Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Debate Prep: Decision 2012

Healthcare Debate:

President Obama a central part of the Affordable Healthcare Act requires a government mandate of owning health insurance, yet in 2008 you campaigned vehemently against mandated government healthcare.  In addition, you noted a strength of your leadership was reaching out to republicans so that they would be more accepting of your healthcare ideas.  Do you feel you have accomplished either goal in your first term as President?
Governor Romney, you've repeatedly argued that the first thing you would do is repeal Obamacare.  Yet many of the ideas you championed as Governor of Massachusettes were incorporated into the Affordable Healthcare Act.  In addition, after the primary you have seemed to have dialed back your anti-obama care this true?  Would you still repeal all of the Affordable Health care Act?

The value of Campaign Promises

President Obama how do you respond to Jack Cafferty's criticism of your ability to work with the opposing party and promote a political environment of openess and transparency?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Governor Romney you have campaigned on being a Pro-Life president who would appoint judges who would seek to overturn Roe v. Wade, yet in your campaign against Ted Kennedy(1994) for Senator you claimed that you believed "abortion should be safe and legal in this country" Have you changed your position on this issue?

Foreign Policy

President Obama, How do you respond to Senator John McCain's criticism of your foreign policy decisions?

Governor Romeny, do you feel that UN Ambassador Rice is incorrect when she lists President Obama's role successes in Foreign Policy?  Why did you choose to openly criticize the President's actions so early in the crisis in Eygpt and Libya?  Are you concerned that leaders abroad will see the people of the US as a divided people?

The Economy

President Obama can you claim that the economic recovery plan was successful considering that for years later the unemployment rate is still above 8%?  Do you stand by this speech in which you challenge the American people to hold you accountable?


Governor Romney, were you opposed to the bail out plan and cash for clunkers program which helped put the auto industry back on track?  

Out of Context "What did you mean by this statement and do you stand by it?:

President Obama - "You didn't build that"


Governor Romney - "47% of this country won't vote for me no matter what I do.."

Just For Fun: Homer Simpson Votes


  1. Watch two videos and answer the question that is posed to either candidate. You must choose one question to President Obama and one question to Governor Romney. Whether or not you like the candidate you must answer the question from their point of view.

  2. Mitt Romney on Affordable Care Act:
    There are a couple aspects of the president's plan that I intend to keep in place because they will support the welfare of the American people. Specifically, I will preserve the part of the law which forbids insurance companies from discriminating against people with pre-existing conditions and I will maintain a young adult's right to stay on his parent's plan until age 26. However, I will not remove 716 billion dollars from Medicare. I will provide a private alternative to the government-financed system, which will enable Medicare recipients to spend their money where they want to spend it, and will drive down costs through competition. I will not create yet another government committee to tell Americans where they should go for treatment or what they should do to better themselves. More importantly, I will not impose the positions of my party on all Americans. Whereas I passed a healthcare bill in Massachusetts which had the support of an 87% Democratic legislature, and only 2 people voted against it, Obamacare received not a single vote from Republicans. I want the American people to know that as president I will understand that my role is to support your needs, and as I did as governor of Massachusetts, I will work with all of your elected officials to pass the legislation you need. Obamacare is a showcase of partisan politics and for that reason alone I will repeal it immediately.

  3. Barack Obama on foreign policy:
    Do not mistake me for the man the Republicans want me to be. They want to run against someone who is scared to stand up for American values in the global community. They want to run against someone who didn't authorize the operation to kill Osama Bin Laden. They want to run against someone who doesn't support Israel--who hasn't spoken to the prime minister of our greatest Middle Eastern ally more than any other world leader. And most unbelievably, they want to pretend that I have no pride in the reputation of this country. Unfortunately, the man they want to run against is not Barack Obama. They cite my desire to bring our troops home from Afghanistan or my plan to cut military spending as evidence that I am not fit to serve as commander-in-chief. Meanwhile, I understand that the American people do not want to see any more of our sons and daughters die in a war that is no longer necessary. I understand that enough families have been torn apart by this war, and I am ready to make a promise to the American people as to when we're going to stop it. On the matter of military spending, my plan does cut 600 billion dollars from the military budget, but what my friends in the Republican Party may not want to discuss is that my plan is still an increase in military spending--I am simply halting the rate of increase. My plan is no draconian blow to the resources of our armed forces; it is just a measure to make sure that their friends and families at home have a little more money in their pockets--that we are not taking from the American people a penny in unnecessary taxes. Given Governor Romney's supposed support of fiscal responsibility, I don't see why he wouldn't support an initiative to make lower taxes a reality.

  4. Barack Obama on his "You didn't build that" comment:
    The GOP has likely said many negative things about me. They have probably tried to paint me as "un-american" and a "socialist". Foremost, they have probably tried to portray that I believe that if you own a business, that it was not built off of your own hard work or intelligence. However, this is quite simply not the case. The speech that the GOP is referring to pertained to mentorship and the american economic system. I believe that everything in this economy is connected, starting with education. When you started your business, you were taught by a mentor, and you had the help of many friends, workers, and teachers along the way. Your business is connected to many other businesses, including the trucking companies, advertisers, buyers, and those that contributed to the infrastructure. When I said "You didn't build that," I referred to your business not having built the infrastructure, and all connecting businesses. The wonderful thing about capitalism is that all businesses work together to make this nation great, and every business contributes their own effort to the economy, whether it be running a corporation, building roads, or educating the future generations of America.

  5. Mitt Romney on "Pro-Life" comments:
    The President and his party are probably once again trying to paint me as a "flip flopper" on my political stances. However, my record has and always will say that I am one hundred percent pro-life regarding abortion. I find it appalling that anyone would support the murdering of innocent babies for so called "science", and I vow to stand vehemently against any form of legislation that would stand to legalize the murder of these helpeless infants. It is my duty as a Christian and a human being to prevent these heinous acts from continuing.

  6. Barack Obama on The Economy:
    Although it may seem as though my economic plan has not been successful because the unemployment rate has remained high, one must take into account the state of the economy when I became President, and shortly thereafter made that speech. Unemployment was 10% upon my entry into the White House, and I firmly believe that my policy decisions prevented the economic situation from declining further. Though it may not seem like much to my adversaries, the rate has since steadily decreased to 7.8%- an increase in employment of almost half a million people. The people of the United States must realize that the economy's woes cannot be remedied in just a few short years; they must see that the companies that received aid and that you, the people must pitch in, as well. I trust that the voters will enable me to serve our country for four more years and further advance our great nation.

  7. Mitt Romney on Healthcare:
    Yes, while I was Governor of Massachusetts, I created a healthcare system that one might think resembles Obamacare at first glance. However, it contrasts drastically with such a system in that in my plan, we do not allow those who have voluntarily decided not to get health care to expect the government to pay their way. Instead, we require that all have health insurance, and those who are not wealthy enough will be aided by the government, not paid for wholly by the government. It does not require that one gets federal insurance, but instead do so only if one cannot get other insurance. Thus, I would still repeal The Affordable Health Care Act and introduce one of my own similar to that which I helped to implement in Massachusetts.

  8. Barack Obama on Foreign Policy:
    What Senator McCain is failing to realize is that America has its own issues at home to be dealt with first before we can go and meddle in other countries. America has always been able to lead through its strong example and when people are starving here in America and being neglected, how can we truly help others? Not only that, but Americans are sick of sacrificing husbands and wives for wars that hold no purpose in their lives. It's time to focus on security at home instead of fighting for the security of others. America is and always has been a leader of the world, but there are other world powers who are just as responsible as us and can take care of needy countries in our stead. We need to focus on our own safety and back away from countries that don't want and don't need our help. We need to return those husbands and wives and sons and daughters back to their families. Now this doesn't mean that America is weak, or we're backing away from conflicts. It simply means that we're going to stop wasting lives on wars that have lasted too long and whose purpose has been, for the most part, achieved. America is past the chapter in it's history that contains Afghanistan and the other middle eastern conflicts. Time to move on.

