Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Flipped Classroom # 3

The First Amendment

To what extent should the government be allowed to practice Prior Restraint?

Please watch the Google Presentation below and leave aquestion or comment below.


A copy of the Google Presentation is in the msd23.org account that we used in class to write the Amicus Curiea Briefs

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Two of the following essays will be on Thursday/Friday’s Quiz.  You will be required to write one for the quiz in class.

Topic: Judicial Activism as compared to Judicial Restraint

  1. Define Judicial Activism.

  1. Explain the public policy interest that addressed in Roe v. Wade and its companion case Casey v. Planned Parenthood.  Address specifically why many textualists may feel that Roe v. Wade is considered to be Judicial Activism.

  1. Evaluate the validity of the following statement “The public views the Supreme Court as a single issue institution”

Topic: Origins of Judicial Power

  1. Define Judicial Review

  1. Explain TWO precedents set by the Marshall Court.  Be certain to address the manner in which these cases expand Federal Power at the expense of the states.(You may NOT use Gibbons v. Ogden in this part of the essay)

  1. Evaluate the role that Gibbons v. Ogden plays in the modern interpretation of interstate commerce.

Topic: Amicus Curiea Briefs

  1. Define Amicus Curiea Briefs

  1. Explain how interest groups use briefs influence public policy by citing a specific example.

  1. Evaluate the role of the solicitor general. Is it valid to say that the government has an unfair advantage in case to which it is a party.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Flip Classroom # 2
I plan to walk you through the history of the Supreme Court in an effort to help you understand the best way to study the case law section of the AP exam.
Does the Supreme Court have moodswings?

Click on the link and please watch the video lectures, take notes and leave me a question on the blog.  Use The handouts in your packet to help.