Trump to conduct himself in the fashion that he did. Therefore, I somewhat expected the response to be weak. However, it was still a very strong response. What I did not expect was that the one who spoke was a former governor of Kentucky. In retrospect, the decision made sense as Beshear is someone who can appeal to the conservatives as the Democrats need more conservatives to see their concerns.
      -Nicholas Gucciardo

    2. I agree with number 4. The Democrats seemed unprepared for the speech, but still made compelling arguments based on his previous actions as president

  33. 1.A major political initiative President Trump is taking on is trying to fix the education system. He plans on creating a bill with both parties help in order to fund school choice for disadvantaged youth.
    2. A passage that outlines his political views would be when he talked about trying to lower the high crime rates in the country ordering by trying to work together with our police departments and not against them.
    3. I believe that this speech is a good example of how good politics can make for good government. This is because he is trying to try outline ways to fix our economy such as getting rid of Obama care which he believes we need act swiftly in order to help infrastructure.
    4. I believe that the democratic response does a good job of holding Trump accountable for his promises. He questions Trump's views on immigration. He also holds Trump accountable for his character and the way he portrays himself as a president.

  34. 1. A passage that is an example of one of Trump’s policies is his view on immigration. He plans on restoring integrity at our borders by building the wall along the southern border. This policy has remained with him throughout his entire campaign as he plans on keeping more crime out of America and “helping Americans succeed.” He also wishes to destroy radical Islamic terrorism by preventing immigrants from dangerous countries from entering the United States. His policy on immigration is highly controversial and will be difficult to accomplish, but he seems very enthusiastic to accomplish it.

    2. A passage that is an example of one of Trump’s views on politics is his plan to send congress a budget to rebuild our military and eliminate defense sequester. He has made it evident that he stands with our military and he would like to rebuild and improve it, and he plans on doing so in the future by sending this bill. He even mentions U.S. NAVY Special Operator William Ryan Owens who was part of a raid that increased our knowledge against our enemies. He applauds his widow who was in the audience and thanked him for his service. His support for the military was further solidified when he said “To those allies who wonder what kind of friend America will be, look no further than the heroes that wear our uniforms.”

    3. I believe that this speech showed that good politics can make for good government because he spoke of ideas that mostly benefited the U.S. as a whole, and some that even appealed to both parties. He seems very eager to help pass bills to help the education system, break a cycle of violence and work with police officers rather than against them, repeal Obamacare, create a Homeland Security Office called VOICE, and many more. Many of these may not be accomplished, but the fact that he promised to do what he could to make changes shows that good politics makes for good government.

    4. The Democratic response from Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear was an exceptional job holding the president to his campaign promises. He talked about some of the policies Trump wants to follow through with such as immigration and respectfully gave his opinion. However, he spent a good portion of the interview pointing out the values he believes a president should have rather than talking about his promises.

    1. I agree with your 3th point about how by drawing attention to his own policies directly, he is emphasizing the necessity for change and improvement. His concerns are with everyone and he intends to help unify the people while still keeping them safe and their best interests at heart.

  35. 1. one policy that trump discused was about government spending on fighting terrorist threats such as ISIS and other problems that are occuring in the middle east. i believe that this is a good idea because we need to stop threats to our country like ISIS. with military spending, we can aquire new and improved equipment that can help us to stop threats to our home land.
    2. trump discuses the plan on building the wall along the southern border that would prevent illegal immigrants from comming into our country. i beleive that trump can really fufill his promise on building the wall as it would also create new jobs too.
    3. good politics do make for good government because people can reach out to other people and those in need and they can get their votes to get into office.
    4. i think that the democratic response was very effective but they mostly attacked on his policies. the response more focused on his behavior and attitude rather than his policies though.

    1. I agree with your first point on Trump trying to tackle the whole ISIS ordeal going on in the middle east. He has taken big steps in trying to make our nation safe