  9. Romney on Quotes Out of Context:
    In this quote I only meant to talk about how I need to go about this election. As with most presidential elections there is a vast majority of people who are loyal to the sitting president, and the election is sure to be a close one. I also have a decent percentage of voters loyal to my party who will vote for me no matter what. Basically both Obama and I are fighting for that "5 to 10 percent," of independents in the middle who haven't made up their mind. What I meant by talking about the people currently on healthcare is that they have felt the immediate effects of Obama's programs and feel like they owe him a vote. But these people haven't had a chance to see what I can do to help them out yet. I have my own plans to create more jobs and take care of Americans, but because I am not the sitting president that 47% doesn't know what exactly will happen with my plans. But just because most of those people will most likely vote for Obama doesn't mean they can't change their mind. My new healthcare reforms and other potential legislation will be able to cut spending and waste while still protecting our people. It's all about finding the happy medium between spending and results. And that is they way I plan on winning over that 47% along with the rest of the American people.

  10. Barack Obama on his "you didn't build that" comment:
    No comment I have made through this whole campaign has been blown more out of proportion than my "you didn't build that" comment. If you were to look at the context in which I said the quote, it would be very easy to tell I was not saying your successes are not due to your own hard work, or your own intelligence. All I was saying is that you had some help along the way to get to where you are. You must have had, like I said, some teacher who helped guide you, some assistance from the government, some help from a friend. The American economy is designed to be interconnected, with businesses benefiting from each others help. The comment was not made to take credit away from any individual who was experiencing successes, but merely to point out that every individual did not get to where they are completely on their own.

  11. Mitt Romney on his "47% of this country won't vote for me no matter what I do" comment:
    First of all, when I said those comments, I was ad libbing, so everything I said could have definitely been phrased more eloquently than it was. That being said, I still stand by the sentiment of my comment- the sentiment being people who don't pay taxes will obviously be more attracted to President Obama's economic plan as opposed to mine. As I am not going to change my economic stance to help out those utilizing other people's taxes, I don't plan on that 47% of people to vote for me. My economic plan would force them to obtain money not just from the government. When I said that comment, I was not saying I only cared about the other 53% of America either; I care about the well being of all Americans. I was merely saying that from a policy standpoint, those 47% of people are almost certainly going to vote for President Obama, so I shouldn't really attempt to go after that voting block while campaigning, because my efforts would likely be fruitless.

  12. Mitt Romney on his Pro-Life views
    I have and always will be an advocate of Pro-Life-- my position has not changed. The American people may be misconceived about my views on the matter for in my debate with Ted Kennedy in 1994 I stated that abortions should be safe and legal. Yes, I do believe abortions should be legal-- for cases of rape, incest, and safety of the mother. There are over a million abortions a year, and I believe that this is a problem. Overturning Roe v. Wade would give way to a more Democratic process in which the states can decide their own abortion laws. I believe that life begins at conception, and as President I will protect this view, and protect millions of lives in effect.

  13. Barack Obama on Foreign Policy
    Senator McCain among millions of Americans have proudly served our great nation. Fortunately he wasn't among the millions who have lost their lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran. Although there may have been initial success in the war in Afghanistan, American troops started to spend time longer anticipated away from home-- and more lives have been taken away in effect. On the contrary to McCain's comments of my foreign policy decisions I would like to point out that in the past 3 years the United States military has made more progress than ever; over 20 top leaders of the Al Qaeda have been eliminated, built strong military forces in Afghanistan in order to protect themselves, and Osama Bin Laden has been killed. Now, finally, the chance to destroy progression of terrorist attacks is close within reach. With the economy and other domestic issues at home, it is time to stress all available time and effort on the United States and instead of pouring money into another country, to worry about our own. It is time for our soldiers to be reunited with their families and loved ones. It is time for lives not to be lost anymore.

  14. Obama on Healthcare:
    I do not believe in a government mandate of owning health insurance, however I want to give all Americans the oppourtunity to obtain affordable healthcare. My plan will allow people to get health insurance who previously could not because of the cost. My goal is to reduce the cost of healthcare and provide subsidies, which will ultimately encourage more people to buy health insurance. I said I would bring all political parties together in order to negotiate a plan that would work for everyone. In June 2012 my healthcare plan was passed by Congress, showing that the parties did work cooperatively to achieve my goal of reducing the cost of healthcare for Americans. I hope by making healthcare more affordable, the American public will realize what is at stake and buy healthcare for themselves.

  15. Romney on "Pro Life" Stance:
    I am firmly a pro-life candidate. I will support justices who follow the Constitution, and I believe in the sanctity of life from the very beginning to the very end. I completely oppose abortion and do not accept the idea of using embryos and killing innocent babies for scientific uses. In my debate with Ted Kennedy, I only stated that abortion should be legal because Roe v. Wade had been passed for such a long time that I didn't think it could be changed. However now, I realize that my assumption was wrong and will continue following my morals which lead me to believe that abortion is wrong and unjust. My goal is to overturn the decision in Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion.

  16. Obama on foreign policy:

    Senator McCain, one of the reasons that I was voted to the seat of president instead of you was because the American people wanted to put an end to this war. I ended the United States operations in Iraq, and I plan to end those in Afghanistan. It seems to me that the Iraqi war and this Afghan war are not winnable, and I am tired of seeing papers coming to my desk that let me know another American soldier died, as then I have to inform his or her family. This does not show that the American government is week, it shows that it is rational. We have stopped much of the Al-Queda regime by killing Bin Ladin as well as many other leaders, clearly showing that we want to put an end to terror. The cuts are not to remove our defense, they are simply to remove unnecessary costs and let the people keep more of their money.

  17. Romney on "47%":

    Let's be real here. There are absolutely die hard democrats that will vote for President Obama no matter what he does, and that is a fact. In the same way, there are many die hard republicans out there that will vote for me no matter what. This is why I have to focus on the 5-10% of the country that could go either way. I certainly did not mean to say that I don't care about the other half of the American people, I simply meant that these are the people that the President and I must focus our attention towards in terms of the election. The people in this country that do not pay taxes will vote for Obama because they feel that they are able to get more out of the government without doing anything to support it. There is no way that I can ever convince these people of my economic policies, so I might as well not waste my time.

  18. Romney on 47%
    Well, clearly in a campaign, with hundreds if not thousands of speeches and question-and-answer sessions, now and then you're going to say something that doesn't come out right.In this case, I said something that's just completely wrong.And I absolutely believe, however, that my life has shown that I care about 100 percent and that's been demonstrated throughout my life. And this whole campaign is about the 100 percent.It's not elegantly stated, let me put it that way. I was speaking off the cuff in response to a question. And I'm sure I could state it more clearly in a more effective way than I did in a setting like that.

  19. Romney on 47%
    When I said this, it was obviously not meant to mean that I disregard that percentage of Americans that are more dependent on the government. What I meant is that for this election right now, these Americans who receive benefits from the government and do not pay an income tax will want their lives to continue as such, thus automatically voting for Obama. There is little I can do to change their minds, and so i will, for the election, focus my attention on the people whose choices on who to vote for I can change. It is this 5 to 10 percent of Americans that will be the deciding factor in this elections and so it will be their votes that I will be fighting against Obama for.

  20. Obama on the Economy
    Four years ago I promised to do my best to help the troubled American economy. During these four years I have done my best to fulfill that promise. I have created 4.5 million new private sector jobs, which has lowered the unemployment rate by two percent. I have also invested money into infastructure, healthcare, education, and new technologies such as alternative energy sources. My idea is to invest money instead of spend it, in order to create a healthy economic climate in which businesses have the opportunity to thrive. It is in the hands of businesses, big and small, not the government, to fix the economy. My job is to ensure that they are in a healthy envirnment which supplies them with the opportunity to do so. The drastic change that the American economy is looking for takes time to accomplish, and if elected during the next four years I will continue to do everything in my power to continue helping the American economy.
    -Katie Wall

  21. Obama "You didn't build that" comment:
    This comment was taken way out of context from its original meaning. I did not mean that the only reason Americans are successful is because they had help. No, I meant that the American people are all interconnected in some way and because of that, the things people do are sometimes helped along by others. For example, a child in school is helped by his teacher to do well, or a new business is helped by the government to grow. This does not take away from the individual effort and successes of the person, it just means that we all work together to reach goals.

  22. Romney on the 47% comment
    My views are very conservative, and for that reason strong democrats may not agree with my stance on several major issues. This is all that I meant by the comment about 47% of voters. Many of my views such as those on social issues such as gay marraige and abortion, health care, and several economic issues contrast with those of President Obama along with most Democrats. These voter will subseqquently not be siding with me. By this comment I was also trying to refer to significance and importance in which I regard independant voters. The moderate middle ten percent of voters are an important group, and I hope to reach out to these Americans.

