Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Debate Prep: Decision 2012

Healthcare Debate:

President Obama a central part of the Affordable Healthcare Act requires a government mandate of owning health insurance, yet in 2008 you campaigned vehemently against mandated government healthcare.  In addition, you noted a strength of your leadership was reaching out to republicans so that they would be more accepting of your healthcare ideas.  Do you feel you have accomplished either goal in your first term as President?
Governor Romney, you've repeatedly argued that the first thing you would do is repeal Obamacare.  Yet many of the ideas you championed as Governor of Massachusettes were incorporated into the Affordable Healthcare Act.  In addition, after the primary you have seemed to have dialed back your anti-obama care this true?  Would you still repeal all of the Affordable Health care Act?

The value of Campaign Promises

President Obama how do you respond to Jack Cafferty's criticism of your ability to work with the opposing party and promote a political environment of openess and transparency?

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Governor Romney you have campaigned on being a Pro-Life president who would appoint judges who would seek to overturn Roe v. Wade, yet in your campaign against Ted Kennedy(1994) for Senator you claimed that you believed "abortion should be safe and legal in this country" Have you changed your position on this issue?

Foreign Policy

President Obama, How do you respond to Senator John McCain's criticism of your foreign policy decisions?

Governor Romeny, do you feel that UN Ambassador Rice is incorrect when she lists President Obama's role successes in Foreign Policy?  Why did you choose to openly criticize the President's actions so early in the crisis in Eygpt and Libya?  Are you concerned that leaders abroad will see the people of the US as a divided people?

The Economy

President Obama can you claim that the economic recovery plan was successful considering that for years later the unemployment rate is still above 8%?  Do you stand by this speech in which you challenge the American people to hold you accountable?


Governor Romney, were you opposed to the bail out plan and cash for clunkers program which helped put the auto industry back on track?  

Out of Context "What did you mean by this statement and do you stand by it?:

President Obama - "You didn't build that"


Governor Romney - "47% of this country won't vote for me no matter what I do.."

Just For Fun: Homer Simpson Votes