  36. 1. One policy initiative by President Trump is when he proposed his $1 trillion plan on infrastructure. He promised a similar plan during his campaign, and hopes to reach bipartisan support of such a plan in order to put the American people to work and renewing infrastructure.
    2. We see President Trump's views on politics when he explains in his speech that we will in fact build a great wall along our southern border to protect against threats from the Latin countries, showing his desire to keep the American people safe.
    3. We can clearly see that good politics make for good government in the case of President Trump, where during his campaign he promised to stop corruption and in his speech stated "imposing a 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials."
    4. Steve Beshear fails to criticize Trump about his campaign promises. In fact, he weakens his argument through taking shots at Trump's character instead of his policy. We see Beshear bring up how the Presidency is not all about Trump, however in his speech President Trump does the opposite. He proposed plans to defend our borders, put our people to work, and end corruption in government. As a result, I believe this was an unsuccessful attempt to attack President Trump's policies.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. 1.In President Trumps address to congress, he discusses multiple policy initiatives. One in particular was that he ordered the Department of Homeland Security and Justice along with other federal departments to work to dismantle the criminal cartels currently in existence. He exploits how these criminals and their drugs are negatively affecting us and promises aid to those who have had their lives destroyed because of said substances.
    2.An excerpt from the speech that outlines his view on politics is his awareness of government corruption. He is working towards enforced civil rights and wants to end manipulation. His attempts to do so have begun with a 5 year ban placed on Lobbyists and interest groups.
    3.Whether or not good politics can make for good politics is indicative of the kind of president we have. If he can stand by his word and ensure that his moral values and ideals are influencing the policies implemented, then yes. With the policy initiatives introduced in the video, it would appear that his main focuses are on protection, safety, and infrastructure. These policies are evidently the product of his personal beliefs and his actions are demonstrating how good politics could make for good government.
    4.The Democratic response does a very effective job of holding the President accountable to his campaign promises. He challenges President Trumps actions and our political system. Our government has one obligation and that obligation is to us, who the government is working for. By releasing this public statement about unification and moral obligation, the former Kentucky governor ensures that the president is aware of his burdens and responsibilities.

    1. I agree with your number 4; the government has an obligation to us and it works for us. We do not work for Trump, he is a public servant and serves the people.

  39. 1. President Trump has taken the initiative as head of state being that he has planned to begin revamping infrastructure and making America first. For example, he makes mention to how he will make sure the Keystone and Dakota access pipelines are constructed, thus creating jobs and improving America.
    2. One point in which he clearly outlines his view of politics is when he mentions the main idea his entire campaign was based around: his great wall. By bringing up this wall, he is reestablishing the idea that he will keep his campaign promises that are what made his political party and the nation vote him into office in the first place.
    3. The concept of good politics making good government is an idea that is very much true, and may clearly be seen throughout President Trump's speech. Unlike previous speeches, this one was very formal, organized, and respectful; which in turn resulted in honest and powerful political promises that will eventually lead to good government. The ban on lobbying, for example, proves this idea because he wants to free government from corruption, so he used his good politics in order to create his own good government.
    4. The democratic response did do a good job in attempting to hold President Trump accountable for his promises. However, this response seemed more of a criticism of Trump's character rather than his promises and his politics. Although he does do a good job explaining American values and how they tie into American culture, he does not necessarily pertain it to Trump's campaign promises specifically, but rather what Mr. Beshear believes would be effective in keeping American values at heart.

    1. 3. I agree that his speech this time around was much more "presidential" and respectful toward both parties and the government itself which in turned resulted in positive remarks. Satisfying the majority would allow for a more unified government.
      4.I agree that though the response did do a good job, the democrat still heavily focused on opinion based criticisms like presidential qualities and views.

    2. I agree with your response on number 3. Donald Trump's speech was a move in the right direction. He was level headed throughout, and actively tried to unite our divided government and country in an effort to improve the country

  40. 1) One example of policy initiative in Trump's speech is his plan to create the V.O.I.C.E. office. The Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement office will give a voice to those who have been silenced by special interest groups and ignored by the media. President Trump outlines his plan saying he ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create this new office.
    2) An example of politics in Trump's speech is his discussion of building a wall and enforcing the southern border. Building a wall was something that Trump focused on during his campaign, and now as President he continues to talk about restoring "integrity and the rule of law at our borders" and building "a great great wall along our southern border".
    3) President Trump's speech was much more polished and presidential than his inaugural address and showed a different side of him, but this speech as a whole was still not an example of good politics making for good government. Trumps promises to improve education, immigration, and poverty were vague and given his past actions seem unlikely to be carried out. Trump has to do more than just say he is going to improve education in a speech; he needs to have a plan to support his claims. Trump showed significant improvements during this speech, but it wasn't enough to support the claim that good politics can make good government.
    4) I think the Democratic response did a good job of holding Trump accountable for his campaign promises. Beshear holds Trump accountable for his recent actions like targeting the free press and the courts. Beshear also comments on Trump's immigration views and adds that Americans should not look at people solely from where they come from.

    1. I personally agree with you on number four; rather than praise Trump for his speech, he is being held accountable for what he promised while running for president.