  23. Obama on the economy:
    I’m running because I believe you can’t reduce the deficit — which is a serious problem, we’ve got to deal with it — but we can’t reduce it without asking folks like me who have been incredibly blessed to give up the tax cuts that we’ve been getting for a decade. I’ll cut out government spending that’s not working, that we can’t afford, but I’m also going to ask anybody making over $250,000 a year to go back to the tax rates they were paying under Bill Clinton, back when our economy created 23 million new jobs, the biggest budget surplus in history and everybody did well. Just like we’ve tried their plan, we tried our plan — and it worked. That’s the difference. That’s the choice in this election. That’s why I’m running for a second term.

  24. Romney on Foreign Policy: The one thing America needs is strong leadership. America needs this leadership to free nations from oppression. I am concerned that the President has not been strong enough in voicing America’s values throughout the world. The citizens of the United States need to see that Obama is not doing an adequate job at keeping the peace as seen with Egypt and Libya. His use of drones is something that we need to do more of. We are going to need a strategy to remove terrorists from the Middle East. I see abundant discourse in the Middle East, Syria, Lebanon, and especially Iran. We need to prevent Iran from creating a nuclear weapon. The president has not succeeded in doing this, the sanctions he has placed are not nearly enough. Our friends in the Middle East need to know that we stand by them, and Obama has not done this effectively. We need to protect our allies so that they will protect us. For example, Pakistan, we need to make sure that they have a more stable government.

    Obama on “You didn’t build that”: I meant what I said. Corporations have received aid from the government for a long time, and it is the government’s responsibility to assure the country’s citizens that free trade is available to them. By helping these companies, bailing them out when they are on the verge of bankruptcy, we create a stronger economy. No one person can do anything by themselves. The same principle applies to businesses. In a world as interconnected as the one we live in today, it is impossible to build a company from the ground up on your own. Someone helped you along the way, and I think that it is important that those people who have become successful and wealthy should give back to those who got them to where they are.

  25. Elizabeth Smoller
    Obama on “you didn’t build that”
    When looking at this statement out of context, I see that people could easily misunderstand me. I firmly believe that success is not based on the individual alone and that it is a series of situations that molded him or her that established the success on which he or she currently thrives on. No one person can acclaim all the glory just like one politician cannot claim all the credit for accomplishing something during his or her term. Similarly, America is not built on one man alone, but a series of strong men and women that worked hard to establish this land of limitless economic opportunities in which everyone has the option to reinvent themselves. I stand by what I said in this statement because in my second term, I want to continue to fund programs that can serve as the launching pad for people to become successful- the more individual success in this country, the better off the nation will become. It is impossible to say that you accomplished something significant all on your own because there are numerous factors that contributed to that success. So yes, “you didn’t build that”- someone else laid the foundation and your contribution created the triumph in your personal accomplishment.
    Therefore there is no reason as to why I would refute this statement and I do stand by it completely.

    Mitt Romney on “pro-life”
    Campaigns against me have pegged me as a politician who has changed his views to better acclimate the most votes. In other words, I am accused of changing my view on a situation depending on the reactions I receive from the general public. This is absurd. I have made it perfectly clear that I am a pro-life candidate. My goal as president is to cut spending to organizations such as Planned Parenthood so that people are left choice-less and must comply to giving birth no matter the circumstances. This is my personal belief and just as I am openly public about imposing my personal views on gay marriage, same constitutes for abortion. There is no logical explanation as to why I would change my view- especially because America is well aware on my standpoint on this extremely touchy subject. Nonetheless, I deny all claims that I have ever ran a campaign other than pro-life and that I intend, once I become president, to make it so that number of abortions in this country significantly declines.

  26. Obama on Foreign Policy:
    McCain said "foreign policy is what's at stake this election." If this is true, than Romney clearly has no place in this debate. With no foreign policy experience at all, blunders are bound to happen. And it's important to note that in such harsh environments any slip up has the potential to escalate into further confrontations. Before I took office, I had 4 years of working on the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee under my belt. When I was president, the first thing I ordered my new CIA Director was to make Obama bin Laden his first priority. And Romney, because he has so little experience, won't be able to do anything like that. These aren't skills you can pick up the first day you take office; this knowledge takes years to understand. I've been able to act with immediate urgency and respond to situations appropriately to not only improve relations with other countries but to benefit us as a country as well. Romney has, on several occasions, criticized my lack of aggressiveness in dealing with foreign affairs but if you look at what I've been able to accomplish thus far, his claims are simply not true.

  27. Obama - The Economy
    Looking back at when I was elected President and the economic status of America today, it is clear that the economic policies I implemented have been successful. All our problems have not been resolved, however due to my policies, unemployment has been decreasing. I know that business is the engine of our economy therefore I have brought many jobs back to America making sure that there are fair opportunities for the American people and when I rescued the auto-industry, I saved millions of jobs. I have revived manufacturing jobs and have even promoted international trade, which has not only increased competition in the global marketplace, but has created more jobs. It is my duty to create a stable economy and create more economic opportunities for the American people.

    Romney- 47%
    To be the President of the United States, you must care about 100 percent of the people. The point I wanted to bring up was obviously not worded in a clear manner. What I was trying to explain was that no matter what, there will be people who will vote for Obama and they aren’t going to change their minds. The 5-10 percent of the population that are independent or undecided is the group that I must focus on to open their eyes and try to change their minds. I have always cared for all of the American people, not just certain groups, and my actions through out my life have clearly demonstrated that.

  28. Romney- The Value of Campaign Promises
    It has been made clear that I am a person who is pro-life. Ideally, I would like Roe v. Wade overturned and abortion made illegal. However, if I had my way and was able to appoint justices who would support this decision, it would not make abortion illegal unless the states chose to do so. In a world where abortion was completely illegal, it would be foolish to think women would not get them anyway. They would be available, however since they are illegal and unregulated they would be unsafe, unsanitary, and ultimately harmful to women. So, although I stand by my pro-life stance, I realize it is impossible to completely rid this country of abortion entirely, and for those that do happen it is for the best if they are safe for the woman and regulated by the government, however only resorted to in extreme cases.
    -Angelica Tesoriero

  29. Obama on "You Didn't Build That"
    There are so many people with potential to become successful. So many people are intelligent, intelligent enough to become successful and "go somewhere". I stand by my statement. If you've got a business, you didn't build that. If you started your own business, you were influenced by your surroundings. Something, or someone, influenced you to make the decision to start a business. The idea is planted in your head. The next step is to act on your idea. You then drive to potential locations for that business. You're being helped. You can't do it alone. There is always someone along the way, to help you and guide you. America was not built in a day. It took years, and efforts of many men to build this country, and get the United States to this point. Success does not happen in a day, and it certainly does not happen alone. I do not refute my previous statement, for the reason that somewhere along the way, someone contributed to your success, and helped you reach your ultimate goal.

    Romney on “47%”
    Yes, I could have rephrased my argument in a more professional manner. Yes, I could have expanded. However, I still stand behind my basic purpose of my speech. Those 47 % of voters who do not pay income taxes will continue to vote for Obama because of his tax plan. Because they have been supported by the government in the past, they will continue to support to current government, in an effort to not change their lives. I did not mean to disregard this percent of the population, and imply that I do not care for them. The fact of the matter is, I care for 100 % of America and its people. We are a unit, and must work together. By my statement, I merely meant that I must focus on becoming a unit, which is why I must focus on the independents, to show them I am worth supporting. The independents will be the decision of the election, and due to this, I must focus to draw support from them, because I cannot draw support from those 47 % of Americans who will vote for President Obama. I stand by my statement, in an effort to win over the American people, and win the election.

  30. Obama- Foreign Policy
    Senator McCain has got it all wrong. Just because our country is withdrawing from Afghanistan does not mean we are weak. It is known around the world that the United States has an extremely powerful military. The senator has a valid point though, when he says these men and women work very hard to defend this country. That is undoubted. So because of that, I refuse to continue to endanger their lives and have soldiers die everyday if I can do anything to keep them safe. In these hard economic times, we simply can not afford to stay in Afghanistan. Our soldiers have fought long and hard and it is time they come home to their families.
    Angelica Tesoriero

  31. Romney on “Pro-Life”:
    Despite being referred to my political views as being indecisive, I can truthfully say and promise that I am 100% pro-life on the issue of abortion. The idea of eliminating a child at any stage of development is immoral and goes against everything my religion is about. The fact that I understand where the Democratic party is coming from in their view of pro-choice does not make me agree with that belief. By saying that I understand it, my words have been taken out of context. I do, in fact, support pro-life and will make changes to hopefully eliminate Roe v. Wade. This topic is a closed issue within the republican campaigning party. We all share the same views on the subject.

