Friday, December 26, 2014


Today's Date (For example: Jan. 1 2015)
Dear President __________ (Write the President's name here),
In the body of the letter, you should first briefly introduce yourself. Remember to include you name and address so that you can receive an answer to your letter.

Explain why you are writing this letter to the President. Perhaps you have a question, a suggestion, an opinion, a request, a concern, or a criticism for the President.

Look up the President's schedule ( and using critical vocabulary from the President's Packet, write well thoughtout questions, concerns or requests.)  Please avoid expressing your personal politics but rather assert you concerns as a high school students starting your adult lives.  The letter should focus on a day in the life of the President.

My goal here is that you
A) can use critical vocab to ask questions about the President's day and
B) express your concerns as a young citizen

The President's schedule can be found at this link:

Ask the President specifically for a response that you would like (for example, you might request that the President visit your city or support legislation helping students).
Remember to thank the President for reading your letter.

Thank you, (or use another closing phrase)
(Sign your name here)

Acopy of your letter is due to me on January 6th/7th depending on our day 1/ day 2 schedule.

We will mail them together.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Winter Break Assignment:


Watch a movie about the Presidency and blog a review of the movie citing 5 critical vocabulary terms from the packet provided to you in class.

Here are some choices:

Romantic Comedies: 

The American President


Classic Movie:

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Action Adventure: 

Air Force One

Historical recreations:


Thirteen Days

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Capaign Finance Reform

Lobby groups and other special interests allow Americans a voice in government.  What dangers are present in American democracy when that access into the government is abused?
Watch the following video and offer your opinion using at least two vocabulary words from the unit.