    2. I didn't initially interpret number 3 the same way as you did, but I agree with your stance that actions speak louder than words. Despite speaking of unity, within the past weeks President Trump has implemented policies that are divisive in nature. In that respect, Trump's politics do not make for good government and thus, it is necessary that people hold him accountable for his actions like you explained in question 4.

    3. I agree with your #4 response due to the fact I completely agree that Trump has made many promises to the American people and now we want to see some action. It was done in a proper way and I found it was politically acceptable unlike his recent behaviors on television and towards the press.

  41. 1) One Policy that the President Donald Trump discussed during the campaign was fighting terrorism. Isis is not only a threat to our government but our citizens as well. Through the travel ban Trump imposed on a few countries this could help stop. Military spending is another option we could use by obtaining new technology that can eliminate these terrorist threats to our national security.

    2)The point that Trump clearly outlines is his need for a wall to build on the border of Mexico and the US. He is trying to keep his promise by actively trying to get funding for this project. This is one of the main reasons the American people elected him, and he would be foolish to not keep this promise.

    3)The ideology that good politics makes good government is not always true. Sometimes people can say things that make a lot of sense to the normal human being but on paper it would be a disaster and vice versa.

    4)The response the democrats gave in my opinion failed to criticize Trump's policy and ideas that he proposed and focused more so on his character. While Trumps speech was very uncharacteristically non self-centered and more trying to do what is best for this country rather than for himself or friends.

    1. I partially agree on #4, as they did without a doubt focus much on his character. However its tough to deny that they did challenge his ideas as well as question his plans.

  42. 1. A policy initiative that Trump proposed to Congress was an increasing effort in the “War on Drugs” that has raged on for decades. The President is calling on many of his executive departments such as Homeland Security and State to coordinate an aggressive strategy that eliminates drug cartels in the United States. While these departments are under the executive branch, Congress can control the spending for each of these departments. Therefore, the President needs to convince Congress that this policy initiative is one that truly needs to be executed.

    2.President Trump believes that in order to have a successful Congress, both parties must be willing to work together so that legislation is passed. This is especially true in the Senate where there are fifty-two Republicans, forty-six Democrats, and two Independents. Without a 67-33 advantage, Republicans will have to work with others if legislation is going to be passed. President Trump called on both Democrats and Republicans to pass legislation that would fund school choice for disadvantaged students. With his statements in that area of policy, he clearly understands that he will need the opposite party to cooperate with him, something that President Obama could not achieve.

    3.Good politics is based on the ability of one to have the most leverage in determining policies of any government. Good government is based on the ability to pass effective legislation that benefits the citizens. Although it may appear rare these days, good politics can lead to good government under the right circumstances. First, the president puts his party’s agenda as the highest priority. However, he must listen to the Democrats if he wants to achieve government action. By sometimes listening to the Democrats, he can show politically that he does allow Democratic legislation while keeping his party first. This speech seems to achieve this to some degree as he did talk about programs to help women in his collaboration with Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau. He also talked about lifting minorities through school-choice education, which relates to this theme.

    4.The Democratic response was somewhat effective in holding the President accountable to his campaign promises. Where it was really effective was when Steve Beshear was talking about Trump’s incidents of division. Beshear mentioned the accusations that Trump has made against the media and intelligence community. Additionally, the Democratic response was also effective in its attempt to also appeal to Republicans by making references to Ronald Reagan with immigration. This shows that Democrats are not the only ones with the same stances that he has.
    -Nicholas Gucciardo

  43. 1. Based on the excerpts from the speech identify a passage that outlines a policy initiative.
    “To launch our national rebuilding, I will be asking Congress to approve legislation that produces a one trillion dollar investment in the infrastructure of the United States financed through both public and private capital creating millions of new jobs.” In this passage, President Trump addresses an aspect of how President Trump will conduct his administration for the next four years and promotes a measure that will benefit a variety of American citizens. President Trump acts as the head of government and discusses a policy initiative when speaking about rebuilding and revitalizing the nation’s infrastructure.

    2. Based on the excerpts from the speech identify a passage that outlines his views on politics?
    “I am also calling on this Congress to repeal and replace Obamacare. O premiums nationwide have increased by double and triple digits. As an example, Arizona went up 116 percent last year alone. Remember when you were told that you could keep your doctor and keep your plan. We now know that all of those promises have been broken.” In this passage, President Trump is discussing his view in an inflammatory manner by calling some weaknesses of the Affordable Care Act promises that have been broken. He is acting as the head of his party, the Republican Party, by expressing the Republican view of Obamacare’s shortcomings. It is exceptionally early to be calling out the mistakes of a past president who has sustained a media presence stepping down following two terms in office, and therefore an example of “politics” rather than “government.”