    Obama on “Foreign Policy”:
    I understand that our country has faced a long, dangerous war that has affected the lives or millions. The war with Afghanistan has taken its toll on the American people and it is my job to end it. America, we need to prove our leadership to foreign countries. We are faced with problems in the Middle East every day and it is important for us to withdraw our forces from the dangerous situations at hand. It has been a long 11 years at war. It is my duty to bring our troops home and pull back on our military. I know it seems like a lot of money being cut from military expenses, but with the economy we are in today, it is more rational and beneficial for the rest of the country to make amends to the military and take our troops back to America, where they belong.

  32. Obama, "You Didn't Build That!"
    Many criticisms have come up lately over a statement I had made in response to the claim that there are people out there who have "worked harder" and therefore earned their wealth. The fact is, is that somewhere in your life you have been helped by one person or another. You didn't become the million dollar buisness entrepenuer by teaching yourself about economics. You had help from a teahcer or a professor that passed his or her knowledge down to you. No one out there is "self made". No one in America works harder than someone else because everyone is working to their potential and it is my job to support those who may not have the financial or academic support that who have boosted those "others" into the social class they are in today. Therefore, I do not firmly believe that "you did not build that."

  33. Romney: Pro-Life
    People in everyday life change their viewpoints on a subject after they have had time to reflect on their own opinions. I, being a person like anyone else, have had time to reconsider the question of the legality of abortion. Over this time I have come to realize that abortion is an abomination to the sanctity of life. I am a firm believer in that all life should be given a chance and will continue to to support my pro-life stance throughout my campaign.

  34. President Obama - Out of Context

    I stand by my words despite the criticism. The point that I wanted to make was that the success of the wealthy depends upon the labor and hard work of the working class. One can't become successful on his/her own. Entrepreneurs require education and that education is provided by working class people, teachers. It is only right that we must ensure the welfare of teachers and the working class because without them we wouldn't be able to produce successful business owners and entrepreneurs. The notion that one can become successful without any help is ludicrous. Successful individuals often have had more opportunities along the way which helped contribute to their success. We need to ensure that these opportunities are available for all Americans. It is wrong to think that the wealthy have no responsibility for the welfare of the poor. It is wrong to think that wealth is the sole determining factor is how smart or how hard working an individual is. We must remember that even the working class play an important role in shaping the nation.

  35. Obama, in response to Senator McCain.
    Senator McCain has said that my administration has shown no global leadership. He has said that our allies throughout the world including Israel doubt the United States. He has said that my administration does not protect our troops. This is simply not true. My record speaks for itself. Throughout out my four years in office I have not weakened ties globally; however, I have strengthened them. We have mobilized the world against Iran and its nuclear efforts. We have ended the war in Iraq and blunted the momentum and growth of the Taliban. Is this not enough? Osama Bin Laden is dead. A decision that would not have been made by Governor Romney. We have formed coalitions throughout the globe for more restrictions in nuclear arms. We are committed to ending the war in Afghanistan, maintaining peace in the Middle East, but is this still not enough? Senator McCain brought up military cuts. What he failed to mention are what the money will be used for. The money from wars that we will not be involved with any longer under my administration will be used to cut the deficit and to revitalize the infrastructure of the United States. In addition, to those that have served, they will not be forgotten. We will, without a doubt, one hundred percent, help them in finding a job and living a successful life after serving. Not enough?

  36. Barrack Obama on Health Care:
    I believe my administration has accomplished what is necessary to benefit the people with the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Everyday in the United States people were suffering or watching their loved ones suffer because of an illness. With this act we have made health care accessible to those people of lower economic statures, who once could not afford these beneficiaries. By delving out subsidies to low and middle income Americans it allows them a way to purchase this vital protection. We have accomplished our goal of making healthcare affordable for all citizens and have also worked with our Republican brothers and sisters to ensure that most all Americans have a qualified health insurance. The health of our citizens is important and in making healthcare insurance affordable we have an easier time making sure to reinforce that everyone is properly cared for with this coverage.
    Mitt Romney on Out of Context:
    I absolutely stand by my word in stating that 47% of people in the United States will assuredly not vote for me. Though, allow me to rephrase my statement and further explain this statistic. These percentages of people who do not pay income tax are those who are unemployed or elderly. If you have rightfully retired and collect social security no taxes are being paid because they are simply not working. This goes for the unemployed who do not have a job and therefore are not making money in which the federal government can tax. These people are not going to vote in my favor because their economic stability relies on government cut taxes for the middle class. By no means am I not concerned with the economic well-being of these people but their economic perspectives are much different than what I have campaigned. I hope I have clarified my motives and point-of-view on this juncture.

  37. Mitt Romney: Economy
    Bailing out the auto-industry and implementing programs like cash for clunkers were not the what the country needed to rebuild the economy. You cannot just take money from taxpayers and use it to stimulate the auto industry--it's not how things work, and that is what I argued from the beginning. I think people misunderstood my comment about "Letting Detroit go bankrupt." Bankruptcy, is not liquidation. Bankruptcy allows enterprises to go through the courts, reorganize and come out stronger. Eventually, the Obama Administration realized that these companies had to be moved to bankruptcy--but only after spending $17 billion. If the country had followed my plan to begin with, we could have saved billions of dollars. I have spent 25 years working in the private sector, and I understand the fundamental principles of the economy and how things work, knowledge that is crucial to getting our country back on the right track and recovering the economy.

  38. Romney, in response to "47 percent video"
    Obviously, what I said was not elegantly stated; however, to my defense, it was off the cuff and we still do not know the question originally asked. But I do stand by what I said. The president has 47 percent of the voters that will vote for him no matter what, but I, too, have an incredible amount of voters that will vote for me. The 47 percent that will vote for Obama, who rely upon the government, will not favor my policy of slimming down the government. I must then shift my focus to voters in flux. Voters who can go either way. Voters who can shift the election in my favor. As we all know, the president and I differ on how the government should be run. The president favors a large centric government, and I, a government that is slimmed down and favors free enterprise and a free individual society. Over the past four years, the president’s policy has failed. We have had 43 months of unemployment above 8 percent and 15 million on food stamps. My job is to change that, and I will change that. My plan will bring forth 12 million new jobs plus rising take home pay for Americans. The United States will be prosperous once again under a Romney administration.

  39. Romney on Abortion:
    Like many Americans, my views on the world around us change to reflect the changing times and to reflect our country's current situation. After deep thought, I did change my views on abortion from pro-choice to pro-life. I believe that life starts as soon as life is born, and that abortion should be viewed as a form of murder. I believe that all life is sacred from beginning to end. I will appoint justices that share this point of view and I will do everything in my power to repeal Roe v. Wade and end federal funding for Planned Parenthood. Let me be clear, I did not change my stance due to political pressure or possible political gain. This change was made based on my own changing morals due to today's always-changing society.

  40. Obama: Healthcare
    In the past people have simply been unable to afford healthcare or denied health coverage due to preexisting conditions. The Affordable Care Act is a solution to these problems. It was not fair that these people could not receive healthcare and I believed that needed to be changed. This act reduces the cost of healthcare and provides subsidies, allowing more people to buy it and eliminates discrimination based on pre-existing conditions. In saying this, my goal was to increase health coverage throughout the nation and help those that were struggling. That is exactly what we did. I do not believe in government-mandated healthcare, but I do believe that everyone who wants health coverage should have access to it.
    The Affordable Care Act truly is an accomplishment. In the past efforts to enact universal healthcare have failed because Democrats and Republicans failed to work together. Under my leadership, Democrats and Republicans have come to work together. It is shown through the passage of The Affordable Care Act and I stand behind what I have said throughout the past couple of years. Romney’s plan to repeal “Obamacare” would take health coverage away from millions and that is not what the country needs.

  41. Mitt Romney –Pro-life
    Throughout my career I have never denied my views on abortion. I am a believer in pro- life and always have been. I have always made my personal beliefs on this issue clear. I feel that the American leaders must have strong morals, and I will support Supreme Court justices who share similar views on the issue. My comments during the 1994 election were blown out of proportion. I am not “playing politics” with such an important issue like the Obama administration would like you to believe. I have always been open about my strong faith and my pro-life stance. As president I plan to eliminate government funding for organizations such as Planned Parenthood and reconstruct abortion laws.

    Obama – “You didn’t build that”
    When making this speech I did not mean to belittle the success of working citizens. People should celebrate their achievements because they have worked hard for their successes in life. My syntax was poorly chosen, but I stand by what I said. The point I was trying to make is that in some point in everyone’s career they have received help from someone along the line be it a colleague, a teacher, or a family member. In today’s hard times people need to remember who helped them, and that they would not be where they are today without their supporters. People need to realizes this and realize the need to give back and help others. Society relies on relationships. Every business no matter what sizes requires helps and under my leadership the government will continue to support American businesses.

  42. Obama on Economy:
    My economic policies were delayed multiple times by the Supreme Court and by some members of Congress not willing to compromise on several important issues. However, I have achieved my goal of getting unemployment down to under eight percent. I have achieved my goal of creating millions of jobs by rescuing the auto industry and by stimulating our global economy. My job as president is to rescue the economy and to end the recession for the sake of the American people so that they may live happy and comfortable lives without the fear of not earning enough to put food on the table. I have achieved so much in these past four years, and it is clear to see that our country is better off in 2012 than it was in 2008.

  43. Romney on Economy:

    I have been working in the American business world for over 20 years and I know how it functions. President Obama implemented a $17 billion bail out for the American auto industry, but what money did he use? The tax-payer's. He promised that throughout his term, he would lower the unemployment rate to below 8% but after all this time, it is still rising above that percentage, which is scary seeing all the money he's stolen from the hard-working middle-class. In 2008, I stated that we should let Detroit go bankrupt and I fear I didn't make myself very clear. By claiming bankruptcy, a company is getting the chance to go through the court system, reorganize themselves, and return into the economy bigger and stronger than before. Our federal government took billions of dollars from our tax-payers, money that was used to bail out a failing company. My experience in the economic field will help this country and supply us with what we need to decrease unemployment and increase success.

    Obama on "You Didn't Build That":

    When I look at myself, I think I am successful. I am proud of who I am. but I know for a fact, that I did not do this on my own. I've had teachers, co-workers, consultants, and family who have all helped me along the way, creating the man you see before you. This summer, I was campaigning in Virginia and I made a comment explaining how one person's success is not a result of their own intelligence and hard-work, but is the result of the people who have mentored and guided you to where you are. I still feel this way. No person is born with the knowledge of how to ride a bike or play baseball and those who have exceptional teachers, will develop exceptional skills. No person can claim all the glory, because no person is completely knowledgeable right away. I do not take back my word despite the criticism. I know that praise is given to those who deserve it, and those who deserve it are the people who helped you get to where are today.

  44. Obama on "You Didn't Build That":
    Let me be clear, what I meant by this statement-and maybe it was a bit harsh-was that a person cannot succeed without the help of others. Someone before us citizens had to have built the foundations for people to thrive. Whether it was a teacher giving you the foundation of an education, or a bank giving you the money to start your business, you did not get there by yourself or on your own. You can be hardworking and successful, but in order to have gotten to this point, somewhere along the line you were not alone. And so to say "you didn't build that" is true. You did not build your success without assistance.You did not get there on your own terms.

  45. Romney on "the Value of Campaign Promises":
    Now, there's been a great deal of questioning my stance on abortion. I am, in fact, pro-life and always will be. People like to twist my words so to speak and portray my views untruthfully. In 1994 which was a while back, 18 years to be precise, I did state I was in favor of abortion. I feel that Roe v. Wade should stand; a woman needs to protect her health in the incidences of rape and incest. My position has not changed, nor will it during this election. Being pro-life is not just a matter of the unborn child, but the life of the mother as well.

  46. Mitt Romney on the Economy-
    I do disagree with the bail out plan. Businesses need to go through bankruptcy on their own in order to get out of the slump that they're in. The country was in a horrible place when Obama took office, his bail out plan was a terrible idea. Since the auto industry had gone through bankruptcy, which is not the complete termination of a business, it has actually gotten better. Although Obama promised to increase employment, which he hasn't, Detroit is doing better and the American auto industry is becoming one that can compete with auto industries in other countries.

    Obama on the Economy-
    No, I can not easily say that the recovery plan has worked considering the unemployment rate is above 8%. Numbers do not lie, it would be hard to refute that. However, my administration has done everything in our power to try and turn this around. We cut unnecessary government spending as well as kept our plan and our process as open and honest to the public as possible especially with the launch of the website. Our businesses themselves, however, have the main responsibility to determine what exactly happens to our economy. Their decisions are just as important, if not, more important than any decisions my legislation and I propose.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Romney “Pro-life”-
    As a bishop in the Mormon Church, I believe, and have always believed, that abortion is wrong. I believe life begins at conception and that abortion is taking away the life of an unborn child. I am a pro-life candidate and if I become the President of the United States I plan to not only attempt to overturn Roe vs. Wade, but also remove funding for Planned Parenthood out of my budget. I believe that Roe vs. Wade is one of the darkest moments in Supreme Court history and I plan to do my best to have it reversed. With Roe overturned, states will have the power to determine their own abortion laws and not have them dictated by judicial mandate. I am not trying to hide my pro-life views like the Obama administration is trying to demonstrate. My statement from the 1994 election was taking out of context. I believe abortion is immoral and I have always felt this way.

  49. Romney on the Economy:
    I think I made it pretty clear back in 2008 that I was against the bail out. My quote, "We should let Detroit go bankrupt" took on a life of it's own but now, 4 years later, we're starting to see how correct that statement was. It wasn't the billions of bailout money spent that rebounded the market but rather the reorganization of debt and processes. This steady growth can only be achieved after bankruptcy is claimed and that's exactly what happened. Obama's plan wasn't working and so what I saw as correct was successful. Tax money should never be spent on failing businesses. How is that fair? Instead we have to be smart about failures. We have to understand that not everything requires a hefty sum to fix. As seen with the American motor company - you can throw as much money as you want at the problem but its simple planning and rethinking that fixes the market.

  50. Obama on Healthcare
    When I first released the idea of Obamacare, people thought I contradicted my original plan where I stated I did not want the government to help mandate any of it. My experience as president has caused me to think otherwise and I turned my ideas into a plan that I felt would best fit the American people and offer them the help they needed. My original intent was to have it acknowleged and accepted by the Republicans but I see that it has not played too well with them. That being said, I believe I succeeded in getting the government jump on board with my plan even though I originally wanted to leave them out of my plan. I don't think I succeeded too well in satisfying the Republicans but I'm not surprised. I think any idea I throw at them, they'll spit back out. It's all about the people and what's best for them.

  51. Romney on "47%"
    Yes, my words my have been taken out of context, but I do stand by everything I have stated. This 47% of Americans who will not vote for me in this election are dependents on the government in order to live. They rely on the government for healthcare, everyday meals, and their homes; in this manner, these Americans make the choice to support Obama to ensure they will have a happy future. This assumed percent of voters, who are in favor of my opponent, is derived from the 47% of Americans who fail to pay an income tax. This reason may be due to unemployment or social security payments. Although my statement may come off as if I have no desire to obtain the support of these Americans, any efforts in my campaign that I could put forth in order to receive these votes would be useless. Just as Obama has, I have an assumed percentage of voters since they agree with my opinion in shrinking the size and role of the national government. In order to win this election, I hop to win the support of those voters who are continuously swaying between me and my opponent. If elected, my plan will generate millions of jobs for America, increasing the overall well-being of this country.

  52. Governor Romney on Medicare
    Although people may see my health care act of Massachusettes as being the same as Obmamacare, it is not. Mine will not allow free medcial aid to those who voluntarily choose not to have medical coverage. If someone can not afford the medical bills with their medical coverage that they already have, the government will then help pay for the medical costs. The government will not soley pay for ones medical cost but aid those who can not afford it. I will still repeal the Affordable Health care act but replace it with my own similar type of coverage.

  53. Governor Romney Pro-Life:
    I have and always will be a Pro-Life supporter. I believe life begins at conception and ends at death, and believe that abortion shouldn’t interfere with that cycle. Furthermore, I support justices that stand by the Constitution. In having said in the past during my campaign against Ted Kennedy, that abortions should be safe and legal, I do feel abortions should be legal in specified cases of rape or endangerment to the mother’s health. I for one believe that the misuse or overuse of abortion is a problem. Therefor I stand by overturning Roe v. Wade which allows for an independent route that states determine their own abortion laws.