    3. Consider the class theme: Can Good Politics make for Good Government? Is this speech an example of that theme?
    Good politics can make for good government if it is done effectively and carefully by combining aspects of both. President Trump’s address speech is an example of the theme because President Trump balances his viewpoint and his conservative constituents’ viewpoint with objective analysis of the nation’s current state and expectations and goals of where he expects it to go under, in part, his direction. By combining good politics with facts, President Trump exemplified, perhaps for the first time in his administration, truly good government through acting as the head of government and not the inherently biased head of the Republican party.

    4. Does the Democratic response do an effective job of holding the President accountable to his campaign promises?
    The Democratic response does an effective job of holding President Trump accountable to his campaign promises because he points out the ways that President Trump has yet to grow into and become accustomed to his more formal role. President Trump promised that he would be the best president while campaigning and the American electorate entrusted him with the power and opportunity to prove it. Beshear absolutely accomplished his point that President Trump has to focus on “real solutions instead of ultimatums and blame.” However, Beshear makes a point that real leaders unify, and President Trump’s inaugural address is a clear example of President Trump’s intent to do precisely this. Therefore, I do believe that the analysis that he is “eroding our democracy” is an overstatement.

  44. 1) Trump wants to institute a ban on anyone affiliated with lobbying, who is apart of the executive branch. Doing so will essentially eliminate much government corruption. Trump has an interesting view on government corruption as he is essentially an outsider.

    2) I believe that evidence of his stance on politics can be found with his idea for how t handle lobbying. He believes that this is an act of poor politics, which leads to poor government.

    3) I believe that this speech is a good example of that saying. Trump had a good speech which is a major step forward in his presidency, something he needed. Thus, perhaps the rest of Washington views this as an opportunity to harness the momentum and move forward with legislature.

    4) I believe that the democratic response did an okay job of reacting. On one hand, they did question some of his plans and ideas. However they also focused much of his character and behavior as president instead of what hes accomplished.

    1. I agree with your opinion on #3. His speech was a step in the right direction and if he can keep it up he may gain more support in Washington making his time in office much easier.

  45. 1. President Trump outlines various policy initiatives, for example, his plan for revitalizing America's infrastructure. He wants to begin by having congress pass legislation allowing the government to invest 1 trillion dollars in both the private and public sector in order to rebuild. In addition to rebuilding infrastructure, it will also create jobs.
    2. Trump also outlines his political views on immigration in this speech. He believes that there should be no entry into the country of people from certain nations who have not been vetted. He also wants to continue with his well-known plan to build a wall on the US and Mexican border in order to limit illegal immigration.
    3. Good politics can make for good government, however this speech is not the best example of this. Trump did mention his plan to drain Washington of corruption by implanting a 5 year ban on lobbying, but most of the speech outlined problems in America that he wants to solve without explaining how he wants to accomplish it.
    4. I think the democratic response did an effective job of holding the President accountable to his campaign promises mostly because of his mention of Trumps tendency to retaliate to people who say negative things about him and the moral aspects of Trump's wall.

    1. I agree with your third point. Trump's speech was not the best example of good politics making good government because he did not properly explain how he wants to accomplish his goals. However, some of the goals he set in this speech could make good government if they are carried out correctly.

  46. A passage that outlines policy initiative is when he speaks of his plan to improve the nation's infrastructure. Around 1 trillion dollars will be allocated to this project, and it will create jobs in the process, in both the public and private sector, which in turn will stimulate the economy.

    His views on politics are evident in the passage where he speaks about immigration from middle eastern countries and terrorism. He talks about how proper vetting is not possible at the time, and allowing immigrants from this area to flood in is a threat to national security.

    Good politics can make for good government, to state it simply. This is exemplified in this theme, where in Trumps campaign he spoke of restricting illegal immigration from Mexico, and in this speech shows how the creation of VOICE will deal with the issue.

    I feel that the democratic response did not do an effective job of holding the president accountable for his campaign promises, but rather criticized Trump as a person. I also feel that this is the wrong time to do so, because Trump appeared very presidential and delivered a great speech.