    President Obama “You didn’t build that”:
    I did not mean for my statement to be construed as an insult or belittlement to any hard working or intelligent person. I meant what I said which is purely in the simplest terms, that help is always involved whether it is inspiration from a prior successor, education from a teacher, or resources provided by our country. Not one person can do everything by himself, even if he is the smartest or hardest worker. The world is filled with hardworking intelligent people. It is important that people realize government’s responsibility to provide aid/bail outs for companies and businesses. We are all connected in this world so I believe it is beneficial that the people, who have reached success, give back to those who helped to get them there.

  54. Obama on The Economy
    Since the unemployment rate is still above 8%, I must declare that the economic recovery plan did not generate as much immediate success as we had intended; however, I of course stand by everything I previously stated during my 2009 speech. Rome was not built in a day and with mending the turmoil our country has been involved in, it will take time. It is the obligations of the various business sectors throughout America to generate our economy. Through the passage of the National Recovery Act, we have rooted out unnecessary spending in the government and also made efforts to earn back the nation's trust. If one visits the National Recovery website, one will be informed that since its' passage in 2009, the national government has spent $776.4 billion on tax benefits, entitlements, and contracts, grants, and loans. Additionally, between April 1st and June 30th 2012, there were over 150,000 recovery funded jobs reported. The numbers do not lie and with these statistics it is evident progress has been made. It is the government's duty to invest money it what works and so we have invested it in the various business' throughout America. All Americans need to have confidence that the government's obligations to set the foundation for a reformed economy have been fulfilled and now the business' have the ability to stimulate growth.

  55. Foreign Policy

    President Obama, How do you respond to Senator John McCain's criticism of your foreign policy decisions?

    "Uhh.. although we have left Iraq, our military still has a strong presence in Afghanistan. I have taken the troops out of Iraq, because a large portion of Americans.. asked me to. Uhh.. now.. Israel is still being protected by out military, and I will continue to be allies with them."

    Governor Romney Pro-Life:
    "I am absolutely a Pro-Life supporter. Life begins at conception and there are other methods of avoiding having a child. Now, uhh, as you know I am a church goer. Everything god does he does for a reason. A life should not be terminated, you're cheating god's plan. Rape is often used as a reason to get an abortion. Now for young women, having a baby could hurt their health or kill them. This is a reason for an abortion that saves the women, in a legal and safe way. But other than that, abortion is a sin"

  56. Both on "Out of Context"

    Politicians are elected by talking. They talk more than any other job profession, so the more someone talks, the more likely they are going to say something that's really really dumb. Stuff like that happens to everyone, not only politicians, it's just that politicians are recorded and picked apart by the other party. I don't really think Obama meant that he doesn't like people that work hard or that people that work hard don't succeed on their own, because that's a lie. AP students are proof of that. Every AP student is eaither extremely smart or extremely hard working. And for romney's statement, it's just as much taken out of context. It's common sense that not everyone is going to vote for Romney; it is a heated race and it wil be close so 47% is pretty close. Some people will vote Democrat no matter what, as will people that always vote Republican.

  57. Barack Obama Foreign Policy
    Senator McCain fails to realize that he can’t just make up an imaginary record on my foreign policy. I have taken us out of the useless Iraq war which has done nothing but bankrupt us with no gain and create a weaker nation causing Iran to become a dominant power in the region with no rival. And yes we need to take the troops out of Afghanistan; the mission has finally been accomplished with my order to kill bin Laden. There are problems at home that need to be fixed and the nation building experiments need to be over with. I have also passed the most crippling sanctions against causing severe pains in their economy. I have clearly stated many times that I support Israel and they are our ally. America is once again a respected world leader forming coalitions to deal with foreign problems instead of going out alone like we did in our brilliantly conceived plan in Iraq.

    Romney 47 percent comment
    Yes what I said was taken out of context and I was ad-libbing a response but the essence of what I said is true. The president does have around 47 to 48 percent of the electorate who will vote for him. I know this because there is this thing called Google and whit this you might be able to search and learn about presidential elections from over the years. If you go home and do this you could possibly figure out that many of the presidential races are decided between 1 to 2 percent. I was saying that I need to fight for the 2 percent. I would like to apologies to the people I insulted in my comments after saying that you take no responsibility for your lives and rely on the government. I understand that the vast majority of you work and I am fighting for a better economy to work for you to improve your lives.

  58. Obama on "You didn't build that"

    -Everybody in the US that has been successful in life has received help to make them that successful in the first place. Even the most hardworking, talented, and intelligent person in the country would need some sort of assistance along the way. This assistance may range from extremely helpful advice to grants and manual labor. The government is the key when dealing with most of these types of "help." The government can provide assistance to the poor, the ambitious, and the creative people in the country who have dreams they would like to make a part of reality.

    Romney on Pro life statement

    -Although I might have previously stated by pro-choice viewpoints, I have had time since then to reflect on abortion in it's entirety. Abortion is a sin. Every person, whether he/she is even an embryo or zygote deserves the right to live. These unborn children might not yet roam the earth freely but they surely deserve the chance to. Now I understand there are a few exceptions. If a woman has been violated she clearly has the right to receive an abortion if she chooses. If she experiences any major health risks or problems during her pregnancy, she has the right to an abortion. Other than these few exceptions I am pro-life and believe every unborn soul has a right to walk this earth.

  59. As is the case for nearly any statement, opinion, or proclamation when taken out of context and pasted as is without further clarification or elaboration, misinterpretation is an inevitable fate—particularly in the case of a statement such as mine, which I would certainly like to clear up even if it had not been blown to this proportion. When I say “clarify” however, I have no intentions of correcting myself or using this opportunity to contradict myself; but after some elaboration I think it will become quite evident that my statement was and continues to be a feasible reality. Even when taken out of context as so, I would hope people would know better than to assume that I have no interest in the aforementioned percentage of people or to misconstrue my statement to mean that I in any way perceive this percentage as a “lost cause.” I absolutely hold the best interest of 100% of the population at the highest priority, and will strive to benefit each and every person as well as I am capable of doing—which I believe, the president’s approach will not be capable of doing as efficiently. That being said, I am surely not impracticable enough to hope that prioritizing the interest of that 100% will ensure me 100% of those new votes. To accuse me of not caring for the 47% I asserted will be voting for President Obama is simply and blatantly not the reality of this situation. What is the reality then, you might be wondering? The reality is that just as exclaiming my desire to benefit the whole of the population will not guarantee me the whole of the votes, exclaiming that I will institute a tax cut to people already exempt from paying income tax will not provide adequate (or any) incentive for them to vote for me. Clearly, those non-tax payers will inexorably favor President Obama’s plan, so it would be practical of me to shift my focus a bit more onto the receptive percentage of the population that I would be able to better appeal to.

  60. Obama “You didn’t build that”-
    True success occurs when we work together to achieve our goals. Everyone needs a little help now and then and it is important not to forget those who have assisted you in achieving success. In this way it is the governments job to help businesses and improve the economy as a whole so that the country may succeed. This does not mean that hard working individuals cannot achieve anything, but that it is the work and support of multiple people who help these individuals succeed.

  61. Governor Romney on Pro- Life:
    My stance on abortion has changed over my many years in politics, however I have always personally believed that life begins at conception. Many people choose to believe that I have switched my views because in 1994 I publicly supported the "morning after" pill, supported a federal bill protecting visitors to health clinics from anti-abortion violence, and I contributed $150 to a Planned Parenthood Fundraiser. What I want to stress is that supporting women's safety and health is NOT the same as supporting abortion. My first priority is to keep citizens of my state safe and healthy. I will not support legislation to legalize abortion, or fund abortion through the government. This position has never changed. While I have become more strict on my Pro-Life views, I have never been and never will be Pro-choice.

  62. President Obama on Foreign Policy:
    Senator McCain is entirely wrong in his views on foreign policy. The only thing he does have right is that the soldiers of the United States have fought long and hard to defend our country. It is time to take troops out of Afghanistan because we cannot let our men and women die any longer on the battle field. We simply cannot allow for any more families to be torn apart over this conflict. This does not make a me a weak person who does not stand up for American ideals but in fact makes me an intellectual person who realizes when it is finally time to bring American soldiers home to their families.