  47. An example of a policy initiative would be Trump’s call for national rebuilding. He will be asking Congress to approve of legislation that produces a $1 trillion investment in infrastructure of the United States, financed through both public and private capital to create many jobs.
    An example of Trump’s political views would be his stress on taking strong measures to protect the nation from Radical Islamic Terrorism. He believes it’s reckless to allow entry from places where proper vetting can’t occur. He also believes in the sanctions on entities and individuals who support Radical Islamic Terrorism.
    Good politics can certainly make for good government, though this relationship isn’t necessarily set in stone, but rather varies with the president’s actions. In Trump’s speech, I believe that he did uphold the relationship because he wasn’t only trying to satisfy his own goals but rather vast majority of COngress’ goals. Trump called for improvement in education, repealing Obamacare, but still maintaining a smooth transition for those already on health care programs, breaking cycle of violence and working with the police and ordering the Department of Homeland Security to create an office to serve American veterans
    Overall, the Democratic response did do a good job of holding the president accountable for his campaign promises. He mentions Trump’s criticism of the loyalty and credibility of the intelligence agencies, court system, military, free press and individual Americans. But, the response also had an overwhelming amount of personal opinions rather than factual information. Several times, he attacks Trump, saying that he;s eroding the democracy. He also heavily emphasizes his view of what a real leader’s qualities should be and the values said leader would have.

    1. I agree with your #4. Mr. Beshear appeared to be backing up his arguments with personal opinion. With more factual evidence, I feel that his side and what he was saying would have had more of an impact. Trump isn't necessarily eroding our economy but he should respond differently to those who don't agree with him.

  48. 1. Trump identified the fact that the repealing of Obamacare should not stop at just that, saying that “first, we should ensure that Americans with pre-existing conditions have access to coverage, and that we have a stable transition for Americans currently enrolled in the healthcare exchanges.” By saying this, Trump showed an effort at ensuring American people of all political parties were not left without the necessities they received from Obamacare.
    2. Trump also spoke of policies that would appeal to his political party, saying that “we have cleared the way for the construction of the Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines -- thereby creating tens of thousands of jobs -- and I've issued a new directive that new American pipelines be made with American steel.” This appeals republicans, who do not tend to be supportive of environmental conservation compared to other political parties.
    3. I believe that good politics may make for good government in Trump’s case. Trump believes that the goals outlined in his speech will have a very positive influence on the country, and if these expectations are accurate good government will be able to occur. However, Trump’s speech lacked specific information of how his goals will be reached.
    4. Overall, the Democratic response did a very good job of holding the president accountable to his campaign promises. He questions whether Trump’s immigration policies are the best thing for the country, and brings up valid ethical points to support his view. He also emphasizes that Trump attacking people who do not agree with him is in no way a good quality for a president to have. However, he does these things in a respectful way that ties the discussion back to what is best for America.

    1. I agree with your #3. His plans such as to protect the country definitely have a positive influence, as they are intended to protect everyone from the dangerous threats of radical terrorism.

  49. 1.)One policy initiative outlined is Trump’s speech is his plan to place a 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials. This will hopefully eliminate some level of corruption on an executive level, and follows through with Trump’s outsider persona.
    2.)In relation to his party’s strong anti immigration stance, he speaks on his plan to build a wall along the southern border. This also shows his devotion to his campaign promises.
    3.)Good politics can make for good government, but it is uncertain if Trump’s speech fully exemplified this. While it is regarded as his most presidential speech yet and his least divisive, he also spoke on many of his more controversial topics, such as the wall, which seem to only increase the divisions in our government with no agreeable solution.
    4.)The Democratic response was solid, doing nothing extraordinarily well. The use of an older former governor is questionable as it does not appeal to a younger audience as much and seems to show the stubbornness of the party. The ex-governor mostly spoke on Trump’s previous actions as president, as the speech had much less to criticize than typical Trump fare.

  50. 1) In President Trump's speech to Congress, the topic of immigration and immigrant related crimes was brought up. He said that he ordered the Department of Homeland Security to create a new office called VOICE. He believes this office, Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement, will give a voice to those that have been "ignored by media and silenced by special interests."
    2) President Trump's politics were evident when he once again discussed improving the infrastructure in the United States. Trump has repeatedly said that our infrastructure is that of a third world country and is embarrassing. He plans to ask Congress for a trillion dollar investment into U.S. infrastructure which will likely have a huge impact on the U.S. economy and the creation of jobs.
    3) Good politics can make for good government. Mr. Trump discusses different ideas that should be beneficial to all Americans like terrorism and threats to the safety of U.S. citizens. One specific idea that he mentioned was the 5 year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials. This is a clear step in the right direction as lobbying is a known issue and previous presidents have all dealt with it.
    4) Overall, it seems that the Democratic response was lacking a lot of substance. It seemed to be more reliant on criticizing Trump's character instead of his campaign promises. Additionally, most of what was said seemed to be more geared to invoking an emotional response for affirmation. One part I strongly agreed with was when he spoke about Trump's mentality towards those who did not agree with him and how he seems to be against the free press. Mr. Beshear was spot on when he said that just because someone doesn't agree with the President, shouldn't make them an enemy.

  51. 1.) One initiative Trump spoke about in his speech was vastly improving the infrastructure of the nation. He wants to overhaul places like airports and highways. In order to do this he must get Congress to approve a budget of 1 trillion dollars for the improvements.

    2.) A passage that outlines one of his political views is his idea of building a wall between the U.S and Mexico. He also speaks of more patrol and security there in order to stop illegal immigration which he has stated he is very strongly against since the campaign.

    3.) I think this speech is a pretty good example of that. Trump outlined what he wanted the country to do under his control and expressed some of his policies during the speech. The speech was much more appropriate and presidential than any of his other speeches which is a step in the right direction, but Trump will have to continue this to have a successful first term.

    4.) I thought the democratic response was very effective in holding the President accountable. Bringing up Ronald Reagan who was a very well liked Republican President helps with older Americans to second guess some of trumps policies involving the Muslim ban and wall. Also bringing up the importance of the media reporting on the Presidents wrongdoing was a strong point.

  52. 1. Like past presidents, Trump used his address to Congress to highlight his plans as head of state. For instance, he refers to future policy initiatives when he speaks about approving access for the Keystone and DAPL. Additionally, talking about creating jobs through the improvement of infrastructure and building a “great, great wall” on the border with Mexico is a clue as to what Trump’s future policies have in store. As expected, the president spoke about repealing and replacing Obamacare, although it is still unclear what the Republicans plan to replace the Affordable Care Act with.
    2. Trump also acts as head of the Republican party by focusing in on his political views. For example, the term “radical Islamic terrorist” is widely accepted by Republicans, but not by their liberal counterparts. Thus, by using this phrase President Trump is pushing a political agenda. In addition, when speaking about his extremely controversial wall and further plans to prohibit immigration from certain regions of the world, Trump is showing his own political opinions on such matters. Therefore, it is evident that Trump supports legislation that is along party lines for the majority of his speech.
    3. Throughout the course, we have often focused in on the phrase “good politics makes for good government.” I think that this speech could be viewed as an example of such a sentiment. Although I don’t agree with some of his policies, President Trump has made good on many of his campaign promises to his loyal constituents. Moreover, this speech is possibly his most presidential one yet and he called on unification of the country at many instances. He spoke of several issues that all Americans can get behind, like the improvement of infrastructure, creation of more jobs, and eradication of terrorism. Even though I worry that some of Trump’s policies may further deepen the divide among Americans, I hope that this speech is indicative of his promise as president to uphold the values that make America great.
    4. The Democratic response to Trump’s speech does an effective job of holding the president accountable for his campaign promises and actions as head of state. For instance, Mr. Beshear calls attention to the moral obligations America has to help those in need of refuge, keep families together, and protect our own military at all costs. These references to Trump’s policies on immigration and risky mission in Yemen ensure that the president is held accountable for his decisions. Additionally, Beshear calls into question Trumps criticism of the media because doing such is a direct threat to a free press. Thus, I believe the Democratic response does a great job of holding President Trump accountable.

  53. 1) Within President Trumps speech, he speaks of a few topics for policy initiative. One of these policy initiative topics focuses on rebuilding our nations infrastructure. Trump had been asking congress to approve a one trillion dollar infrastructure investment to be financed by both public and private capital which would create millions of jobs. Also Trump states how he plans to begin the construction of the wall between America and Mexico. This project will create millions of new jobs, and improve our immigration plans.
    2)Trumps plan to build the wall between Mexico and America could also be seen as a political view, because it follows through with his campaign promise to build the wall and will gain the support of the republicans, while the democrats would oppose, because their views on immigration are much different. Also Trumps plans to replace Obamacare will receive much opposition from the democrats.
    3)President Donald Trumps speech shows how good politics can make for good government. This is because Trump finally takes an initiative to unite the government with good politics by speaking of plans that are appealing to both parties. With good politics, follows good government because with a united government, plans could be carried out much easier.
    4)After watching the democratic response by the former Kentucky Governor, I believe the democratic party did an effective job at holding the president accountable to his campaign promises. By having the former governor speak at a diner with a group of warm people around him in an informal manner, it helps to create a warm welcoming tone along with his soft spoken voice. He does a good job in discussing how the democrats agree with immigration reform, but are completely against how it is being carried out and how families are being separated. Also he says how Trump had promised to help the struggling lower middle class, economically, but Trump has done just the opposite, with one of his first Executive orders that actually hurt this class economically. He then moves on to speak of the qualities that a real leader should have.