  63. Barack Obama - "You didn't build that":
    My words were completely taken out of context. When my full speech was analyzed, it was easy to see that I viewed the American system as a collective unit, not as individual success. When examining my internet example, one could clearly see that I was telling of the creation of great, life-altering inventions that were created not by one smart, successful person but was created by many hardworking citizens who strived to cooperatively achieve excellence. I stated that the teachers of America, the investors, the tradesmen all contribute to what each business does, and more specifically, what each citizen accomplishes. The teachers learn the students in various subjects, thereby preparing them for their vocation and the investors make it all possible. Everyone, no matter how smart, no matter how well-trained will always need a little help in their business ventures at one point in time. I stated that the American success story is not the work of one man's hard work and determination, but many men's.

  64. Tom Clemente
    Obama on Campaign promises
    Unfortunately, it is not as easy as it may seem to keep every promise that is made. While I do regret not opening the political process as much as it should have been, the American people have to understand that not everything that goes on in government is necessarily meant for their eyes and ears. There has to be some level of privacy when it comes to important conversations. I should be more clear in my expectations as president, and not make more statements that I can not undertake.

    Romney on Health Care
    While some of the ideas I have put forward as Governor of Massachusetts have been incorporated into the Affordable Health Care Act, I still believe that large parts of it are in a great need of change. I would still repeal this act in order to make the necessary changes, as it is a very important issue for the American people. One of the reasons it may seem like I have been less passionate about health care in recent weeks is because much of the focus has been on the economy, and President Obama and I have been addressing those facts. Health care is still an important issue to me and I believe that the Affordable Health Care Act must be repealed.

  65. Governor Romney - 47% Comment:
    My statement regarding the dividing of the electoral votes was completely taken out of context. Of course, there will be that section of the votes that will always go towards Mr. President no matter what is said, no matter what is promised, and no matter what is done, however, I did not mean in any sense that i did not care about that population. They are Americans, and they clearly are deserving of the same healthcare opportunities and civil liberties offered to everyone else. Their needs apply and are definitely relevant to my campaign and definitely to my future presidency. My plan is to simply delve into the depths that are the undecided and independent voters and switch them to my side; in no way was I stating that those votes that will always go towards Mr. President do not matter to me, of course they do.

  66. Obama, out of context:

    As usual, Mitt Romney has cherry-picked something I have said and taken it completely out of context. What I meant by that statement was that successful businesses still rely on both public and private initiative band funding. I am certainly not promoting socialism or dismissing the important roles of American businesses, but I stand by what I said before, in that for individuals to excel in America, they are guaranteed at one point or another to ask for help from the public sector.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. Romney on The Economy
    I made myself clear back in 2008 that I am against the bail out of the auto-industry with my statement, "We should let Detroit go bankrupt." That statement was misconstrued due to people's lack of understanding of the bankruptcy process. The government should not be handing out free money amounting to over $17 billion before realizing that the corporations should go through bankruptcy. They should go through the bankruptcy process FIRST in order to reorganize their debts, reduce costs, and eventually come back stronger. The way the Obama administration handled the bail out process along with the entire economy has been tragic. With my business credentials and the strength of my administration, we can spark this economy and put America back on top.

  69. Obama Foreign Policy
    Senator John McCain's claims that the United States is not taking a leadership role in affairs in the middle-east are untrue. Just because we have cut military spending does not mean that we have a smaller role; it means that a larger role is not necessary. The crippling sanctions that have been imposed destroy the economy of our threats, allowing us to send troops home. Our physical presence may be lowered but the enemy can still feel the United States the same way. The United States has been and will be recognized as a world leader.
    "We Got Him!"

  70. Mitt Romney: The Economy
    To be clear, I was opposed to taxpayers giving free money to the auto industry to fund a bailout. I was not opposed to a reform of the auto industry in some fashion. With the bail out plan and cash for clunkers program, the federal government would simply be adding to the seventeen billion dollars already given to the auto industry, without improvement. What I proposed, and what ended up being the solution that set the auto industry back on track, was bankruptcy. Yes, I said to “let Detroit go bankrupt;” however, I believe I was misunderstood. Bankruptcy does not refer to the liquidation of an enterprise. Rather, it refers to going through the motions of bankruptcy court, reorganization of the auto industry’s debts, reduction of their cost, and, in the end, the production of a stronger industry. The process of bankruptcy was necessary in order to reduce costs, and I am proud to say that we called it like it was—only seventeen billion dollars later did the President choose to follow through with my idea. Because the auto industry is now on the path of improvement, jobs have been saved. Employment is a pressing issue in this economy, but I know how to deal with these issues.

  71. Mitt Romney - Health Care:
    I've recently been informed that my opinion on certain issues is not perfectly clear to the American people, so first allow me to clear up any discrepancies anyone might have concerning my stance on the issue of health care in the United States. Firstly, I would like to let everyone know that if elected president, many major changes will have to be made to the Affordable Care Act, more popularly known as Obamacare. Affordable health care for everyone is a poorly thought out system that will only take away from the upper and middle classes in order to benefit the lower classes that are unable to afford health care. In addition to that, not everyone should be forced to receive healthcare; people should be given the option to choose whether or not they think healthcare is necessary for them. With that being said, people who choose not to receive health care better be able to pay for medical help (if they ever need it) out of their own wallet, because the government won't be there to help them out if such a time becomes apparent. I firmly believe that Obamacare is the wrong choice for America and that a better health care plan is needed to benefit those who deserve it and not just need it.

  72. Mitt Romney on Pro-life:
    I am a firm believer in the pro-life decision. I believe that every life is important from the very beginning to the very end. No parent should be able to make the choice to end a child's life before it can even begin. What I said in my earlier campaign for senator and my campaign now might be seen as differing views, but that is a misunderstanding. I support the safety and health of women if certain situations were to arise, but I am not in any way pro-choice. I am and will always be a pro-life supporter. I will support justices who rule by the constitution and do not legislate from the bench
    Obama on out of context:
    I stand behind what I said earlier about wealthy businesses not being created alone. Yes, maybe these wealthy businesses owners are very smart and hard-working. There are many people like this in today's society, but those who became successful business owners had some help. Help could be in the form of an education from teachers, from the American system in general, or simply from roads that allow you to travel to and from your potential successful business. This response was taken out of context. I stand by what I said because in order to be successful everyone needs some sort of help along the way no matter how intelligent or hard-working they are.

  73. Romney, foreign policy:

    America needs new foreign policy leadership. The Obama administration has taken credit for ending the war and withdrawing troops from Iraq, when in reality, Obama merely inherited his success from the Bush administration. The Status of Forces Agreement that was negotiated before Obama even took office stipulates the terms of U.S. withdrawal in accordance with the wishes of the Iraqi government. It was also the Iraqi government's decision to opt for the withdrawal of American troops. Instead of trying to tale responsibility for all of his foreign policy "successes" in Iraq, the President should have focused more attention on the crisis in Egypt and Libya. His inaction during such a critical time only highlights further how inept his foreign policies are. Under our current Commander in Chief, the U.S. appears weak and submissive, apologizing for what has happened in the Middle East, and failing to declare the attack on the American consulate in Libya as a terrorist act. Although currently the United States might seem like a divided country, if I am elected, I will reunite the people and make America strong again, both nationally and internationally.

  74. Mitt Romney on Healthcare:

    In the midst of being battered by other politicians, Romney remains calm, cool, and collected as he presents his views on healthcare. His sensible approach is rather logical, to say the least. Romney suggests that people take "personal responsibility," which is not a difficult thing to ask for; however, in this day in age, most people look for the quickest, easiest, and most effective solution to a problem, even if it is not the right thing to do. As part of this "personal responsibility," individuals who can afford healthcare, should not expect a "free ride" from the government; that money should be set aside for those families who really need it--the ones who are unable to afford it, etc. In a sense, Romney would not repeal all of the Affordable Healthcare Act since he wants the people of Massachusetts to buy a similar type of insurance. This would ultimately keep prices lows and ensure that the people are getting what they deserve (by eliminating "free rides" from the government).

  75. Obama "You didn't build that"-

    The Romney administration has once again taken one of my statements out of context. What I meant by that statement and my whole speech in Roanoke, was that even successful individuals benefited in some way from either other people or the government. I believe that our economy was built off of teamwork, and that business can benefit from the help of other people or the government. My speech was in no way meant to belittle businesses, but rather, state that in some way all businesses have had help from a third party. The government bailed out business and corporations to save jobs and keep businesses afloat. Therefore, the government in many ways helped to “rebuild” businesses and corporations. I stand by the statements I made in Roanoke, because as I previously states, all businesses and corporations have had help from either other people or the government.