  54. 1) Trump is asking Congress to approve legislation that produces a one trillion dollar investment in infrastructure, which will create millions of jobs as a result. He plans to do this by cutting funding from other government programs. This is something he promised in his campaign and now is following through on.

    2) Trump plans to “drain the swamp,” of government corruption by imposing a five year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials. Trump has stated in the past that he is appalled by the corruption in government, now he is actively taking a stand against it. Many people voted for him because he is a Washington outsider, and people felt that politicians were corrupt, so this was a good move on his end.

    3) I believe Trump’s speech was a good example of how good politics make for good government. He shows that he is following through on many of his campaign promises, such as improving infrastructure, creating jobs, and ending government corruption. He is able to keep his promises that he made to his supporters while also implementing policies that will benefit everyone. He has good ideas and a plan to accomplish them.

    4) I believe that he doesn’t do an effective job of holding the President accountable to his campaign promises. He gives him good advice, such as telling him not to make enemies out of people that disagree with him. In addition, it’s a reminder that he needs to keep what’s best for the citizens at all times. However, it talked a lot about values and doesn’t mention his campaign promises.

  55. 1) A passage that outlines a policy initiative from the speech is when President Trump talks about his plan to defeat the terrorist organization, ISIS. This has been a topic he has discussed since his campaign and he highlighted it again in his speech. More funds will be used on the military to make fighting easier on the soldiers.
    2) A different passage from the speech that outlines his views on politics is when he talks about illegal immigration. He spoke about building a "great, great wall along the southern border" to keep out the "bad people". Trump wants extra protection and border patrol for the Mexican-American border to stop drugs from coming into the country as well as criminals.
    3) Good politics can make for good government. Trump stayed with his promises of stronger borders and improving infrastructure and is doing his best to follow through on his promises. While I disagree with some things, if he follows through on his promises he will show the american people he can do what he says he will do.
    4) The Democratic does a good job of holding Trump accountable for his campaign promises. He does not initially believe Trump is capable of doing everything he said he will; it is a long list and a lot of promises to follow through. Additionally, the Democrats acknowledge his aggressive nature but do not necessarily attack it, they merely address it.

    1. I agree that Trump has put forward good politics which can definitely result in good government. He has mentioned that the two parties must put their differences aside and work together to create a stronger, more unified country. Additionally, President Trump has very strong, consistent political views which means the country should know the direction it's going in. Also, legislation that people of both parties want could be carried out if both parties are willing to compromise in order to do what's best for the United States as a whole.

  56. 1. Trump spoke about many issues regarding our country and its future. There are many things he would like to improve upon in the future moving forward. He is looking to create jobs by investing a great deal of money in our country´s infrastructure. Although one trillion dollars is a substantial about of money, Trump intends to utilize it to our advantage. People who work publicly or privately would benefit from this investment because they are going to be the ones fulfilling the jobs he intends to create.

    2.President Trump is big on removing Obamacare and addressed it during this speech regarding its removal. Prior to his presidency, he has always preached that Obamacare is harmful and unethical. He is now following through with trying to completely remove it.

    3. I truly believe that good politics as well as good government go hand in hand with one another. They are complimentary to one another and allow for more success. President Trump had great ideas regarding our schools. This is important because children today are the future of America and they need to be properly educated but safe while doing so. Improving schools will hopefully allow for brighter futures for many children and their future families.

    4.The Democratic response was done well in terms of being firm and making sure President Trump intends on following through with the several promises he has told to the America people. Many people are relying on what he intends to do for our country and if he does not pull through, that won´t be a good look for President Trump. The opposing party is just looking for a positive outcome from the president and they just want to make sure he is genuine when he speaks. I believe that he was asked a fair series of questions and he was not attacked like he usually does to others when conversing. President Trump should take no offense to people looking out for their country´s best interest.

  57. 1. One of the policies that Trump talks about in his speech is the improvement of our infrastructure. This is something that has has been talking about for a while and now he plans to put his plan into action. He plans to do this by asking congress for a budget of 1 trillion dollars specifically for this purpose.

    2.In his speech, Donald Trump talks about draining the swamp. He is against the current state of American politics and wants to break apart the establishment by banning all executive officials from lobbying for five years after they leave office.

    3. I do believe that Trump's speech accurately represents the phrase of "good government makes for good politics." In this speech, Trump refrains from making controversial comments and actually attempts to unite the American people, and the government. This speech shows that he will attempt to follow through with his policies in an effort to better the country.

    4.I do believe that the democratic response effectively holds Trump to his campaign promise. During his campaign, Donald Trump pledged to "Make America Great Again." However, Donald Trump's recent actions do not reflect the American principles that he swore to protect. The United States is a country of immigrants and Donald Trump's immigration reform is simply unamerican.

  58. 1. An excerpt from his speech that discusses a policy initiative is the creation of the office in Homeland Security called VOICE or Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement. During his campaign Trump boasted about deportation of illegal immigrants and the justice he would bring to the people who fell victim to immigrant related crimes. This new office is his first step towards fulfilling this campaign promise.

    2. Trump claims that, ¨we´ve funded global projects, but forget the fates of our children.¨ He feels that politically we focus too much on foreign issues and not enough on our own issues. He believes that by putting America first we will fix these problems and increase our success as a nation.

    3. I strongly believe that good politics can go well with good government. Trump has proved this through the ways he has started to fulfill his campaign promises. Such as the implementation of VOICE.

    4. Yes, the democratic party´s response appropriately points out the flaws in Trump´s speech and call him on his wrongdoings such as insulting U.S. Intelligence Agencies and his immigration initiative.

  59. 1. Trump discussed a policy initiative of building America's military and to increase the military's funding to the greatest amount of money ever to be spent on America's military in United States history. He introduces this plan by introducing the mother of a dead soldier and talked about the great things the soldier did while away in the Middle East.

    2. At the moment, Trump is still trying to unify the separate political sides of America. He used topics such as Black History Month, building jobs, and victims involved in immigration crime as a way to talk to both sides of congress.

    3. Trump is attempting to make the government better through politics, such as banning lobbying for five years to decrease the corruption in government.

    4. The democratic response shows how poor Trump ran his campaign and points out why so many people hate him and don't trust him as a president. Instead of threatening, arguing and name-calling, he should lead his country to the best of its potential.

  60. 1. One of Trump's plans is to invest in infrastructure. He plans to do this by asking congress for $1 trillion financed by both public and private capital to create millions of new jobs. This is something that Trump has spoken about since his campaign and plans to put it into place.

    2. During the President's speech, he reiterates one of his major campaign promises, to "drain the swamp", which he is putting into action by issuing a 5 year ban on lobbying within the executive branch. This demonstrates his views on politics showing how he still believes that government officials are corrupts and that he is remaining true to the promises of his campaign.

    3. I believe that good politics can make for good government because, as I stated above, President Trump is remaining true to the promises of his campaign. His speech outlines some policies that will have positive effects on the country and the only thing that could be worked on was the vagueness of some policies, specifically in regards to Obamacare.

    4. I believe that the Democratic response does a good job at holding Trump accountable for his campaign promises and establishing the need for Trump to unite America and to not go after people and view them as his enemies just because they don't agree with him. Finally, he does a good job at displaying the need for Trump to do what's best for America, not to work for him as he works for the people of America.

  61. 1. Trump discussed a policy initiative when he talked about his plans to dismantle the criminal cartel and to stop drugs from coming into the country and poisoning our youth, along with helping the people who have already become addicted to these drugs.
    2. A part of the speech that outlines his views on politics is when he spoke about a building a wall on the Mexican border. This highlighted his political views in favor of preventing illegal immigration.
    3. Good politics can make good government, and Trump actually did a good job demonstrating this. An example would be when he discussed protecting the country from radical Islamic terrorism. In this case, good politics make for good government because a government that aims to protect its people from danger is definitely a good one.
    4. I believe that the Democratic response does a good job at holding Trump accountable for his campaign promises, as he points out the consequences of his plans, which include tearing apart families and causing putting our soldiers at risk by sending them overseas. He also does a good job of reminding him that he should understand that the people who disagree with him are not his enemies, and treating other Americans as his enemies as he seems to is hurting the American democracy. He works for America, but America does not work for him.

    1. I completely agree with your answer to number four. He does not do a good job of unifying the political divide among Americans, he only pushes us farther apart. This can also clearly be seen in his Inauguration Speech. With his new immigration policies he is pushing hardworking people away from their families and the country thats given them a better shot.