  76. Obama (Foreign Policy)

    The Republican party is trying to influence the American people into believing that I do not wield effective control over foreign policy. They continue to assert that I have not made any lasting contributions to foreign policy during my first term in office. Let me be clear, they want to run against someone who is hesitant in standing up for American values domestically and globally. They are apprehensive and unwilling to face the fact that I indeed care about our great nation and its people. They are persistent in their claims that I display a lack of regard for our nation’s security, as well as the welfare and progress of nations around the globe. In their eyes, they refer to my desire to bring our young men and women home from the Middle East and my plan to reduce military spending as a failure in my role as president. I am in reality curtailing the excessive degree of funds apportioned to the armed forces. My plan is the furthest thing from an exorbitant setback to our military. It is merely an assurance that veterans and their families affected at home by our current economy will be granted something indispensable in the wake of our current fiscal state. Also, this will secure our people from any purported increases in taxes. Governor Romney supposedly claims to display an inclination toward economic responsibility. Subsequently, it is peculiar as to why he does not display an urge toward fostering plans to provide relief to our brave men and women and their families.

    1. Romney (Health Care)

      Despite the beliefs of the majority of Americans, I emphatically support universal health care. I vehemently disapprove of financial repercussion against those who fall short of meeting stringent federal mandates. Like my running mate Paul Ryan, I plan to divert money from Medicaid and other sources to the states, in the hands of the American people. Free enterprise is the way in which America works. My experience in the private sector has driven me toward applying these principles toward health care. We need to focus federal regulation of health care on making markets work. This encompasses both correcting common failures in insurance markets as well as eliminating counterproductive federal rules. For example, individuals who are continuously covered for a specified period of time may not be denied access to insurance because of pre-existing conditions. And individuals should be allowed to purchase insurance across state lines, free from costly state benefit requirements. Finally, individuals and small businesses should be allowed to form purchasing pools to lower insurance costs and improve choice. Health care will and should be more like a consumer market and less like a government program. This can be done by strengthening health savings accounts, which help consumers in saving for health expenses and in choosing cost-effective insurance. For example, we should eliminate the minimum deductible requirement for Health Savings Accounts. The market reforms I am proposing will drive down costs, better inform consumers and improve the quality of health care in our nation.

  77. Obama on Health Care:
    I hold the Affordable Health Care act to be a great feat of my administration. The Act is a solution devised to combat the trending complications of people struggling and suffering due to an inability to afford healthcare. Rather than turn a cold shoulder on those in desperate need of medical attention on a basis of their low income, health care, under the act, is made accessible to such people as a result of abridged costs and granted subsidies. The accessibility of healthcare to all includes Republicans and Democrats alike, which is why this is a process driven by the collaboration force of Democrats and Republicans towards ensuring universal qualified healthcare, as well as one that would not have been able to pass had the two parties not come to some sort of consensus. All-in-all, I hold true to my aspirations for the future of healthcare, while Romney’s intention to repeal the plan will prove nothing more than detrimental to this country of people seeking and requiring affordable healthcare.

  78. Allison Latini
    I feel that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), (Obamacare) that was signed into law on March 23, 2010, will accomplish the goal that I set out to complete in 2008 regarding Healthcare. PPACA will significantly decrease the number of uninsured Americans. It will reduce the overall costs of health care through providing mandates, subsidies, and tax credits to employers and individuals to increase the healthcare coverage rate.
    Additional reforms will improve healthcare by requiring insurance companies to cover applicants and offer the same rates no matter the condition or gender of the applicant. I want every American to pay what they can afford for healthcare coverage, so that in case of a medical emergency, Americans will not have to worry about how they will pay medical-related bills. Also, the Congressional Budget Office said that PPACA will significantly lower both deficits and Medicare spending in the future. I feel that I have been leading America in the right direction in regard to Healthcare. In my next four years of presidency, I will pursue this issue even further and ensure that all American citizens are provided with affordable healthcare coverage so that the nation can be healthy as a whole.

  79. Romney- Cash for Clunkers

    Bailing out the auto industry with programs like “cash for clunkers” was an inappropriate way to deal with the failing economy of the car business. When I said that America should “let Detroit go bankrupt” I was ultimately right, as seen in the case with General Motors. When an enterprise files for bankruptcy they are given the permission to go to a bankruptcy court, so that they can reevaluate their industry and get back on track. Bankruptcy does not coincide with liquidation, and the bailout programs were no help to that. Obama’s administration spent almost $17 billion dollars trying to save the auto industry before realizing that the industry would have to go through the bankruptcy process before properly regaining it’s strength. Had the auto industry filed for bankruptcy from the beginning, billions of dollars taken from taxpayers pockets would have been saved. I am a businessman by nature, and have experience working in the economy, so believe me when I say I know what I’m doing. I plan to fix the economy in a way that will give it long lasting strength and prosperity.

    Obama- “You didn’t build that”

    I feel as though my comments may have come across in a harsh way, but in reality what I truly meant is quite true. No one does absolutely everything on their own. Somewhere along the line, someone helped you out on the road to success. Whether it be a school teacher, a family member, or other source of help, this person aided you and inspired your current success. Sure, we may be smart, or hardworking, but we can’t do everything alone. If you have a business, you certainly “didn’t build that” as one single person. We Americans need to realize that what this nation needs to prosper is help cooperation from one another. We need to realize that success does not come solely from one person, rather it is build by the support of others. If we can realize this, we will all have the chance to be successful in our lives.

  80. President Obama - "You didn't build that"
    About a month ago, I made a comment to the nation's business owners. Talking about their success, I said “you didn't build that.” I said you didn't build that because somewhere along the way someone helped you. Most likely, some agent of the government--those scapegoated by the Republicans' hatred for a society in which taxpayer money is used to help out folks in need--gave you a tip, taught you something, gave you an idea or the confidence to make your dreams a reality. Fortunately, we have a free enterprise system in this country which is relatively unrestricted by government interference. I have said repeatedly that the free enterprise system is the greatest tool for economic growth in the history of mankind. Yet, my friends in the Republican party continue to talk about me like I'm a socialist--like I hate small business owners, and don't want the people to whom I've dedicated my life's work to succeed. That's just not true. I support the American people. I want to see them succeed across the board, and I recognize that in order to do that, they might need a little help. Rather than incriminating the government for giving those in need that support, I am simply saying that government can and does have a positive influence on Americans' lives. You did build your own business, and fortunately, the American government was around to help you get to where you are today. And I am proud of that.

  81. President Obama--"You didn't build that" (sorry I'm only typing this up now, I originally wrote it out and I only got use of the computer/wifi back recently.)

    My statement "You didn't build that" is not only tremendously out of context but is totally blown out of proportion. When I said the statement, I meant that everybody uses a little help when creating something great. In this case, when creating small businesses, people often can't do it by themselves; they need the help of others, they need knowledge, they need resources, they need government help. The statement was simply taken out of context. I am totally in support of small businesses and I praise the hard work and dedication of these business owners, however, everybody needs a little help here and there. We all need to realize that we need to work as a cooperative unit and we need teamwork to prosper as a whole.

    -Shannon Batt

  82. Allison Latini

    Obama Healthcare

    Yes, I acknowledge that in 2008 I was opposed to the idea of mandated government healthcare because I thought that people should have a choice as to whether or not they have health insurance. As I said in an interview in July 2009, I changed my mind when I realized that the reason people don't have health insurance is not because they don't want it. IT's because they can't afford it. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act will reduce overall healthcare costs by making services available to the 32 million who currently can't get health insurance. My plan provides for everyone-people can't be denied insurance due to their inability to pay for it, sickness, pre-existing conditions, or gender.
    In terms of reaching across party lines, my plan is comparable to the Republican's version of healthcare reform from 1993 known as the Health Equity and Access Reform Today Act, which was even supported by Governor Romney.
    In fact, Gov. Romney urged me to pass healthcare legislation similar to that which he signed into law in Massachusetts in 2004.
    Both mine and Romney's plans require that every individual obtain health insurance.
    Look, not everybody likes wearing seatbelts, but no one can deny that they save lives. The same can be said about health insurance. It is absolutely necessary. None of us has a future that is guarantees to be free of illness or accidents.
